General & Others Jinbei’s Return: Does it make Big Mom look bad?

No freaking way.

- swimming skills that dwarf Ray's
- survives indefinitely in deep sea
- body of a torpedo with sea fighting skills
- years or decades of knowledge with her territory and seas in general
- his crew's whole purpose in that situation was getting him out

Luffy made it out "unscathed" too, even though he took literally everyone including Big Mom head on. You might bring up his fight injuries but that was like a week before Wano. By the time he fought Kaido he was completely fine in every way. Jinbe got there even later
counting her peak portrayal, no. Jimbei said a hungry BM is unstoppable. Zeus didnt scratch her like at all. Enel could throw Mamaragan at her, Aokiji could try to freeze him and she wouldnt be stopped imo.

if anything, it gave her more dumbness factor, plot restriction, and PIS as usual
My problem is what was the point of having Jinbei stay back if he was just gonna come back this soon and nothing was gonna happen
- Emphasis on his character: He wont leave behind his friends

- A means to have them escape. Luffy needed to escape for the story to continue. It served its purpose. We'll find out how Jinbe escaped next chapter.

- A means to leave mystery for where Germa is or what is happening next with them

- A means for Jinbe to recruit some extra characters.

These are things we'll probably find out next chapter guys, but seriously, Jinbe staying beyond wasnt a means for Big Mom to "win", it was a means to logically advance the story without everyone escaping in the moment. Every One Piece villain loses in the end, and Her and Kaido are next.


I will never forgive Oda
Jinbe had the help of his trusted crew, the entire warlike nation of Germa, and 2/4 of Big Mom's top commanders were KO. Add onto the fact 10k soldiers already were beaten by Germa before the escape, Carrot ruined one fleet that could've pursued them, and I'd say no. Jinbe's appearance unscathed doesn't make Big Mom look bad.

This is the same guy who managed to save Luffy from a pissed off Akainu when the marine's full power was brought to the fore front. Escaping Tottoland isn't that big in comparison.