He's not the only one. In UK Labour wants to introduce something like 90% tax for the rich.
It's just generally pure nonsense imo.
I mean, we can talk about all the multi millionaires or even above but why should the small company owner pay 90% tax for being more wealthy than other people? Do they realise how much 90% is? Those guys still worked their butt off and they always have to show performance each day, otherwise their business might decline.
Complete asisine.

Especially people like Losis can't accept the fact that other people used other means to make their lives more enjoyable. It's better he uses this as a motivation to be more successful in life instead of constantly crying to them...
You're just being a punky bitter shit who shows envy towards people simply being more rich than you, lol. I'd get if we were talking about multi millionaires or even billionaires but imagine being butthurt at other people's success... :milaugh:
The government can pull random categories out of their asses to justify taking all your things, your home and your business away. Ever heard of Reichspogromnacht? Or communist cultural revolution?
You act like average citizens own the things they believe to own. Financial success is like the school system but even more extreme. Those in my school who got a straight A Abitur and e-fellows scholarships or w/e they're called were the same people who went into their finals with an elaborate cheating scheme they discussed in class whenever the teachers weren't around.
But it's pretty telling that a German would jump out of the woodwork to defend the myth of the American Dream, keep Americanizing yourselves until we have a 2 party system, constant culture war and no real political discourse.
No mate. That's what you don't get.

Science is a methodology to ACQUIRE knowledge its not knowledge itself.

No lol.

Logic is a methodology to PROCESS knowledge, its not knowledge either.

Science relies more on a practice than reason or logic (even tho those are tools). Again, science is a methodology.
He sounds like a bible thumper who heard this nonsense from his favorite youtube creationist
The government can pull random categories out of their asses to justify taking all your things, your home and your business away. Ever heard of Reichspogromnacht? Or communist cultural revolution?
So are the riches bad or the government?
Like, make up your mind bruh.

You act like average citizens own the things they believe to own. Financial success is like the school system but even more extreme.
What are you even yapping about?

The higher work class already pays almost half of their salary to taxes in Germany. Do you think company owners are free from it? You need to get out outside far more. Your entire worldview is pure black and white and you blame more successful people for the lack of enjoyment in your life.

Also, I don't even understand what you're on about - are you criticising riches or the government because they are the ones "owning" your things?

Those in my school who got a straight A Abitur and e-fellows scholarships or w/e they're called were the same people who went into their finals with an elaborate cheating scheme they discussed in class whenever the teachers weren't around.
If their cheating schemes get busted, they lose their degree. So if those people with straight As in your school get caught even after many years, they are gonna lose everything of it.

Sure, they were successful with it but they must also bear the consequences if they get exposed.

Furthermore, being fraudulent and genuinely working your butt off are obviously completely different things. I still have no idea why you came up with this part, lol...

But it's pretty telling that a German would jump out of the woodwork to defend the myth of the American Dream, keep Americanizing yourselves until we have a 2 party system, constant culture war and no real political discourse.
Sosis, what the actual fuck...?
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Nice how poor debaters immediately resort to personal attacks and then go silent when they lost the debate.
LMAO, pure projection.