Doesnโt effect me if religion is wrong eternal slumber after my death if right eternal paradise and pleasure after my death search up Pascals wager
Imo, It is a product of human psychology, we cant accept death so we wanna tuck ourselves in and convince that it isnt over.
The thing people call religion had been around for a long, long time and served different purposes but the inability to make peace with death seems to be common to all its shapes and forms since most people fear death regardless of the era.
Hypothetically.....if that was true.... we wouldnt be at lost at all. If their is no afterlife, we will get the same nothingness as everyone else.
However, in truth....their is an afterlife. Now imagine doing wrong against Allah ( God ). What then ?
Either way....I 100% believe in the afterlife. No way am I believing I came from monkeys and germs.
I love that you think one is hypothetical while the other is true, lol...
It is not about being lost or not. Do you think a bird that dies is lost? Or a dog?
Same nothingness as everyone else in case religion is wrong but eternal glory if religion is right and the nothingness will belong only to the unworthy ones? Why are you so sure that there is afterlife when one cannot possibly be sure about it?
People have been doing wrong against all kinds of gods you can come up with... What then? Nothing... Doesnt your god love you and is forgiving if you repent? Dont get me wrong, you can believe in whatever superstition you prefer but the story you hear when you were like 5 years old should be examined thoroughly once you get older and can ask the right questions.
The thing called "god" has been a tool used by humans for all kinds of purposes and one of the most common usages is to describe the unknown, whatever we didnt have an answer for, we turned to "it's god's will" or "god works in miraculous ways"...
There has been more bloodshed in the name of god than for any other reason, seems like people never really cased about doing wrong against god...
Maybe you dont want to discuss this in this topic and if so, fair enough.