The two most fleshed out characters out of the 5 color admirals (as of 12/31/2024 - I have no doubt Issho and Sakazuki will be in discussion eventually).
Which character do people prefer and why?
@Elder Lee Hung @TheKnightOfTheSea @MarineHQ @TheAncientCenturion @Shiroyru @Red Admiral @L57 @zenox @ConquistadoR @SakazOuki @ZenZu @Tyki_Mikk @RayanOO @Uncle Van @KingOnizam @Owl Ki @JoNdule @Cruxroux @Zenos7 @mmd @Blax Blah @Dragon777 @mly90
Which character do people prefer and why?


@Elder Lee Hung @TheKnightOfTheSea @MarineHQ @TheAncientCenturion @Shiroyru @Red Admiral @L57 @zenox @ConquistadoR @SakazOuki @ZenZu @Tyki_Mikk @RayanOO @Uncle Van @KingOnizam @Owl Ki @JoNdule @Cruxroux @Zenos7 @mmd @Blax Blah @Dragon777 @mly90

Kizaru's character is better
I find Kuzan's character to be the more childish of the two. His reasons for doing what he does are not compelling and difficult to relate to, it really feels like he's just rebelling because he lost