Is it ok to say that Trans women are trans women and not women ?"
They can say no to this, but they would be wrong
I said, those words, in random usage, creates oppression.
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He's behaving as if we are all afraid of his labels or should be.
He is a lost cause
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No, you don't understand. It's not about the feeling or every person. We DON'T CARE about the feelings of every persons.
Woman = adult human female
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What do you mean sex ?
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OK Mr. redefinition man. You are right, everyone else is wrong. Biology is irrelevant and the pharmaceutical industry can turn you into whoever you want to be. 🤡
Ye clown world. There are medical differences between males and females. To ignore this is just silly and tbh on flat earth level reality denial
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so why do we need trans / cis?
Cis = gender identity aligns with sex assigned at birth
Trans = gender identity doesnt align with sex assigned at birth.

We dont actually need that though
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Is it for what she says or because it looks like a porn movie?
It's the expression she always has when talking as if she's delivering some profound wisdom, when she's just talking gibberish. The embodiment of cringe. Trump is retarded but at least he's a character and we get funny memes out of it, she's just retarded :josad:
It's the expression she always has when talking as if she's delivering some profound wisdom, when she's just talking gibberish. The embodiment of cringe. Trump is retarded but at least he's a character and we get funny memes out of it, she's just retarded :josad:
This was how I described her elsewhere.
This is Kamala's greatest problem as an individual seeking a position of leadership. She is extraordinarily uninspiring and ineloquent in her speech. She doesn't just lack charisma, her vapid shallowness actively kills any charisma in the immediate vicinity around her.

I have never seen anybody with such a talent for talking so much while simultaneously saying so little. She spews out gratuitous word salad all while speaking in a condescending tone reminiscent of how kindergarten teachers talk to toddlers.

The Democrats were absolutely retarded in placing her in such a high public position of power.
To point out the difference:watchout:
Only need one for that kinda
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but you also don't want a distinction to be made between trans people and others.
We have the trans prefix for that.
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Basically,its a dude that was born with a vagina. His body and biochemistry is that of a male, so he should compete with the other guys.
Depends on what gamete is produced.

And then on what criteria you have in the tournament. She wasnt allowed to compete in the world championships (iirc) but was allowed to compete in the olympics
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specifically speaking about trans people who transition from one gender to another
Since gender is about self identification and not physical characteristics, there isnt really a gender transition. Just changing the appearance to improve the mental health of the individual. People can identify as trans without undergoing any changes to their physical appearance
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Trans people would be wrong to be offended
Not at all what i said.

Not sure whether you are just being a disingenuous shithead or whether this is a language barrier issue.
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faking the moon landing
Oh boy
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