[FNZ] Role Madness Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia - Shibuya Incident [Game Ended = Mafia + Traitor + Neutral Indie Won!]

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Is it just me or is aurelians play very off from his town meta?
Don't think so in the way your viewing but I have been trying to actively adjust and change from more recent games to get better as player.

Could've used it last night when u were protected
You can look at my earlier posts, I won't use it this early on if I can save it. But let me put it to you this way, if I were to use it night 3, who do you propose I use it on? AM was assassinated and that was publicly set up, I already said several times before I prefer saving this for the late game/end game where it can be decisive.

Well I didn't play ffxiv so idk abt last game there

what was his alignment?
I was town watcher/voyeur. My last posts were way more detailed when I was isoing Magic, Evans, Ekko, and a few others before I got day 1 lynched and some people dismissed them when I was arguing with Destroya/X as being "coached" and I flipped town so it kind of disrupted the rest of the game with day 1 reads.

@Neeko in dead chat for the Final Fantasy game, you acknowledged I improved and changed enough that it should've swayed you from joining my wagon when I got lynched.
Disagree. Stop this. Seriously. You have no idea how many thoughts we put into our play, so shut up! Flower and Mitch should be able to confirm from our chat. And as we have said last day: We had to choose targets before day ended. After what happened with the lynch we would have obviously made very different decisions.
I think you're town, but I won't listen to a single further thing you say this game. Sorry.
Tuna. (

1. RippedCal - Town lean
2. Ratchet - Town lean
3. Ultra - Town lean
4. ConquistadoR - Town
5. Kiku - Town lean
6. hime - Scum lean
7. Reborn - slight scum lean
8. Joygirl - Inide?
9. Midnight Delight - Unfortunately I think he's just town
10. Naomi - Town
11. Alwaysmind - Null
12. Destroya - Scum/ Indie lean
13. Psylocke - Town
14. MitchMatch - Null
15. KWEH - Null
16. Orwellian - Null
17. Dr_Professor83 - Town
19. Underworld Broker - scum lean
20. NikaInParis - Town
21. Flower - Town
22. Michelle - Town
23. Grammaton - Town lean
24. Neeko - Scum lean

So, I have a lot of nulls, I am quite aware. But I just seem to not really have much to grab onto when it comes to many players. There's few interactions that I can gather information from. That being said, yes, there is information buried in even the most mundane of posts, but I don't have the computational powers to extract them.

I have Kiku as town lean as Dest's sukuna claim is a bit weird, and I think the whole situation with Naomi/ Gram/ Dest/ Kiku is whack, there's something off on that whole thing. It's not impossible, but I find it difficult to believe that in the entire chain all of them are town, and the one who is standing out to look the worst in the chain is Dest.
Gram seems pretty nonchalant about the fact that Dest targeted him,. he doesn't really give two shits. I don't know if Gramma has given any reasons why he seems so unphased by this, but he did tell me that he didn't know what had happened to him.

The only world where Kiku would by lying about this is if he was in cahoots with Gram. But what I've seen of Gram so far, I'm not sure I'm putting him in a suspicion list just yet. He seemed pretty calm and collected about confrontation, so I'm willing to give him that benefit of doubt.

I unfortunately don't really have any super hard solid Scum reads, I have a lot of nulls and scum leans. I don't really feel like I have a good overall comprehension of the big picture of this game.

Like, I'm starting to see a storyline unfold here, but I at the moment fail to really pinpoint anyone exactly.

I haven't read through KWEH's posts as of this post, so I put him in null based off my impression of him. He felt pretty impressionless to me, just being there. That's why I give Kweh a null and Neeko a scum lean, because I ISO'd Neeko's posts, and I felt like he was only asking some questions, but they didn't really seem to be leading anywhere. It felt more like CWAC to me, than anything.
So if I were to do a G2H rn, I'd probably go for that slot.

Hime, I haven't been really interacting with that much, but I saw the narrative that she was very defensive of Destroya. And with Dest jokingly or not, claiming Sukuna, this looks a bit weird to me. I think Ultra said earlier that hime was a Mason, right? She had someone she could talk in the PMs with. I don't recall if it was clarified that Hime made the connection, or if they were connected by roles. If she were the one who made the neighbour, then it's also a possible person for Psychic's alleged inevitable demise.

Like I mentioned earlier, Reborn just doesn't really hit right with me, I don't have anything concrete to point out, but it just feels a little bit off. I know that it isn't helpful, or much to go off of, but I'm not exactly pushing for his lynch either right now.
He hasn't given me anything to latch onto, but then again, I will admitt I haven't really analysed what he has been saying to a great extent.

Yeah, I think that's about what I have to say about that rn)
the fact all of these scum reads outside of the mechanically confirmed scum in broki appears wrong doesn't really bode well for you here. obviously people dont have to think im town, but we know reborn was town/dest is town/hime is likely town(imo)/and then im going to flip town.

so ya, i could definitely see mango as scum given these reads.
You put a hit on the cop because he had a tracker result. That's you not using your brain.
tbf she didn't know you were the cop.

i disagree with the selection, but you cant use the cop stuff against her when she likely didn't pick up on it.

(but i agree we should drop the assassin kills).
Welcome to our Ignore then. Sick of some dumbasses crying about our "poor" play. Especially when they have not done anything impressive themselves.
I was forced to defend myself in a way that screamed I was cop and got role crushed because of it. Then I was targeted for a kill because players couldn't not interpret I was defending myself in a way that strongly hinted cop. I got outed and role crushed because if sub par play. It is what it is, but please don't deny a fact and get emotional.
tbf she didn't know you were the cop.

i disagree with the selection, but you cant use the cop stuff against her when she likely didn't pick up on it.

(but i agree we should drop the assassin kills).
The issue was that Kiku was very strongly insisting that Dest tried to "kill" Naomi when he kept asking her why she thought he tried to kill Naomi.

Just fuck you, asshole.

@hime @Orwellian Why are you liking this bullshit post???
Thought it was funny, it wasn't meant to be at your expense.
tbf she didn't know you were the cop.

i disagree with the selection, but you cant use the cop stuff against her when she likely didn't pick up on it.

(but i agree we should drop the assassin kills).
There wasn't many roles I could have been protecting with the way I was discussing my claim. But yeah, I understand that there was no way for sure to know. Not interested in this line of discussion anymore since it's all moot.
You base your whole argument on two things:
- weak reasoning re: my vote on you yesterday
- thinking my sporadic (ig) gameplay comes from a scum place instead of from a guy who's literally playing this bs game for the first fucking time

1. I voted you yesterday simply becazse:
It was Day 1 of my first day playing this shit and I wanted some resolution to 48 hours of nothing.
Your wagon was the closest to being completed and I was well aware that Prof and Flower had a lot to do with it. But I read Flower as town and thought Prof was on your wagon to mask his scuminess.

It ended up being for nothing and T Pain ended up being eliminated.

2. You and your scummate Dest have sludge on your eyesockets so I'll say it once more:
I am playing this crap for the first time, aight!

I don't know how any of you wannabe sherlocks play.

I don't know 90% of the inside lingo.

I try to judge by my own merits, and go from there. Even if I'm wrong.
I. Am. Trying. To. Learn.

Now kindly piss off in any direction you like and try to pass on your scumy vibes elsewhere.

Or just vote me, idgaf.
mate keep playing. i know it's frustrated getting sussed but it's also apart of the game. if you are town, which i think you are based on the emotional reactions youre exhibiting towards hime, then it's best to just acknowledge people can and will be wrong. i hope you stick around.


@Flower @MitchMatch You know from our chat that I´m using my brain very well and that this accusations of playing "poorly" are not warranted! So fucking sick of getting attacked from some smartasses which think they can do it better while in reality they aren´t.


I was forced to defend myself in a way that screamed I was cop and got role crushed because of it. Then I was targeted for a kill because players couldn't not interpret I was defending myself in a way that strongly hinted cop. I got outed and role crushed because if sub par play. It is what it is, but please don't deny a fact and get emotional.
You could pretended to be cop, simple as that. Happened before in mafia.
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