Speculations It's Brook! (In Front of Zoro, and who the Gorosei were talking about.)

We do know the medicine hasn't worn off, because we can see Zoro, and he does not have the look of a man who just got hit with twice the pain he has so far received.

Of course the situations can be entirely different, and Zoro can get a separate badass moment later on. Enma was killing Zoro because of what it was doing to Zoro's Haki. King's Haki, is the embodiment of the users "Spirit". Spirit and soul are interchangeable. Zoro has essentially been having the life/spirit/soul drained out of him at a rapid pace while he was wielding Enma. Oda can easily spin it, that, that is what Brook is there to help with.

The big moment of Zoro getting hit with double the pain can still come later down the line, which would be a test of Zoro's toughness, and whether or not he can withstand and survive getting hit with that much pain.

And where on earth do you get the idea that Brook being able to stop a persons soul from leaving the plane of Earth, somehow gives them immortality? That was nowhere in any of my posts.
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I literally bring up panels, and situations directly correlating to the manga, that fit perfectly to prove my point.

The other alternatives yourself and others believe.

*Its the real Grim Reaper.*

*It's CP0*

*Zoro is hallucinating*

"It's Brook playing a joke."

We need manga facts, not headcannon.

The moment anyone says it's Brook is just proving my point of Imma use headcanon thinking it's manga panels

So Brook is not going to protect robin pick up a scythe and robe to "play a joke on Zoro" gotcha
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So Brook left Robin to fend cp0 on her own
Ran from no where near zoro who he had 0 idea where he was
Blitz past franky
And dressed as a reaper
To be next to zoro right now
He is exactly going to do that and then revive Zoro hahahaha
Luffy's cheat code = Meat
Zoro's cheat code = Brook

No way. If this happens, OP will become even more boring.

Again, Oda has plans for Zoro, thats why he made Zoro face Hakai.
My guess is that he is close to make a black blade and it is his final test (20% chance).
Or, it is just side effects of drug (80% chance, just because of Chopper's comments).

Or maybe both, perhaps making a black blade is something that can be achieved only when you are about to die, but somehow, through your sheer will, you survive.
The moment anyone says it's Brook is just proving my point of Imma use headcanon thinking it's manga panels

So Brook is not going to protect robin pick up a scythe and robe to "play a joke on Zoro" gotcha
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He is exactly going to do that and then revive Zoro hahahaha
Another person who didn't even read the original post. Smh....

Love how you popped in here to call my post headcannon, without using anything in the manga to back it up, and then exposed yourself that you didn't even read the post to begin with. Bravo.
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With Brook manipulating their souls, the person can't die. What else would you call it?

And "that's what Brook's there to help with"? So basically Zoro's going to be bailed out for using Enma? Let's not have Zoro rise above the challenge and wield it without dying despite the risks, let's instead have him saved by Brook with no build up whatsoever. Genius. You mean Zoro should still not be strong enough to wield Enma after fighting King, as if it's so far-fetched that he managed to win before draining his stamina? I could understand if there was a requirement in the narrative for Zoro to die as a result of Enma, but there really isn't. If your theory includes a decent reason for Zoro having not one, but two situations putting him on death's door please let me know. If not, there just isn't a good enough reason for Zoro to have died here.

If Oda really wanted to showcase this change in Brook, he would build it up and put it in Brook's plotline, not have him magically appear in Zoro's as shock value - and it only being shocking because it was done in such random and illogical fashion.
What do you mean a requirement in the narrative? Zoro himself says it. If he continues to wield Enma the way he is, he is going to die. It's in the narrative that, that is what was going to happen. You think just because he beat King, he magically gained the knowhow to wield Enma without the drawback? It just popped into his head, and he's good to go now? That's not how it works.

And no, Oda would not have build it up. That completely takes away the AHA! moment, when you reveal what is going to happen before it even happens. What writer would do that if they want to surprise the audience? Is that how you would surprise your audience if you were a writer? By telling and showing them what's going to happen, before it happens? Cause I'll tell you right now, Oda doesn't do that, and he loves his AHA! moments.
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Another person who didn't even read the original post. Smh....

Love how you popped in here to call my post headcannon, without using anything in the manga to back it up, and then exposed yourself that you didn't even read the post to begin with. Bravo.
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What do you mean a requirement in the narrative? Zoro himself says it. If he continues to wield Enma the way he is, he is going to die. It's in the narrative that, that is what was going to happen. You think just because he beat King, he magically gained the knowhow to wield Enma without the drawback? It just popped into his head, and he's good to go now? That's not how it works.

And no, Oda would not have build it up. That completely takes away the AHA! moment, when you reveal what is going to happen before it even happens. What writer would do that if they want to surprise the audience? Is that how you would surprise your audience if you were a writer? By telling and showing them what's going to happen, before it happens? Cause I'll tell you right now, Oda doesn't do that, and he loves his AHA! moments.
Didn't need to, the title was clear enough
@Celestial D. Dragon I think your theory is interesting, and I like that you didn't make Brook's involvement some sort of joke. However, I am still not sure the Grim Reaper figure is actually Brook. I think Brook's storyline is going to stay in conjecture with Robin and eventually Sanji. Brook and Sanji will protect Robin from CP-0. Also does Brook even know about the danger Zoro is in? Was he there when the Mink medicine and its consequences were explained to Zoro?
Another person who didn't even read the original post. Smh....
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What do you mean a requirement in the narrative? Zoro himself says it. If he continues to wield Enma the way he is, he is going to die. It's in the narrative that, that is what was going to happen. You think just because he beat King, he magically gained the knowhow to wield Enma without the drawback? It just popped into his head, and he's good to go now? That's not how it works.

And no, Oda would not have build it up. That completely takes away the AHA! moment, when you reveal what is going to happen before it even happens. What writer would do that if they want to surprise the audience? Is that how you would surprise your audience if you were a writer? By telling and showing them what's going to happen, before it happens? Cause I'll tell you right now, Oda doesn't do that, and he loves his AHA! moments.
I mean requirement in the narrative like, there needs to be a purpose for this happening. Do you really think Zoro had resigned himself to death when fighting King lmao? He said his final goodbyes to his friends, accepted he'd never achieve his dream and waited for death, content with just beating King? It was a challenge that if Zoro failed, would lead to his death, but he accepted the challenge and managed to beat King before using Enma overwhelmed him. It wasn't a guaranteed death, don't be ignorant.

And there have been plenty of shocking moments that were also built up, if only subtly. It's funny to me that you think in all fiction the only way for something to be surprising is to have it come out of nowhere with no logic in place for its happening. And if shock about it being Brook was Oda's whole plan, why have it half shown in one chapter before fully confirming it later? Wouldn't it be smarter to do it all in one go?
Saying Oda would not have built it up is straight denial. He'd choose to be an objectively poor writer all so that he can provide an 'AHA!' moment for fans... even though he already showed a skeleton, instantly putting Brook in the front of our minds. One way or another, he's already taken away from this surprising moment so your argument makes no sense.
And btw, having Brook hint at having deeper abilities with his fruit, putting him geographically close to Zoro, giving him no other purposes in the story or having him suddenly leave Robin's side isn't exactly "telling and showing [readers] what's going to happen, before it happens", it's just decent preparation for the surprise of Brook's new power, yet Oda chose to do none of that.
Theres a big difference between "reviving a dead character" like Goku being wished back to life after long being dead, and preventing a person from dying by stopping their soul from leaving the World.
What Oda said doesn't change.
We already know souls leave their bodies once a person dies. We know Brooks devil fruit shows us a soul can be put back into a body, even after death occurs. So why can't the man whose own soul left his body after death, and then re-entered it, do the same for others? This also fills in all those "Death flag" theories that people have been talking about for Zoro for years. In essence, Zoro will have "died" but Brook will have brought his soul back to his body.
You said it yourself, Zoro would be dead.
It's stupid.
I mean requirement in the narrative like, there needs to be a purpose for this happening. Do you really think Zoro had resigned himself to death when fighting King lmao? He said his final goodbyes to his friends, accepted he'd never achieve his dream and waited for death, content with just beating King? It was a challenge that if Zoro failed, would lead to his death, but he accepted the challenge and managed to beat King before using Enma overwhelmed him. It wasn't a guaranteed death, don't be ignorant.

And there have been plenty of shocking moments that were also built up, if only subtly. It's funny to me that you think in all fiction the only way for something to be surprising is to have it come out of nowhere with no logic in place for its happening. And if shock about it being Brook was Oda's whole plan, why have it half shown in one chapter before fully confirming it later? Wouldn't it be smarter to do it all in one go?
Saying Oda would not have built it up is straight denial. He'd choose to be an objectively poor writer all so that he can provide an 'AHA!' moment for fans... even though he already showed a skeleton, instantly putting Brook in the front of our minds. One way or another, he's already taken away from this surprising moment so your argument makes no sense.
And btw, having Brook hint at having deeper abilities with his fruit, putting him geographically close to Zoro, giving him no other purposes in the story or having him suddenly leave Robin's side isn't exactly "telling and showing [readers] what's going to happen, before it happens", it's just decent preparation for the surprise of Brook's new power, yet Oda chose to do none of that.
There doesn't have to be some massive narrative of Zoro resigning himself to death, for that to be the case. In fact I can even bring up one of the situations that I used to base this entire thread off of with the Gorosei, and the fact that they said that with Kaido and Big Mom both on Wano, then the chances are very high that someone might lose their life. Oda doesn't specify who, what when or where. He just tells us, the readers that the prospect is there, and it's very high. Zoro could be that person. Luffy could be that person. Brook, Nami, Robin... etc.. etc.. Oda set the narrative for that. The possibility is there that someone can die, and as to who, it's up to Oda to decide.

Do me a favor. Explain to me the logic behind the actual Grim Reaper showing up out of nowhere to take Zoro's life, when there isn't a single shred of a clue, hint, foreshadow, or anything else in the entirety of the manga that remotely suggests that an entity like that exists. But you're willing to accept something like that, with no "narrative build up" or logic behind it. Ok.....

And what are you talking about? There is huge hints all over post skip that there is MUCH MORE to Brooks powers than initially established. From Fishman Island to WCI, Oda has slowly been revealing more and more about Brooks powers. He doesn't need to tell us everything. He just needs to tell us that there is more to it. The reveal won't come into the situation arises to where it needs to come. This would be such a situation to reveal what my speculation is. There is zero issue with it.
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Also, just to be completely transparent. I am completely fine with being wrong on this and it being the actual Grim Reaper. I supported it in the spoiler thread, and that hasn't change. The purpose of this thread was never meant to be "this has to be it, and there is no other alternative.".

I made the thread because of how everything fit so perfectly, and wanted to share it with others.
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There doesn't have to be some massive narrative of Zoro resigning himself to death, for that to be the case. In fact I can even bring up one of the situations that I used to base this entire thread off of with the Gorosei, and the fact that they said that with Kaido and Big Mom both on Wano, then the chances are very high that someone might lose their life. Oda doesn't specify who, what when or where. He just tells us, the readers that the prospect is there, and it's very high. Zoro could be that person. Luffy could be that person. Brook, Nami, Robin... etc.. etc.. Oda set the narrative for that. The possibility is there that someone can die, and as to who, it's up to Oda to decide.
All the more reason for someone Brook's deeply interacted with to be the one to die, if there are so many options, why go for the least likely/feasible candidate? Zoro's always shown insane resistance to dying so if he was to die, there absolutely would be a huge focus on it.

"it's up to Oda to decide" just tells me you're lacking real evidence or justification honestly. Because it could be Zoro this has to be true?

Do me a favor. Explain to me the logic behind the actual Grim Reaper showing up out of nowhere to take Zoro's life, when there isn't a single shred of a clue, hint, foreshadow, or anything else in the entirety of the manga that remotely suggests that an entity like that exists. But you're willing to accept something like that, with no "narrative build up" or logic behind it. Ok.....
We've seen ships manifest themselves physically, why not blades? Enma's named after the King of the underworld so seeing a grim reaper could be the manifestation of Enma. Zoro still hasn't turned Enma into a black blade and so it's fair to assume that there's another obstacle for Zoro to get over before fully mastering it. Not saying it's clear and obvious, but it makes more sense to me than it being Brook since it would wrap up all this Enma stuff that's been going on for so long, plus it further validates the idea that meito swords are their own entities with personalities etc.

If there was zero issue with your theory, why have you ignored so many other valid criticisms in this thread? This reveal you want to happen is full of holes, sorry.

And what are you talking about? There is huge hints all over post skip that there is MUCH MORE to Brooks powers than initially established. From Fishman Island to WCI, Oda has slowly been revealing more and more about Brooks powers.
You're right, but he hasn't done this in Wano. You'd think with such an important ability, and legendary fruit, there'd have been a few decent hints throughout Wano. Brook's fruit's potential not fully being revealed yet isn't enough to put money on this theory.
Maybe, or maybe not. There are several option.

But i'll add some salt.
Brook begin to show what a "Soul King" is. He just showed an ice thing, but just that.
  • If Big Mom *Soul Soul* no mi are for
    • reviving non-creature
    • Taking live span of creature
  • Then maybe, Brook "revive revive' no mi are for:
    • reviving creature
    • Taking live span/element of non-creature
    • ?? Taking the spirit of devil ?? (Or Shinigami)
i think its something with his swords, my first thought was Sandai Kitetsu because it being cursed sword but then i went back read the enma wikia page,im torn could be either.
Suspiciously enough, this figure also happens to look exactly like Brook
Dunno what's suspicious about that, since grim reapers are usually depicted as skeletons and Brook happens to be the only living skeleton.

Read the whole post and tbh don't see how "everything aligns perfectly".
> The Gorosei talking about an awakened fruit was done in the context of Zunisha appearing.
> The CP0 said they are going after the straw hats rather than "Robin and a certain other member".
> The blonde Gorosei implied that the WG gave the fruit a different name to hide something
> They already know of Brook; being a living skeleton should imply the source of his power. Given their intelligence network, they should've witnessed or being informed about his other abilities too. It doesn't take a grim reaper appearing before Zoro to do the Math, especially since I assume that Grim Reapers naturally exist in the One Piece world. How would they link that to Brook's fruit?

Other than that, Brooks DF doesn't seem so extraordinary that the Gorosei themselves would make such a fuss about it.