Powers & Abilities Jinbe has CoC haki (now confirmed by the anime)

I will help my bro Finalbeta.

CoA lightning sparks: happened when CoA infused attacks touch or in contact with each other. It usually is smaller in scale and starts on the impact point.

CoC lightning sparks: shown in the surrounding of the CoC users and sometimes affects a larger area of effect.

CoC lightning sparks happens almost always accompanied with CoA usage. I think scale is the key difference here.


Zoro Worshipper
I will help my bro Finalbeta.

CoA lightning sparks: happened when CoA infused attacks touch or in contact with each other. It usually is smaller in scale and starts on the impact point.

CoC lightning sparks: shown in the surrounding of the CoC users and sometimes affects a larger area of effect.

CoC lightning sparks happens almost always accompanied with CoA usage. I think scale is the key difference here.
I haven't seriously read this manga in ages but I was already aware of this area matter. As for touching, both can be no touch if ACoA is involved I guess, but simple CoA involves touch and still eventually produces the lightning sparkles if the color is good enough IIRC.
Ulti has also coc lol
it is possible why not?
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I will help my bro Finalbeta.

CoA lightning sparks: happened when CoA infused attacks touch or in contact with each other. It usually is smaller in scale and starts on the impact point.

CoC lightning sparks: shown in the surrounding of the CoC users and sometimes affects a larger area of effect.

CoC lightning sparks happens almost always accompanied with CoA usage. I think scale is the key difference here.
the scale merely depends on the user's strength Jinbe is strong but compared to Kaido and BM he is not that strong.Chinajo said there are countless people who has CoC haki, i made a post in the past about those who showed black lightning and are about 10 or some likes that, so it is not impossible that such people have it.
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big mom (1040) didn't use CoC for defence, she always does it to initiate "soul pocus", and it was pretty weak because no fodder in the vicinity got K.O'ed.
yonko bodies are passively infused with CoC, that's why their durability is so high, both kaido (1041) and big mom (1039) produced AdvCoC lightning by just screaming/laughing loudly.

but in jinbe's case it was just CoA hardening.
To be honest, if he gets stronger, he could be a contender for it. He was the leader of the Sun Pirates like Fisher Tiger. He is a born leader and strong.
well Oda didn't made clear but the panels of the black lighting shooting form his body, and getting Who's-Who's finger's , crashing his wrists , and his finisher attack they all have black lighting and now this obvious confirmation of Toe , make me sure that he has it.
and yes sure what you say is right he is a leader and dam strong.
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I wouldnt be surprised by the end of the series if the majority of the strawhats had it
yes me neither maybe even all of them, i think Luffy is supposed to be King of the kings that is what makes the strawhats so damn strong and why they grow that fast.
Come on, Jinbe won't get CoC if Sanji w/o Sanji getting it first... Those fodders in the anime didn't even passed out, it's not CoC...
it is CoC haki it was done only twice , Zoro and Kid were confirmed like that to have CoC haki in the anime before they were shown to be use it in the manga, Kid was confirmed to have in the manga and he didn't display it till now at least not clearly
These Anime producers bruh...:milaugh:
Anyways don't really care whether Jinbe has it or not but going off the scene in the vid some of y'all have shared, as long as the Anime isn't just bullshiting or adding in shit for cuul in this scenario then it's a possibility
We saw big mom use CoC haki to defend herself , so some black lightning shot of her body. the same happened with Kaido in the current chapter his anger about BM's defeat expressed in outburst of CoC haki

just wondering Jinbe showed the same when he was angered by Who's-Who, is there any difference? for me it looks like that Jinbe has CoC haki , and it will be fitting considering he will be the only known fishman to have it .

and now it is confirmed by the anime
yup he has COC idk why some people denying it. Strawhat crew gonna be the 2nd coming of the rocks pirates