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All is forgiven...

Yay, I not seeing that stupid "Yamato was too strong" cope anymore. I'm glad they finally realized that was kinda dumb. Now if only they would understand Yamato was an editors push.It like oda let them take the wheel until a certain point and btfo troll style and then doubled downed later on.
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Imagine if C4N was a Yamato fan, Jesus Christ this website would be diferent.
That would be favorable....

I am not taking sides btw. I am neutral except for the topic carrot joins.
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How do you want to discuss if you make the conclusion for me ? How fallacious can you be.. I've repeated and repeated again and again that I would love for Yamato to join, I love her character and her dynamic with the crew.

I would have been okay with Yamato joining over Carrot simply because for me, only the story counts. But not for you it seems. For you guys its all about BS like agendas and meming (which is just toxicity in disguise). DOn't get me wrong, I love meming. But you have took that sport to a place where its not funny anymore. You guys don't seems to really care about the story, you only want one thing, to be right.

Gladly for you, I proved again and again on this forum that being right was not my goal, my goal is to be proven wrong. So, go for it, put me under your worst debunking, I've been waiting that for 2 years.

Anyway.. yeah, I did predicted Yamato not joining, and I did predicted that Carrot was meant for something greater, I just missed the conclusion and frankly, no one here is blind, this conclusion doesn't make sence...

UNLESS it does. But for that we will need patience and a little bit of luck. I say we, but its for me. Because if Carrot ends up coming back to the story like I think she will, to employ meming terms, you guys are ALL SCREWED. And for once, I will enjoy the trembling earthquake that will bury each one of you under your own memes and desillusion.

But of course.. that's if I'm right. For your sake, be sure to wish that I'm not.
If Lucci joined, would you admit that your theory of 10 pillars is wrong?
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Ouch, I come here to forget about work, not be reminded of it:lusalty:

Nice avy tho!

Hope next chapter will give us some substantial nakama developments to discuss.
And yet everyone but you knew Carrot wouldn't join
Not because of a good reasonning hehe

3 arc?? Whole cake island and ?
Zou, WC, Wano

I offer up a sacrifice, we in the bunny fandom sacrifice C4N and someone gets rid of those slander rabbit tags.

The other people in this thread are right when they say she doesn’t fit the criteria needed to join. All the Straw Hats have a dream and they all had their own arc with a villain they had to defeat. (Nami > Arlong, Robin > CP9, Sanji > Don Krieg, etc.)
That's but two criteria to be a strawhat.

So, right off the bat, we had development opportunities, an enemy, a goal and a relationship with the Straw Hats. Okay, good, she needed to have these at the very least (although some qualifications don’t strictly apply to every Straw Hat, as @Sigran101 explained before).

Not only did Carrot not defeat Perospero
Yes but why tho ? To make Nekomamushi win ? But if she is meant to be queen, wouldn't the logic be that she defeat Perospero (she honestly could in Sulong) ? There is something that is not adding up here. And I think I know why.

It made no sense for her to be asked to take on such a heavy responsibility when she couldn’t even defeat the one enemy she needed to take down even with Sulong.
Exactly (while she honestly could in Sulong, hardly but possible)

I‘d rather accept the likely possibility that Oda has no plans to make her a Straw
Tthis is contradictory to what you just said. You said "it made no sence for her to be asked" and "Oda had no plan for her" do you really think Oda would just throw away a character like that to such a position ?

I don’t want Yamato to join unless Oda quits that Oden persona gag though.
That's dumb, that Oden perso is part of Yamato's character.

He said multiple times Carrot won't join, yet he is here arguing for Carrot's chances to join while simultaneously saying she won't join.
This is no betrayal
What I think is that Carrot's chances are very low for the strawhat crew but very high to reappear in the story. Thing is is that if she reappears early and depict certain strawhat traits like a story arc, then her chances are back up.

But I never gave up on Carrot having a particular chances in the story.

If Lucci joined, would you admit that your theory of 10 pillars is wrong?
If Lucci joins, he will depict first all the 10 Pillars. The 10 Pillars are not something you can just avoid, they are the reason why the stories of the strawhats are good in the first place.
Not because of a good reasonning hehe

Zou, WC, Wano


That's but two criteria to be a strawhat.


Yes but why tho ? To make Nekomamushi win ? But if she is meant to be queen, wouldn't the logic be that she defeat Perospero (she honestly could in Sulong) ? There is something that is not adding up here. And I think I know why.

Exactly (while she honestly could in Sulong, hardly but possible)

Tthis is contradictory to what you just said. You said "it made no sence for her to be asked" and "Oda had no plan for her" do you really think Oda would just throw away a character like that to such a position ?

That's dumb, that Oden perso is part of Yamato's character.

What I think is that Carrot's chances are very low for the strawhat crew but very high to reappear in the story. Thing is is that if she reappears early and depict certain strawhat traits like a story arc, then her chances are back up.

But I never gave up on Carrot having a particular chances in the story.

If Lucci joins, he will depict first all the 10 Pillars. The 10 Pillars are not something you can just avoid, they are the reason why the stories of the strawhats are good in the first place.
Yes master
Not because of a good reasonning hehe

Zou, WC, Wano


That's but two criteria to be a strawhat.


Yes but why tho ? To make Nekomamushi win ? But if she is meant to be queen, wouldn't the logic be that she defeat Perospero (she honestly could in Sulong) ? There is something that is not adding up here. And I think I know why.

Exactly (while she honestly could in Sulong, hardly but possible)

Tthis is contradictory to what you just said. You said "it made no sence for her to be asked" and "Oda had no plan for her" do you really think Oda would just throw away a character like that to such a position ?

That's dumb, that Oden perso is part of Yamato's character.

What I think is that Carrot's chances are very low for the strawhat crew but very high to reappear in the story. Thing is is that if she reappears early and depict certain strawhat traits like a story arc, then her chances are back up.

But I never gave up on Carrot having a particular chances in the story.

If Lucci joins, he will depict first all the 10 Pillars. The 10 Pillars are not something you can just avoid, they are the reason why the stories of the strawhats are good in the first place.
Actually it turned out to be good reasoning. You were the only one who was surprised when Carrot didn't join.
Actually it turned out to be good reasoning. You were the only one who was surprised when Carrot didn't join.
Two things.

- Yes I was surprised but not because Carrot didn't join but rather because of the current ""conclusion"" of her storyline.
- There wasn't good reasonning in the opposite side, for example a recurring argument was "Carrot is not fit to be a strawhat", which was wrong.
Two things.

- Yes I was surprised but not because Carrot didn't join but rather because of the current ""conclusion"" of her storyline.
- There wasn't good reasonning in the opposite side, for example a recurring argument was "Carrot is not fit to be a strawhat", which was wrong.
Many things.

- No, I was not surprised when it was revealed that Kizaru is faking his injuries. It was obvious since the beginning that he has ulterior motives, as shown in his reluctance to attack Sentomaru
- There is no good reasonning in the opposite side, for example a recurring argument is "Kizaru is not fit to be a strawhat", which is wrong.
Many things.

- No, I was not surprised when it was revealed that Kizaru is faking his injuries. It was obvious since the beginning that he has ulterior motives, as shown in his reluctance to attack Sentomaru
- There is no good reasonning in the opposite side, for example a recurring argument is "Kizaru is not fit to be a strawhat", which is wrong.
DO you have elements to prove that ? :myman:
DO you have elements to prove that ? :myman:
I think it's sad that there are so many doubters, why do people not believe in Kizaru? He has what it takes, he's right about to unlock CoC after all these decades of world government servitude. Kizaru has had enough and so do we!
Support The Yellow Monkey now, stand with the defenders of freedom and follow a middle aged man discover his true self, defying the restrictions of patriarchy and corporate control!
What is there not to like about Monkey D. Kizaru??