Nazi posts have been allowed a lot more now that he owns twitter, and he has funded far right parties like the one in Italy and Germany right?

And then, with him showing a lot of support for the far right wing, is him doing a far right salute not one of the biggest coincidences in recent politics?
Didnt far rightists shit on elon for his h1b statements, so basically him not being racist enough for them?
Guessing this is aimed at me lol.

Selective video editing again. Wonder how many people they asked wonder how many people had differing opinions that didn't quite make the cut.
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I live in the UK and Reform who he's backing isn't a far right party while the current Labour in government is a far left communist party I'd happily swap them out. It's well known in the UK Labour and the Conservative government did cover up Islamic rape gangs in Northern towns so your source of information is completely wrong.
Guessing this is aimed at me lol.

Selective video editing again. Wonder how many people they asked wonder how many people had differing opinions that didn't quite make the cut.
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I live in the UK and Reform who he's backing isn't a far right party while the current Labour in government is a far left communist party I'd happily swap them out. It's well known in the UK Labour and the Conservative government did cover up Islamic rape gangs in Northern towns so your source of information is completely wrong.
It's simple, allow the population to arm themselves.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
If you go by the arm extension, angle then on face value it appears to be Nazi Salute.

However, it's more about the context and intent.

Quite sure if anyone from the left or liberal would have done it (we know leaders did it) then no one would have bat an eye. It would be a simple waving to people

Since Musk had some history with right wing so the same salute even if the intent of Musk was to give his heart out became a Nazi salute simply due to his association with the right wing.

Tbh, bad choice from Musk and equally bad from left to who these days are on spree to call people transphobic, Nazi,Fascists, Trump Enablers just because they express different opinions which leans right. One of the reason why left is even losing popularity.
Musk is a skinwalker, he was “progressive” a few years ago and even dated grimes who leans socialist

now he’s a right winger because it’s the socially cool thing to be online. I don’t doubt he did the Nazi salute becasue he’s been having around 4chan and Twitter too much and thinks being racist is fun
the current Labour in government is a far left communist party
The labour party is literally a center left movement, it's as far left as Trump is a trans ally.

If those guyz are communist, I'm a revolutionnary.


nazis are fascists but not all fascists are nazis.
Yes, I know, that was the point.

this is the only actual point against his gesture being a nazi salute tbh.
"Jewish can't become Nazis" > Zionist literally called for the eradication of arabs, have perpetuated a genocide and dehumanized all palestinians Musk literally supported a Nazi friendly party. But ok. "you" know lmao

It's crazy how you are always in the defense of the worst. You never seize to not surprise me.
Yes, I know, that was the point.
that was afros point you werent getting though?

"Jewish can't become Nazis" > Zionist literally called for the eradication of arabs, have perpetuated a genocide and dehumanized all palestinians Musk literally supported a Nazi friendly party. But ok. "you" know lmao

It's crazy how you are always in the defense of the worst. You never seize to not surprise me.
hating jews is an integral part of nazism, if you didnt notice.

i thought you understand that not all fascists are nazis?

also, im leaning more towards elons gesture being a nazi salute. just among all the "points" people have raised against that idea, that picture i quoted above is the only one i think is somewhat legit.

your brainrot is showing
The labour party is literally a center left movement, it's as far left as Trump is a trans ally.

If those guyz are communist, I'm a revolutionnary.


Yes, I know, that was the point.

"Jewish can't become Nazis" > Zionist literally called for the eradication of arabs, have perpetuated a genocide and dehumanized all palestinians Musk literally supported a Nazi friendly party. But ok. "you" know lmao

It's crazy how you are always in the defense of the worst. You never seize to not surprise me.
I live in the UK people can't wait to get Labour out they are not centre left at all. There far left taxation is killing the growth of the country. Their curbing of free speech laws and hypocrisy over cultural issues is overwhelming. It's why Reform and the Conservatives are polling ahead of them and the current leader is the most unpopular prime minister ever.

Yep Carrot4Nakama you are in fact that far left. Use this as a self realisation.

No I'm not in defence of the worst it's your belief in your morally superiority that makes you blind to everything. Rather than go perhaps I'm wrong on this matter you double down because you always go into the situation that you're right and everyone is wrong it's why you were mocked in the nakama thread.

You don't give anyone who is on the opposite side of your political belief the benefit of the doubt as seen with Elon and I'd argue you act fascist in your rhetoric and if it was down to you you'd put people who disagree with you in prison for doing so.
that was afros point you werent getting though?
I got it, it was a bad one. I know the difference, I'm talking not just about fascism but nazism as well.

hating jews is an integral part of nazism, if you didnt notice.

In the case of jews, we are not only talking about fascism but ETHNOCENTRISM. When I say that zionist are Nazi, I meant are using the nazi practice (ethnocentrism) to perpetuate a system of domination. For zionists, the problems are the arabs while for white supremacist, the problems are both arabs AND jews.

Zionists can accomodate with white supremacists to perpetuate their imperialism, but they will eventually understand how bad it is to befriend neonazis sympathizers.

I live in the UK people can't wait to get Labour out they are not centre left at all. There far left taxation is killing the growth of the country.
Lmao. You really don't know what real leftism is, do ya ?

No I'm not in defence of the worst it's your belief in your morally superiority that makes you blind to everything. Rather than go perhaps I'm wrong on this matter you double down because you always go into the situation that you're right and everyone is wrong it's why you were mocked in the nakama thread.
Why would I be wrong when my argumentation is supported by sciences, researchers and renowned antifascists activists ?

You are the one bringing a testimony against the word of a scholar. I've nothing to question here. I'm wrong sometimes yes. But contrary to you, I can see when it's the case and I'm not afraid to say it.

Prove me that Musk does not have ties with the far right, prove to me the information of him supporting the AFD (a neonazi friendly party) is wrong, prove me that the information of him supporting fascistic rethoric and unbanning neonazi from twitter is wrong... and maybe I will start to listen to you.

Behaviors do not appear in a vaccum, they are the result of a sociology. And in the case of Musk this gesture is but the confirmation of all the hypothesis we had about him looking at his entire history with far right activism. Again, the conclusion that Musk is willingly appealing to neonazi here is not based on his gesture only, but on his entire sociology.

I can see that, you can't. It's not my job to question myself here, but yours.
I got it, it was a bad one. I know the difference, I'm talking not just about fascism but nazism as well.


In the case of jews, we are not only talking about fascism but ETHNOCENTRISM. When I say that zionist are Nazi, I meant are using the nazi practice (ethnocentrism) to perpetuate a system of domination. For zionists, the problems are the arabs while for white supremacist, the problems are both arabs AND jews.

Zionists can accomodate with white supremacists to perpetuate their imperialism, but they will eventually understand how bad it is to befriend neonazis sympathizers.

Lmao. You really don't know what real leftism is, do ya ?

Why would I be wrong when my argumentation is supported by sciences, researchers and renowned antifascists activists ?

You are the one bringing a testimony against the word of a scholar. I've nothing to question here. I'm wrong sometimes yes. But contrary to you, I can see when it's the case and I'm not afraid to say it.

Prove me that Musk does not have ties with the far right, prove to me the information of him supporting the AFD (a neonazi friendly party) is wrong, prove me that the information of him supporting fascistic rethoric and unbanning neonazi from twitter is wrong... and maybe I will start to listen to you.

Behaviors do not appear in a vaccum, they are the result of a sociology. And in the case of Musk this gesture is but the confirmation of all the hypothesis we had about him looking at his entire history with far right activism. Again, the conclusion that Musk is willingly appealing to neonazi here is not based on his gesture only, but on his entire sociology.

I can see that, you can't. It's not my job to question myself here, but yours.
I don't have to prove to you someone doesn't have ties to a far right organisation that's not how it works and it's exactly the whole point of why you think the way you do.

People have to be proven to be guilty before they are guilty. You would have it the other way around which shows your fascist idealogy.

Prove you didn't commit the crime and you won't go to jail rather than prove you committed the crime then you will go to jail. Simple concept.

You can never admit you're wrong Carrot4Nakama during the next nakama thread you showed that. I and many others here seen that you have precedent for this behaviour and when proven wrong you don't question your own idealogy you blame and use demonising insults to try take a morally superior ground but everyone can see through you.

A testimony of a WW2 holocaust survivor who actually survived a fascist dictator isn't good enough for you yet those who have never lived under fascism is. Speaks volumes of you to be fair.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
It would take hours to define all of those with precision and I don't have that time nor the motivation. If you thing is dictionnaries, you will never get what I'm saying.

Nice strawman

I don't assume, I imagine. I don't know but your cynism does not come from nowhere, we are not born with it.

"Our" as in "us human"

We are on a weeb forum discussing a manga with a political center story. So yeah, I'm sorry if I find this affirmation really funny

The refusal or the undermining of the politicization of the masses through culture is one of the reason why I consider you as a political opponent since it's the same behavior that adopt people who want to protect the status co.

It's not an assumption but an observation. You do seem to have biases against social studies, if it wasn't the case, you would agree with the majority of what i'm saying on this forum and would not try to undermine my words constantly on diverse subjects.

Thus confirming what I'm saying literally in the message above. There is no dialogue possible since there is a refusal of a certain form of knowledge from your part.

There is no such thing as "official sources" mate. There are studies, researchers and then there are the encyclopedia, the data sources and vulgarizers than spread them. You will find all of that all around the web, not just in one place. Especially since the scientific field is a very fruitfull domain.

This ideas that somehow I'm push to accept only the science that fit my agenda is blinding you. I wish I could show you how many time the scientific process of learning about scientific datas in social studies made me unconfortable.

I mean, you only have to take a look at the notion of orientalism in the context of post colonialism to understand how the entire mainstream media field is influenced by colonial after thoughts. It was not a very pleasant self questionning at first..

I'm not only "caring about sources that validates my political agenda", it's the SOURCES that CREATES the political agenda.

It's crazy how how don't get that yet. For me it's not politic then science. It's science THEN politic (at the exception of the cases where we need to indeed question the biases in sciences). It's science that influences leftism. Simply because we are materialists for the most part (cases like Blax are an exception) and materialists care about the reality of the world. We want to be sure that our knowledge gets as close as possible from what the social world is.

And yes, it happens than Sciences shows us very clearly a world with systems oppressions and with dynamics of dominations and thus, it also implies a world where all of those can simply be absent.

It's not my fault if science shows us that humans are the result of the material condition of theirexistence. It's a simple logical consequence of the reality of our universe.
So once again saying the fault lies upon me and everyone else for not agreeing with all of your "truths." Crazy how you never seem to be at fault.
that was afros point you werent getting though?

hating jews is an integral part of nazism, if you didnt notice.

i thought you understand that not all fascists are nazis?

also, im leaning more towards elons gesture being a nazi salute. just among all the "points" people have raised against that idea, that picture i quoted above is the only one i think is somewhat legit.

your brainrot is showing
He’s making his own definition of established words like always.

language means nothing to him
So once again saying the fault lies upon me and everyone else for not agreeing with all of your "truths." Crazy how you never seem to be at fault.
Van we both know this is how it is with Carrot4Nakama.

It's like when he had all the essays on how Oda is writing the story and we should read them otherwise we'd all be wrong on how Oda will proceed with the story.