No fraud. Now you finally come clean:youcraz:
You're always forcing your moral values on everyone here and talk like you're the moral authority, call everyone who disagrees with you far-right
Oh come on, you can't fall into this trap too lol
I'm dissapointed ....


You sound like an authoritarian and given the opportunity you'd become an autocratic dictator who beats people into submission albeit verbally.
I'm almost Neron ?


Stoning happens in the US?:kaidowhat:
Only the second example was about the us hehe

It depends for me. If it's an actual religious sacrifice and there is a good explanation for it and the woman actually wants it (!very important) I'd let it happen.
I think the only way were I could let it happen is in a case of seppuku like scenario where I know that there would be absolutely nothing that could be done to repair the shame of stopping the act (and even then I would still try to prevent it as much as I can)

And here you're contradicting yourself :suresure:
Yes, because that the very specific situation were, there is too much pressure on the protagonist to really stop it 100%

To avoid that being a problem, we would need to restructure completely the society and negate the notions of shame and honor, and this is not something that we should do from the exterior. So the only solution would be to support the protagonist as much as I can.

You're not fooling anyone fluffy:luffylaugh: you have the heart of a dictator
Sure, act like you didn't understand what I said


It's literally afternoon. Do your homework son!
And now its 22h and I need a breakfast

Hey you could download Tavern AI and have custom AI characters to talk to and you can give them prompts on how to act like:
Logiko-friend-1 : dark rabbit furry, likes logiko and is super bed friends
Logiko-back-up-friend-for-lonely-and-sexy-time: Loves logic and logiko!!
Furry-rabbit: prefer not to describe
Horny-rodent-BDSM: just another one of logiko's friends

Hope you got the tools and ideas to make your friends now.

Sounds like you are projecting some kind of roleplaying stuff with Logiko. @Logiko what you two up to exactly?
He secretly loves me but I'm too cool to give the love back

You're just being a punky bitter shit who shows envy towards people simply being more rich than you, lol. I'd get if we were talking about multi millionaires or even billionaires but imagine being butthurt at other people's success...
Oh noooo.

We have a Billionnaire Justice Warrior in our midst


So are the riches bad or the government?
Oh noooo.

We have a Billionnaire Justice Warrior in our midst
Omg, you guys are such losers.
Imagine being butthurt at people earning more than you. That's what happens when you just sit all day and do nothing but argue with strangers on an anime forum...

Also, I clearly stated I'd understand it the hate was directed to billionaires, so how does it make me a "Billionaire Justice Warrior"? I'm not you lol.
Omg, you guys are such losers.
Imagine being butthurt at people earning more than you. That's what happens when you just sit all day and do nothing but argue with strangers on an anime forum...
We are not mad against people being rich (even tho we could do without some Billionaires) we are mad against the system Elon Sucker.

Meritocracy is a problematic myth. So the idea that people deserves to be rich or that poor deserve to be poor is a completely irrationnal and dangerous vision of the world.


Custom title
We are not mad against people being rich (even tho we could do without some Billionaires) we are mad against the system Elon Sucker.

Meritocracy is a problematic myth. So the idea that people deserves to be rich or that poor deserve to be poor is a completely irrationnal and dangerous vision of the world.
Who said that poor people deserve to be poor ? Also what's wrong with Meritocracy ?
We are not mad against people being rich (even tho we could do without some Billionaires) we are mad against the system Elon Sucker.

Meritocracy is a problematic myth. So the idea that people deserves to be rich or that poor deserve to be poor is a completely irrationnal and dangerous vision of the world.
You're against meritocracy because you can't do anything without others. Even Stephen Hawkins did more than anything you have accomplished.
Who said that poor people deserve to be poor ? Also what's wrong with Meritocracy ?
This is the logical implication of the meritocratic ideology. If rich people deserve to be rich because of their merit, then by logic poor people deserve to be poor because of the opposite.

To understand what is wrong with meritocracy, I could give you a 10000 character post here (already done that) but I prefer to give you what you will find in the Leftist library on the subject:



- [VIDEO] - Understanding the notions of capitals and the myth of meritocracy - IMPORTANT
- [VIDEO] - The American dream ? Its meritocracy - A con to control you
- [VIDEO] - Why meritocracy can't exist


You're against meritocracy because you can't do anything without others. Even Stephen Hawkins did more than anything you have accomplished.
No, I'm against Meritocracy for two reason:

- My belief in said concept partially ruined my life
- This vision of the world in anti-scientific, anti-realist, idealist, not rational and completely dangerous for the world
This year's presidential election in the USA is most surely the most pathetic, ridiculous, comical and woeful of all the presidential elections in USA history, beating even the 2016 and 2020 elections, which is no small feat.
USA's political system is really deeply sick.
This is the logical implication of the meritocratic ideology. If rich people deserve to be rich because of their merit, then by logic poor people deserve to be poor because of the opposite.

To understand what is wrong with meritocracy, I could give you a 10000 character post here (already done that) but I prefer to give you what you will find in the Leftist library on the subject:



- [VIDEO] - Understanding the notions of capitals and the myth of meritocracy - IMPORTANT
- [VIDEO] - The American dream ? Its meritocracy - A con to control you
- [VIDEO] - Why meritocracy can't exist


No, I'm against Meritocracy for two reason:

- My belief in said concept partially ruined my life
- This vision of the world in anti-scientific, anti-realist, idealist, not rational and completely dangerous for the world
I really don't think you have any understanding of words.
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And idk why the mods have tolerated you as long as they have. They have both my respect and my contempt.


This year's presidential election in the USA is most surely the most pathetic, ridiculous, comical and woeful of all the presidential elections in USA history, beating even the 2016 and 2020 elections, which is no small feat.
USA's political system is really deeply sick.
It's hard to find anything comical when someone attempted to assassinate a former president and current candidate, a father was killed and two others injured.


Custom title
This is the logical implication of the meritocratic ideology. If rich people deserve to be rich because of their merit, then by logic poor people deserve to be poor because of the opposite.
Aren't you looking at it only from an economical perspective though ?

And if you do it, it obviously can't be applied to every rich person, like assume you're Elon musk's son, well GG you're now the richest man alive ( after Elon dies ofc, and unless daddy pulls off some prank on you something and donates all of his money after he dies )

This category of rich people ( which it's probably the majority of rich people ? lol ) don't enter in the meritocracy category they just got lucky being born in the right family and that's about it.

But when it comes to offering some sort of service don't you think it's unfair / unethical to give people positions they can't fullfil ? Sure somebody is inevitably gonna be left out but he can sure benefit from a system that works governed by people who have proved they have the skill to run such system ( I mean if you're not jobless somebody hired you because you showed your skill was superior to all the other candidates and you offer the better service )

Poor people are poor because of other reasons not because of meritocracy
It's hard to find anything comical when someone attempted to assassinate a former president and current candidate, a father was killed and two others injured.
When you see the two candidates, and the level of the debates and political parties in their current situation, yes it's kinda comical but in the saddest and most absurd way possible.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
No. I actually uses the term by definition when I talk about meritocracy. The political one.
You literally called me out for using Meritocracy by definition and said it was problem...
And that the problem. Like Zenos, you are sticking to the definition.

The political sociology and reality of meritocracy is not limited to this definition. Meritocracy, just like Transphobia or Systemic Racism or Patriarchy can be seen in a larger area.

For example:

- Systemic racism can be seen against Asian American in the form of positive discrimination.
- Transphobia can be seen in a feminist calling a Trans women a man
- Patriarchy can be seen through some of the struggles of men in society
- The myth of Meritocracy can be observed in the way towns are constructed and/or abandonned.
I'm sure someone will surprise me, but I have never heard such a disgusting human being in my life.
The blueAnon are full of those filths. I beg to pardon
Post automatically merged:

Omg, you guys are such losers.
Imagine being butthurt at people earning more than you. That's what happens when you just sit all day and do nothing but argue with strangers on an anime forum...
Owned. For real why is he 24/7 kept at home?