well chromosomes and gametes were discovered in the 19th century
You have to understand that you need hormone and blood analysis and also multiple doctors’ analysis with top notch degrees and Nobel Prizes before calling your friend « dude » or « sis » or « pal » or whatever. Accuracy matters, we can’t allow ourselves to be the stormtroopers of language anymore.
You have to understand that you need hormone and blood analysis and also multiple doctors’ analysis with top notch degrees and Nobel Prizes before calling your friend « dude » or « sis » or « pal » or whatever. Accuracy matters, we can’t allow ourselves to be the stormtroopers of language anymore.
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Because they defined which intersex baby is to be raises as a girl and which to be raised as a boy when they really are both
Because they defined which intersex baby is to be raises as a girl and which to be raised as a boy when they really are both
They really are neither, they are intersex
Unless they have a working gamete production.

Would you support the parents making that (arbitrary) decision instead?
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You have to understand that you need hormone and blood analysis and also multiple doctors’ analysis with top notch degrees and Nobel Prizes before calling your friend « dude » or « sis » or « pal » or whatever. Accuracy matters, we can’t allow ourselves to be the stormtroopers of language anymore.
Depends on the friend.

I also take the easy way and just call all of my friends "shithead"
They really are neither, they are intersex
Unless they have a working gamete production.

Would you support the parents making that (arbitrary) decision instead?
Nope. That decision should be made by the intersex person themselves, if they want any surgeries or w/e once they are old enough it's their choice, if they want to keep their bodies as they were born it's fine too.

AL sama

Red Haired
My Twitter timeline is full of Indian Feminists pushing *ALL MEN ARE RAPISTS* rheotic.

Idk why Musk's algorithm pushing this.

Then I see an Indian trainee doctor got gang raped in state run hospital so emotions are high

Instead of putting pressure to the government and hospital it's full gender wars in Twitter:crazwhat:
are you talking about the Monika case that happened in west Bengal??
They really are neither, they are intersex
:milaugh: You’re asking too much of him to understand, he would rather change the definition of the norm

All of the intersex conditions are defined specifically into male, female or none btw. There’s no need to jump through hoops over what a man and woman is.


Hustlerversity Graduate
that was beyond horrible and all the culprits are in their early 20s

its really jarring to think about


Absolutely NO mercy.

She was tired working for 36 hours and wanted some time to rest apparently

There's deep structural problem in this because a police member and fellow doctors was involved,
So both sides worked together to cover up and frame it as *Suicide*

If she didn't get brutally abused or murdered, the case will most likely go unnoticed
Would you support the parents making that (arbitrary) decision instead?
NO ONE should make the decision of butchering babies's genitals or assign a gender identity but the individual in question!! It's up to the intersex or trans person person to decide what they want to do with their body and their identity.

Hence why a third gender needs to be created all over the world if that's not already the case. A non binary one.

One where that we would need to assign to ALL children :

- Children would therefore have the choice based on their identity to choose their gender which would reduce drastically if not completely the phenomenon of gender disphoria
- The inequalities and gender bases problematics between men and women would be reduced
- Non binary people would have a gender
- Intersex people would be protected from doctors and families making stupid descision.

With a real third gender, no problem for transpeople, no problem for nonbinaries, no problem for intersex people. And the LGBTQI+ communities would finally starts to be legitimized.

This would be the start of the end of patriarchy and heteronormativity.