The term meritocracy was first used to criticize the very idea that society works as a hierarchy on the merit of each.

Liberals didn't read the book, but they just looked at the title and thought "hey, that'll make a good story"
Most people who work their rear ends off don't get rich. Amazon delivery guys, truckers, construction workers, nurses etc. "Work harder then you get six figures you just have to want it more". FDP voter mindset
You can write and moan all day but what boils down is the fact that you're not gonna achieve anything with this mindset by pointing fingers at people having more wealth than you instead of trying to improve yourself better. Nobody but yourself can highly improve your own social standing. You don't like the truth, that's why you got massively pissed at my posts.

However, I'd like to point out one thing: I don't know a single thing about your social standing, your eduction or what kind of job you have. Maybe you're quite well off but you are still pissy at people still being more wealthy than you. Or maybe you're struggling or maybe not. So I can't say much to it, it's not possible without prior knowledge. What I can say is that your entire argument is based on prejudice and pure generalisation when you completely lost the focus to how people struggle each day to either keep their wealth in track or how to exist in the first place. That's the issue which you cannot handle.
Supporters in the crowd allegedly alerted police to the man, crawling onto a nearby building with a rifle in hand, and were ignored.
And perhaps most shocking of all, one report claims a local police officer confronted the shooter on the roof before climbing down - seconds before Trump was hit.
Shocking reports have revealed that the roof in question was even dubbed a security risk before the shooting.
Sources close to the Secret Service told NBC that the building was assessed by agents ahead of the event.
This makes no sense. Why would the police officer do nothing about the literal gunman on the roof? Was this rehearsed? Did someone force Crooks do shoot Trump?
Yes, the competition is vast, that's why only few get truly rich.
No, that's not because of the competition, Elon musk is one of the clear example, completely dumb and yet, completely rich. Its not about being better, its about having the best conjonction of capitals.

If you paid more attention to my post, you'd have realised that I also addressed these points.
Badly yes

This is something that everyone can do with the right education

Looking out for shares. Laziness is an absolute no go for business owners.
Oh.. don't go down that road mate

It's just idealistic nonsense.
Actually, it you who is the idealist one.

As you know, I'm a materialist. The understanding of the myth of meritocracy and the understanding of capitals is a MATERIALIST mindset.

On the other hand, believing in meritocracy and the myth of merit when reality literally shows that its a myth is a PURE idealistic mindset.

Do not get confused mate. The one with the irrationnal thinking here is you. Not me.

I'm sure you don't even have an alternative concept which would work that well.
There is no need for an alternative concept. We simply need a better system

For that, we must get rid of capitalism and liberalism and the belief in meritocracy

that you weren't lucky enough
Owww the other argument of meritocrats.

"If you are good enough, its just that you weren't lucky"

This is called a fatalism. It means that poverty is just a fact of nature and the social life.. it just HAPPENS.

This denies the reponsibility of the system and our beliefs systems. This denies the fact that powerfull and wealthy people are literally doing EVERYTHING to prevent poverty from disappearing. This puts the responsibility on something we can't control.

This is the coward way out for those who don't want to face reality.

Life isn't fair, no matter how much people hate it. I don't like it either but I don't go my way and envy others for having a better life.
See ? That's what I said. It simply "happens". Its "life". Its not at all because billionnaires are lobbying to negate workers rights or rightist people militing to suppress social servives or working conditions or refusing to give better wage...

Its just "life".

Besides, you mention you being good is due to economical, social, cultural and symbolical conditions, so it supports my argument even further why it's a big deal if you are successful with your business because you went through all that struggle and manage a decent company. :kayneshrug:
No mate. It negates it. But for that you would need to understand it.

So I suggest you watch the three videos I shared.

Hmm no I disagree, that's just luck of being born in a rich family, it has nothing to do with meritocracy
YES I agree with you, its just luck. Its the luck to be born in the right conjonction of capitals.

But in the mind of the majority of people, those people are as deserving as everyone. You just watch their reactions when we explain to them that we must tax HEAVILY inheritances at a certain point.

lucky being born with much greater talent the average
Yes, but those are exceptions.

( but again the issues you see in the world rn are not a meritocracy issue, in fact were barely even applying it where it should be applied )
Did you watch the videos ?
Lies are being spread, it feels.
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Not inherently, but 2 years after the fact. You should be suspicious at least a little bit.
I am suspicious the whole shitshow doesn‘t add up. Now Iran allegedly plotting against Trump too.
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That dude brains has surely the size of a football lmao.

You can literally say anything against him, but calling him braindead is embarrassing, if he is braindead than your brain has the size of a raisin
This makes no sense. Why would the police officer do nothing about the literal gunman on the roof? Was this rehearsed? Did someone force Crooks do shoot Trump?
Thomas Crooks worked for Blackwater. He was a « hitman that doesn’t miss » but somehow he didn’t hit target this time … Why ? Is the hand of Elon Musk behind this ? Was he planning to have this 20 year-old miss his shot before blowing his brain out and blowing up the popularity of Drump ? But personally I’ll put my money on THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT !!! Sources to be unveiled soon !


Exactly why I don't trust the media. There might be a one off that I didn't see from some rando, but Joy Reid actually got on tv and said that republicans blamed the shooing on women (which is true, I've heard it a few times) and black people, which NO ONE HAS SAID.
Thomas Crooks worked for Blackwater. He was a « hitman that doesn’t miss » but somehow he didn’t hit target this time … Why ? Is the hand of Elon Musk behind this ? Was he planning to have this 20 year-old miss his shot before blowing his brain out and blowing up the popularity of Drump ? But personally I’ll put my money on THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT !!! Sources to be unveiled soon !
I'm sure LFI has something to do with that.

My source:

Exactly why I don't trust the media. There might be a one off that I didn't see from some rando, but Joy Reid actually got on tv and said that republicans blamed the shooing on women (which is true, I've heard it a few times) and black people, which NO ONE HAS SAID.
Joy Reid is the „female US“ version of Logiko 🤣

Mike Lindell on TYT at this point Ana kasparian and Cenk will vote for Trump, they surely won‘t vote for Biden.

Ana Kasparian even more. That women become more more conservative over the time xD