Character Discussion Goofy fans on edge, 3 chapters of humiliation in a row

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shiki fought garp and sengoku for three days , this is more impressive than making Luffy and two top yc guys run. When you will see shanks, Blackbeard ,post gains law and Blackbeard fight Luffy you will realize that warcury's dura doesn't make him invincible , Eos zoro will be able to cut through warcury easily, maybe current koh zoro can already cut him


@Foul Legacy

Kizaru vs Luffy (Round 1)
- Kizaru never really wanted to fight yet pushed luffy to limits.
- Luffy finally managed to land one attack and rendered useless afterwards. Name me one yonkou who would go down after landing one attack.
- Kizaru Recovered Way before Luffy , He simply refused to move due to Mental restrictions.

Luffy vs kizaru round 2.
- playing around does no damage , them being turned into cymbal , does no damage , Rotating them barely made them feel weird lol , still no damage. Saturn immediately recovered with no damage at all. Kizaru gave up because of killing vegapunk.

Learn to read man. How forcefully tried Luffy to win this.

- luffy never wanted to fight either but sensed his presence and then saw sentomaru trying to save them again so he went out to allow the crew to escape with VP while his crew was calling for him that the situation wasn't looking good asking what they should do since Kizaru arrived...yet Luffy had just come off of fighting in G5 for a good period of time against Lucci..

- imagine that connecting one shot and being rendered useless and being down for over 10 minutes no true top tier would go down to one punch from Luffy, not sure why you're asking me when you're for kizaru here... regardless a time limit has always been imposed onn luffy since dressrosa realistically speaking since timeskip as we see Luffy with G4 is overexerting his haki, G4 it is CoA and G5 it is CoC - haki is apart of your lifeline and soul its why sickbeard was unabe to use CoC and barely use haki in general in MF... Luffy has barely began using this level of haki one arc ago in OP time a 2 week span... kizaru himself even points out that Luffy in G% has a limit to it...

- way before Luffy you act as if Kizaru actually landed anything significant on Luffy to sideline him, when he didnt. Luffy was just fatigued. the fact of the matter is kizaru at best was only able to last one chapter against luffy.... some top tier.


kizaru is completely fine after shooting VP on noticable damage, immediately when Luffy grabs and holds him for a 2nd time he begins bleeding from his mouth, not even an attack is already damaging Kizaru.. kizaru got flatlined meaning his haki isnt that good if hes fresh and unable to match luffys haki... idek why youre bring up saturn all elders are immortal from what we can see they do not take any damage to begin with...

not forcing anything narratively and canonically its been proven that kizaru got bodied by luffy in the total span of one full chapter of them fighting.
Luffy was barely serious in the series.
Now hes entirely looney.
Luffy getting humiliated? Oh, please. Nika is shitting on the entire verse and its glorious watching the power scalers tear up.

You were always clowns.
Enjoy the ride.
did zoro not fight lucci for 14 chapters huffing and puffing acoc three swords n still couldn’t make him move an inch in the end
Zoro fucked lucci without Acoc
Lucci was stand because awaken zoan
While lucci was dissapoint with gomu gomu no extremist g5 nika


did zoro not fight lucci for 14 chapters huffing and puffing acoc three swords n still couldn’t make him move an inch in the end
3 panels worth of controlling the fight and toying with Lucci....

there was no ACoC involved and zoro just created a new attack on the fly to body Lucci...


Honestly if Zoro did half the things Luffy has done in this arc, they'd be praising him to the moon. :suresure:
its funny cause Luffy has always had limitations G2 strained him - his life force in general while G3 would render him useless when he would turn into chibi form this was all the way up to Saboady Arc that he had limits of that kind.

G2 was never something he could sustain for too long, now they are just upgrade G4 and G5 have higher risk factors to them..

powerscalers are funny
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