Speculations God Valley IS the Ancient Weapon Uranus

Kind of a possible "eureka" moment I had in trying to understand what exactly Rocks was trying to do with God Valley.

Shanks originally claims he's from West Blue, and yet he is conspicuously found as a baby from Roger at God Valley. But one thing people seem to not realize is that God Valley has never been mentioned to be anywhere in Grand Line. It could have easily been located in West Blue 38 years ago.

More importantly is the fact that God Valley entirely "vanished" from maps. Now people have come to the conclusion that God Valley met the same fate as Lulusia because of that scene in 1060, but what if this IS God Valley? A literal island weapon, otherwise known as Uranus?

I mean, it's shadow is literally the size of, if not larger than Lulusia:

IMO, Vegapunk has a futuristic mind, but he's not THAT advanced in his knowledge. He could not even power the ancient robot hidden at Egghead. The fact that Egghead has been used as a home base for him to better understand ancient energy and tech from 800 years ago is pretty telling that things like this may not be from his own creation. Plus, 38 years ago, he was not with the World Government, so he ideally should not have been able to "create" the weapon, especially one the size of an island, even within that timeframe. Imu and the Elders speak of "Mother Flame" as if its the first time it ever been used, and there's no direct indication that God Valley was destroyed, just "gone from maps" as Sengoku states.

Even this scene implies that Imu and the WG has had the weapon, but could not "use" it until now, essentially until Vegapunk was able to provide the means (i.e. Mother Flame?). Vegapunk physically creating a weapon of mass destruction does not seem anything like him, especially of all his talk about "free energy for the world to use"

Why "wait" until now to use it? Because they couldn't before.

Finally, just think about Rocks' goal as a pirate. He wanted to be "King of the World". Oda specifically didn't have him go after a mermaid princess in Fishman Island for Poseidon, nor did he have him find out about Pluton in Wano, but he DID have him go to God Valley for "something". It was not explicitly stated he was there to attack CD's even, and Sengoku himself mentions that knowing why this incident occurred is even taboo. Of the things that we know can help someone achieve world domination, Ancient Weapons seem to be the key. Why "destroy" God Valley if there was nothing there for Rocks to obtain? How could it have been "destroyed" even if Vegapunk wasn't around at the time with the WG?

So what realistically could have been at God Valley if not Uranus? What if God Valley actually was Uranus, and eventually was activated (i.e. disappeared/moved from West Blue). What if the WG needed Vegapunk's fuel source (unbeknownst to VP) to actually fire it? What if his general investigation led him to the Mother Flame? Remember that while he states he could not "reverse engineer" the actual fuel source of the Ancient Robot, but it does not mean he does not have other means for producing energy sources like this. Additionally, if Uranus is already flying, it is powered by "something" ancient. The means to fire it may not need an ancient power source, just something extremely powerful (this Mother Flame).

After all, this scene exists for a reason:

The whole island runs on "fire". If there were such a thing as an eternal "flame". Vegapunk's Mother "Flame". This really does not sound like coincidence at all.

So to kind of put it down on a "rough" timeline (pure speculation):

- The World Government found out the existence of Uranus, aka a little known island in West Blue.
- The Figarland family were assigned to guard the island and investigate a means to use it. They called this island "God Valley" and claimed it sacred land.
- Rocks D. Xebec eventually caught wind of this weapon (however he did isn't important, just that he targeted God Valley for a reason.)
- After amassing his crew, he intended to take over this island by slaughtering the CD's there.
- Somehow Roger and Garp caught wind of this plot separately, and together with the CD's, put a stop to Rocks and his crew.
- The WG after eventually found out how to "move" the island by getting it to work. They could not however, use it the way it was meant to be used.
- In comes Vegapunk, desperate for research funding, joins the WG at their advantage.
- After investigating many fuel sources, the WG finally had a source that worked, albeit limited fashion.
- After at least 38 years, they finally used Mother Flame to power Uranus and destroy Lulusia.

Tldr: God Valley is the flying ancient weapon Uranus. Shanks was not lying about being born in West Blue, it originally was in West Blue when Roger found him. Rocks wanted this power after finding out about it, but was stopped by Roger, Garp and the CD's powerful enough to fight there. It then "disappeared" from maps because it was activated, but could not be fired without Vegapunk's fuel source.

A ship, a flying island and a mermaid walk into a bar....

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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Kind of a possible "eureka" moment I had in trying to understand what exactly Rocks was trying to do with God Valley.

Shanks originally claims he's from West Blue, and yet he is conspicuously found as a baby from Roger at God Valley. But one thing people seem to not realize is that God Valley has never been mentioned to be anywhere in Grand Line. It could have easily been located in West Blue 38 years ago.

More importantly is the fact that God Valley entirely "vanished" from maps. Now people have come to the conclusion that God Valley met the same fate as Lulusia because of that scene in 1060, but what if this IS God Valley? A literal island weapon, otherwise known as Uranus?

I mean, it's shadow is literally the size of, if not larger than Lulusia:

IMO, Vegapunk has a futuristic mind, but he's not THAT advanced in his knowledge. He could not even power the ancient robot hidden at Egghead. The fact that Egghead has been used as a home base for him to better understand ancient energy and tech from 800 years ago is pretty telling that things like this may not be from his own creation. Plus, 38 years ago, he was not with the World Government, so he ideally should not have been able to "create" the weapon, especially one the size of an island, even within that timeframe. Imu and the Elders speak of "Mother Flame" as if its the first time it ever been used, and there's no direct indication that God Valley was destroyed, just "gone from maps" as Sengoku states.

Even this scene implies that Imu and the WG has had the weapon, but could not "use" it until now, essentially until Vegapunk was able to provide the means (i.e. Mother Flame?). Vegapunk physically creating a weapon of mass destruction does not seem anything like him, especially of all his talk about "free energy for the world to use"

Why "wait" until now to use it? Because they couldn't before.

Finally, just think about Rocks' goal as a pirate. He wanted to be "King of the World". Oda specifically didn't have him go after a mermaid princess in Fishman Island for Poseidon, nor did he have him find out about Pluton in Wano, but he DID have him go to God Valley for "something". It was not explicitly stated he was there to attack CD's even, and Sengoku himself mentions that knowing why this incident occurred is even taboo. Of the things that we know can help someone achieve world domination, Ancient Weapons seem to be the key. Why "destroy" God Valley if there was nothing there for Rocks to obtain? How could it have been "destroyed" even if Vegapunk wasn't around at the time with the WG?

So what realistically could have been at God Valley if not Uranus? What if God Valley actually was Uranus, and eventually was activated (i.e. disappeared/moved from West Blue). What if the WG needed Vegapunk's fuel source (unbeknownst to VP) to actually fire it? What if his general investigation led him to the Mother Flame? Remember that while he states he could not "reverse engineer" the actual fuel source of the Ancient Robot, but it does not mean he does not have other means for producing energy sources like this. Additionally, if Uranus is already flying, it is powered by "something" ancient. The means to fire it may not need an ancient power source, just something extremely powerful (this Mother Flame).

After all, this scene exists for a reason:

The whole island runs on "fire". If there were such a thing as an eternal "flame". Vegapunk's Mother "Flame". This really does not sound like coincidence at all.

So to kind of put it down on a "rough" timeline (pure speculation):

- The World Government found out the existence of Uranus, aka a little known island in West Blue.
- The Figarland family were assigned to guard the island and investigate a means to use it. They called this island "God Valley" and claimed it sacred land.
- Rocks D. Xebec eventually caught wind of this weapon (however he did isn't important, just that he targeted God Valley for a reason.)
- After amassing his crew, he intended to take over this island by slaughtering the CD's there.
- Somehow Roger and Garp caught wind of this plot separately, and together with the CD's, put a stop to Rocks and his crew.
- The WG after eventually found out how to "move" the island by getting it to work. They could not however, use it the way it was meant to be used.
- In comes Vegapunk, desperate for research funding, joins the WG at their advantage.
- After investigating many fuel sources, the WG finally had a source that worked, albeit limited fashion.
- After at least 38 years, they finally used Mother Flame to power Uranus and destroy Lulusia.

Tldr: God Valley is the flying ancient weapon Uranus. Shanks was not lying about being born in West Blue, it originally was in West Blue when Roger found him. Rocks wanted this power after finding out about it, but was stopped by Roger, Garp and the CD's powerful enough to fight there. It then "disappeared" from maps because it was activated, but could not be fired without Vegapunk's fuel source.

A ship, a flying island and a mermaid walk into a bar....

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Nice thread.:cheers:

What you said makes sense. God valley might be Uranus itself...

Perfectly ties everything.. Great 👍

However, I would like to add that God valley might not be in west blue but in New world ..shanks talked about hometown in West Blue where he grew up and not born.

Garp the Fist

Good theory

To tie to this

Finally, just think about Rocks' goal as a pirate. He wanted to be "King of the World". Oda specifically didn't have him go after a mermaid princess in Fishman Island for Poseidon, nor did he have him find out about Pluton in Wano, but he DID have him go to God Valley for "something". It was not explicitly stated he was there to attack CD's even, and Sengoku himself mentions that knowing why this incident occurred is even taboo. Of the things that we know can help someone achieve world domination, Ancient Weapons seem to be the key. Why "destroy" God Valley if there was nothing there for Rocks to obtain? How could it have been "destroyed" even if Vegapunk wasn't around at the time with the WG?
Is former Rocks’ pirates aims of world domination also focused around the ancient weapons. That’s what Kaido and Big Mom were aiming for with their alliance.

Kaido specifically went to Wano because Pluton was there
Maybe one of the reasons that Whitebeard went to FI where he befriended Neptune was a search for Poseidon. And that’s also why Big Mom made sure to snap up FI from Whitebeard once he died.

They could have learned all this from Rocks and tried to follow in his footsteps by getting their own ancient weapons
There are some things i don't agree with, but great theory nonetheless & still possible

One thing though that i don't understand why people ignore, why Uranus & not Pluton?
Who said Pluton can't Fly? Is Enel smarter than the guy ahead of Humanity with 500 Years? Ofc not
Pluton is still located under Wano, so ideally it shouldnt be Pluton yet.
Post automatically merged:

Nice thread.:cheers:

What you said makes sense. God valley might be Uranus itself...

Perfectly ties everything.. Great 👍

However, I would like to add that God valley might not be in west blue but in New world ..shanks talked about hometown in West Blue where he grew up and not born.
@Reborn True. The point on Shanks actually doesnt matter haha. The island could be from anywhere and Shanks could be talking about his life post-Roger potentially (or where exactly he was born)
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Pluton is still located under Wano, so ideally it shouldnt be Pluton yet.
Not Pluton, but a Copy
Remember that Vegapunk was born Smart

He is destined to build something regardless who gets their hands on it
And Pluton is Greatest Scientific Weapon we know of

I believe that just like Shirahoshi inherited VOAT (To be able to command Sea Kings) of Original Poseidon
Vegapunk inherited Intellect of Person who built Pluton

Pluton is hidden in Wano but it's pretty clear that it wasn't Samurai who built it
It was another Tribe/Group, and let's be honest, Vegapunk can Program who does Pacifista/Seraphim obey but those who built Pluton can't program it to only work under their command & their Allies?

Imo God's Valley was home to Tribe who built Pluton (A Tribe who was also part of Ancient Kingdom ofc)
And it's Kuma's Race, that's why He is acting exactly like that Ancient Robot & why Vegapunk needed him

I'm also gonna bet that Akainu wanted Bonney just so He can blackmail Kuma
Kaidou knew that Pluton can only be operated by Kuma's Race (He didn't know that Kozuki can too)
He obviously learned it from God's Valley & it's also why right after that Incident, He wanted to target Wano

Arabasta Poneglyph was only read by Robin in possibly ever (or at least in Cobra's Lifetime)
So why did Kaidou target Wano? He even said to Yamato: "This is Wano!" & Big Mom also knew something is hidden in it

As for Dark Object floating above Lulusia & is Island-Sized & can carry a Massive Weapon & Vegapunk can build it
We've already seen it, it's Imperial Cloud or Emperor Cloud (Such as the one carrying Skypiea & Shandia)
And Vega confirmed that He can indeed create Sea & Island Clouds, so why not Emperor Clouds as well
Kind of a possible "eureka" moment I had in trying to understand what exactly Rocks was trying to do with God Valley.

Shanks originally claims he's from West Blue, and yet he is conspicuously found as a baby from Roger at God Valley. But one thing people seem to not realize is that God Valley has never been mentioned to be anywhere in Grand Line. It could have easily been located in West Blue 38 years ago.

More importantly is the fact that God Valley entirely "vanished" from maps. Now people have come to the conclusion that God Valley met the same fate as Lulusia because of that scene in 1060, but what if this IS God Valley? A literal island weapon, otherwise known as Uranus?

I mean, it's shadow is literally the size of, if not larger than Lulusia:

IMO, Vegapunk has a futuristic mind, but he's not THAT advanced in his knowledge. He could not even power the ancient robot hidden at Egghead. The fact that Egghead has been used as a home base for him to better understand ancient energy and tech from 800 years ago is pretty telling that things like this may not be from his own creation. Plus, 38 years ago, he was not with the World Government, so he ideally should not have been able to "create" the weapon, especially one the size of an island, even within that timeframe. Imu and the Elders speak of "Mother Flame" as if its the first time it ever been used, and there's no direct indication that God Valley was destroyed, just "gone from maps" as Sengoku states.

Even this scene implies that Imu and the WG has had the weapon, but could not "use" it until now, essentially until Vegapunk was able to provide the means (i.e. Mother Flame?). Vegapunk physically creating a weapon of mass destruction does not seem anything like him, especially of all his talk about "free energy for the world to use"

Why "wait" until now to use it? Because they couldn't before.

Finally, just think about Rocks' goal as a pirate. He wanted to be "King of the World". Oda specifically didn't have him go after a mermaid princess in Fishman Island for Poseidon, nor did he have him find out about Pluton in Wano, but he DID have him go to God Valley for "something". It was not explicitly stated he was there to attack CD's even, and Sengoku himself mentions that knowing why this incident occurred is even taboo. Of the things that we know can help someone achieve world domination, Ancient Weapons seem to be the key. Why "destroy" God Valley if there was nothing there for Rocks to obtain? How could it have been "destroyed" even if Vegapunk wasn't around at the time with the WG?

So what realistically could have been at God Valley if not Uranus? What if God Valley actually was Uranus, and eventually was activated (i.e. disappeared/moved from West Blue). What if the WG needed Vegapunk's fuel source (unbeknownst to VP) to actually fire it? What if his general investigation led him to the Mother Flame? Remember that while he states he could not "reverse engineer" the actual fuel source of the Ancient Robot, but it does not mean he does not have other means for producing energy sources like this. Additionally, if Uranus is already flying, it is powered by "something" ancient. The means to fire it may not need an ancient power source, just something extremely powerful (this Mother Flame).

After all, this scene exists for a reason:

The whole island runs on "fire". If there were such a thing as an eternal "flame". Vegapunk's Mother "Flame". This really does not sound like coincidence at all.

So to kind of put it down on a "rough" timeline (pure speculation):

- The World Government found out the existence of Uranus, aka a little known island in West Blue.
- The Figarland family were assigned to guard the island and investigate a means to use it. They called this island "God Valley" and claimed it sacred land.
- Rocks D. Xebec eventually caught wind of this weapon (however he did isn't important, just that he targeted God Valley for a reason.)
- After amassing his crew, he intended to take over this island by slaughtering the CD's there.
- Somehow Roger and Garp caught wind of this plot separately, and together with the CD's, put a stop to Rocks and his crew.
- The WG after eventually found out how to "move" the island by getting it to work. They could not however, use it the way it was meant to be used.
- In comes Vegapunk, desperate for research funding, joins the WG at their advantage.
- After investigating many fuel sources, the WG finally had a source that worked, albeit limited fashion.
- After at least 38 years, they finally used Mother Flame to power Uranus and destroy Lulusia.

Tldr: God Valley is the flying ancient weapon Uranus. Shanks was not lying about being born in West Blue, it originally was in West Blue when Roger found him. Rocks wanted this power after finding out about it, but was stopped by Roger, Garp and the CD's powerful enough to fight there. It then "disappeared" from maps because it was activated, but could not be fired without Vegapunk's fuel source.

A ship, a flying island and a mermaid walk into a bar....

Some tags

Great post.Vegapunk unintentionally providing the means for the WG to do something like this makes sense.
Not Pluton, but a Copy
Remember that Vegapunk was born Smart

He is destined to build something regardless who gets their hands on it
And Pluton is Greatest Scientific Weapon we know of

I believe that just like Shirahoshi inherited VOAT (To be able to command Sea Kings) of Original Poseidon
Vegapunk inherited Intellect of Person who built Pluton

Pluton is hidden in Wano but it's pretty clear that it wasn't Samurai who built it
It was another Tribe/Group, and let's be honest, Vegapunk can Program who does Pacifista/Seraphim obey but those who built Pluton can't program it to only work under their command & their Allies?

Imo God's Valley was home to Tribe who built Pluton (A Tribe who was also part of Ancient Kingdom ofc)
And it's Kuma's Race, that's why He is acting exactly like that Ancient Robot & why Vegapunk needed him

I'm also gonna bet that Akainu wanted Bonney just so He can blackmail Kuma
Kaidou knew that Pluton can only be operated by Kuma's Race (He didn't know that Kozuki can too)
He obviously learned it from God's Valley & it's also why right after that Incident, He wanted to target Wano

Arabasta Poneglyph was only read by Robin in possibly ever (or at least in Cobra's Lifetime)
So why did Kaidou target Wano? He even said to Yamato: "This is Wano!" & Big Mom also knew something is hidden in it

As for Dark Object floating above Lulusia & is Island-Sized & can carry a Massive Weapon & Vegapunk can build it
We've already seen it, it's Imperial Cloud or Emperor Cloud (Such as the one carrying skypiea & Shandia)
And Vega confirmed that He can indeed create Sea & Island Clouds, so why not Emperor Clouds as well
A "copy" was the entire point of Water 7 no? Franky destroyed the blueprints for Pluton, so nobody else should have been able to recreate it.
A "copy" was the entire point of Water 7 no? Franky destroyed the blueprints for Pluton, so nobody else should have been able to recreate it.
Vegapunk "Is" the Blueprint's Maker
I just told you He was born Smart, you think that's Random?
Caesar, Queen & Judge weren't born Smart & yet they can do wonders
Vega was born Smart, means He inherited someone's Knowledge & Intellect

Also do you think Pluton will emerge from under Wano?
What's the point of Wano being an Impenetrable Fortress if Kaidou plans to ride Pluton alongside his Army?
Like when WB attacked Marineford, did anyone care what Island was his HQ?
Pluton would carry Wano, it's not different than Shiki's Ship for example & that's how entire Wano gonna participate in Final Conflict

Pluton is Preserved just like Sea Kings lived for so long
It's who Controls these things that is Reborn, Vegapunk being born Smart clearly proves that He is Pluton's Captain, just like Shirahoshi is Sea King's Queen
Vegapunk "Is" the Blueprint's Maker
I just told you He was born Smart, you think that's Random?
Caesar, Queen & Judge weren't born Smart & yet they can do wonders
Vega was born Smart, means He inherited someone's Knowledge & Intellect

Also do you think Pluton will emerge from under Wano?
What's the point of Wano being an Impenetrable Fortress if Kaidou plans to ride Pluton alongside his Army?
Like when WB attacked Marineford, did anyone care what Island was his HQ?
Pluton would carry Wano, it's not different than Shiki's Ship for example & that's how entire Wano gonna participate in Final Conflict

Pluton is Preserved just like Sea Kings lived for so long
It's who Controls these things that is Reborn, Vegapunk being born Smart clearly proves that He is Pluton's Captain, just like Shirahoshi is Sea King's Queen
Confused by this post lol:

- Vegapunk is not the blueprint originator of Pluton. The blueprints were handed down through generations of shiprights at Water 7. Vegapunk being smart really has nothing to do with him being tied to pluton. It does however suggest he may have ties to Uranus, because of this weapon.

- You cant make a blueprint for something if you didnt create it, you also cant reverse engineer a blueprint if you cant see it.

- Zunisha literally exists to break down Wano's walls in the future and unleash the original Pluton from its borders. The entirety of Wano has no inclination of being able to "fly" lol

Not sure what the obsession is that object being Pluton lol, nothing about Pluton was stated to fly. Uranus is literally the god of the sky, not Pluton.
Confused by this post lol:

- Vegapunk is not the blueprint originator of Pluton. The blueprintd were handed down through generations of shiprights at Water 7.

- You cant make a blueprint for something if you didnt create it, you also cant reverse engineer a blueprint if you cant see it.

- Zunisha literally exists to break down Wano's walls in the future and unleash the original Pluton from its borders. The entirety of Wano has no inclination of being able to "fly" lol

Not sure what the obsession is that obect being Pluton lol, nothing about Pluton was stated to fly. Uranus is literally the god of the sky, not Pluton.
Why are you ignoring what i said?
I said Vegapunk is the one who Inherited Intellect of Pluton's Creator
In the same way Shirahoshi inherited First Poseidon Mermaid's Ability
What's confusing about this?

Vegapunk creating a Pluton-Like Weapon doesn't contradict anything
Imu confirmed such a Powerful Invention, so why doubt it?