For Fujitora I can see it happening
Being a leader is to have a vision and be able to inspire a bunch of people to engage with you in that vision. That could be Fujitora
Akainu however can’t seem to inspire a true following of his vision as between him and Aokiji it was framed that Aokiji had the backing of the marines while Akainu was massively backed by government intérêts. Aokiji who doesn’t even seem to stand for anything managed to garner away all the support from Akainu. That says it all pretty much
Maybe Akainu is such a lone wolf in his ideology, that sure is a sign of courage and strength. But no he isn’t. He is ultimately a useful idiot type for the people running the show. His ideology is the government’s ideology which is why the government heavily favours Akainu
Had he actually had real leadership qualities he would have had support by the marines. Akainu is someone that governs through fear, not through charisma and courage of one’s convictions.
Kizaru has shown no courage or leadership qualities. He is the ultimate a lap dog type, I have no idea how one can picture him possessing conquerors haki.
Greenbull is also just a slave to the government propaganda. The ultimate useful
Idiot type. Édit: he simps for Akainu lol
Aokiji is at least a better option than Akainu but what kind of traits does he possess that makes one think he is a conquerors user?