I used to know this guy who was a neonazi and then became antifa.
Yeah. I'm sorry but a sketchy testimony will not be the proof of a demonstration against antifascism. While yes, some people might seek violence. AntiFa are organized with a clear purpose.

Stopping Fascism and far right ideologies.

They mostly act in reaction. For example, the violences in the UK.
Yeah. I'm sorry but a sketchy testimony will not be the proof of a demonstration against antifascism. While yes, some people might seek violence. AntiFa are organized with a clear purpose.

Stopping Fascism and far right ideologies.

They mostly act in reaction. For example, the violences in the UK.
My point is that to a whole lot of people with too much aggressive energy, the ideology at hand is secondary or even tertiary, as long as joining said group allows them to wreck shit.

lmao. football hooligans are like that too.
Remember ''Hooligans gegen Salafisten''?
I used to know this guy who was a neonazi and then became antifa. Very weird energy. You know some people just want to wreck shit, the actual ideology is of secondary importance.
Some people just wanna throw hands and loot booty. They don't care in the name of what. Even at the best of times all they do is make it harder for law enforcement to deal with situations.
There's also neonazis who converted to Islam to become terrorists, same thing.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised at Ustaše types to still be milling around. :watchout:
Stimmt habe vergessen dass viele hier jünger sind als ich.
Ich bin nicht wirklich jung, hatte einfach nur kein interesse an politischem. Besonders weil ich eh nicht wählen durfte
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Isn't he supposed to call the police on this guy?lmfao
They wont do shit unless an actual crime happened. Having an irrational hatred for migrants is not a crime afaik
Der Ami freut sich jedes mal wenn Deutsche solche Deppenanglizismen verwenden, du Kolonial*pfer.
Wir sind hier auf einem englischsprachigen Forum,du Dulli. Die anderen sollen ruhig verstehen wenn ich dich beleidige.

Und wenn das wirklich das tiefgründigeste ist was du vorbringen kannst tun mir die heutigen Linken echt leid. Von philosophisch gut aufgestellt zu...was immer du darstellst. Ihr seid wirklich tief gefallen. Was kommt als nächstes von dir? "Hass ist keine Meinung!","Alerta,Alerta" oder "Es gibt kein Recht auf Nazipropaganda"? Oder "Antifaschist sein bedeutet nur gegen Faschismus sein"?:suresure:
Dann sollen sie Googleübersetzer verwenden, so wie für den Rest des Textes.

Das ist einfach so traurig, du kennst mich gar nicht, scheinst aber eine klare Vorstellung davon zu haben was ich denke. Lenke nicht vom Thema ab bitte. Wenn ihr Kinder so weitermacht, ist die deutsche Sprache in 300 Jahren vom Aussterben bedroht, die gebildete Schicht wird sich dafür schämen deutsch zu sprechen. Sprachensterben geht schneller als du denkst. Seid ''ihr'' Rechten nicht sonst die, die Deutschland unter amerikanischer Kolonialherrschaft wähnen?!
Please refrain from German here.


The Sol King
We heard that every Zionist accusation is a confession, and it seem undoubtly true by now.

Reports show that the terrorist organization™ called the "IDF" has been using Palestinains as human shields in their genocidal campaign on Gaza.


Not a surprising addition to the list of crimes this terror group has committed.
This places the IDF's accusations of Hamas to use human shields in a completely different light. They're simply accusing the enemy of what they are doing themselves.
I used to know this guy who was a neonazi and then became antifa. Very weird energy. You know some people just want to wreck shit, the actual ideology is of secondary importance. There's also neonazis who converted to Islam to become terrorists, same thing.
IIRC, nazis had links with far-right muslims in the middle-east during the world war