Who will be the next SH?

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Same! This is why I feel so let down with Wano conclusion. It doesn't feel right. It's like everybody gets their dream, but not Yamato. Tama gets to be trained as kunoichi, so she can be badass when joining the seas. Momo becomes shogun. Wano folks get free. Scabbards get their promise fulfilled. Yamato....is just there with a flimsy excuse.
Exactly. I accepted the fact that Yamato will not be a strawhat. But I would never accept that this is a good conclusion for the character. Because it just isn't.
I can say the same about you.

I think, no one would gain anything, if we were to outright go into a subjective dirty war. It's great being able to connect even if we have other `political´ view-points.
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Now, I think this is a subjective matter - and we are diverging greatly from each other. Let's leave it at that, befor we go at each other's throats.
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Nah, I think Oda likes the character too much for that humiliation. Look at Enies Lobby - during the fight with Luffy, the whole crew stood on that bridge and Zolo even hyped Lucci that he was strong and would kill everyone if it were not for Luffy. We do not see that with any other boss-character.

Speaking of boss-character: Lucci was not the boss of the arc - that was Spandam. And if you look further into it. Spandam seemed more like the evil prothesis for Lucci's lack of antagonism.

Have you noticed the following?: When Spandam asked Lucci, what he wanted, Lucci answered in a very roundabout way, stating that "Perhaps, all that we seek is blood.". Why would he say "perhaps"? It seems that he does not know either, what he wants and it lets room for speculation. Lucci is not evil - Oda just makes it seem as if he is, in a very roundabout way. And look at what Lucci's wants in Water 7: To free the world of the bad, which is the pirates, who pester the innocent people. In his view, he is doing good and freeing innocents of the generell evil and - and this is very important - and is ready to make sacrafices for the greater good (like young Robin).

By the way - Shaka is also ready to make sacrafices for his greater goal of saving the Stellar. He even is ready to sacrafice his own life, like he mentioned in chapter 1071. (And here we have Lucci's and Shaka's similarities again.)
what a civil & mature conversation. It must be wonderful to not have super aggressive trolls trying anything to get a reaction out of you, or annoyed indiviuals lashing out with horredous insults, or random stranger mistaking you for an alt and harassing. I appricate when things end sensibly.
what a civil & mature conversation. It must be wonderful to not have super aggressive trolls trying anything to get a reaction out of you, or annoyed indiviuals lashing out with horredous insults, or random stranger mistaking you for an alt and harassing. I appricate when things end sensibly.
Somehow, this thread feels like a worn table in a quiet corner of an old bar, at which always the same few people are sitting and are calmly enjoying their beer, while the conversation strays between them.

Like a group of hard working truckers, who are meeting after work for some freetime amongst friends and colleagues.

Sometimes a visitor comes by, has a drink with them and share their thoughts.

But all in all, we are just enjoying each other's presence as everyone knows the other by now and respects everyone's quirks after the day ends.

Welcome to the "nakama-table".
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@Rambles how do you think Lucci will explain the time he murdered 100 unarmed innocent civillians just so the pirates couldn't claim they had hostages without looking evil?
This is explainable the same way, why he killed/hurt Nero: They were too weak as soldiers and this way endangered their kingdom to a point, at which the governing body and its people were threatened. So, he killed them. This is the matter with the sacrafice I was telling you about: Lucci is ready to make sacrafices for the greater good - peace. For peace he would kill and be killed in return, like he mentioned during his fight with Luffy.

I think he needs to learn that he can be weak as someone, who's duty is to protect the innocent. And maybe that there are also pirates, who are doing good and not evil.
This is explainable the same way, why he killed/hurt Nero: They were too weak as soldiers and this way endangered their kingdom to a point, at which the governing body and its people were threatened. So, he killed them. This is the matter with the sacrafice I was telling you about: Lucci is ready to make sacrafices for the greater good - peace. For peace he would kill and be killed in return, like he mentioned during his fight with Luffy.

I think he needs to learn that he can be weak as someone, who's duty is to protect the innocent. And maybe that there are also pirates, who are doing good and not evil.
I'm sorry, but that's not an explanation that makes him look like any less of a mass murderer. Even if it was true that their weakness put their country in danger, which it isn't because that was the country's entire military, he still murdered 500 unarmed innocents who were on his side. If that doesn't make him evil, then Akainu is pure as snow.
Well, it's been a long time since I posted in this thread. I think it would be fun to try and write my thoughts:

My personal point of view when looking at a new crew member is looking at the dream and relationship with the crew alongside a few other personal criteria that don't matter that much in the long scheme of things but I think Oda would have to consider in a permanent member. The dream part is important because it needs to be finished at the end of the series, not before.

As a example, I don't think a fighter would be added at this point in the saga simple because Oda can barely deal with the characters as is. However I can see a gag or weak character joining, because he can easily add some scenes without taking much of a chapter, while the monster trio fights. That's one of the reasons why I personally think Franky and Brook don't appear too much compared with the others: their gags are too specific and as fighters they take a backseat to the others. This is also why I believe Brook stole Mr. Prince persona from Sanji.

I also think that the character must be know or hinted since part 1. Specially in the last Saga this should be one of the biggest factors to make people accept the new member. As a example, if Bon Clay appeared somehow and joined I think most people would be trilled instead of asking why (and Franky's VA would get extra money). A giant connected to Broggy, Dorry or Saul could also fit the bill.

And last, but not least, Luffy should have asked to join and the person accepts or the person asks to join the crew and is accepted. Basic example: while she wasted pages claiming she wanted to join the crew and stealing the thunder of better characters, when directed asked to join by Luffy Yamato actually denied. Usually Luffy asks at the end of the arc but there's exceptions.

Small detail: I don't believe there's any other character besides Tama that directly asked to join and was accepted by Luffy or that Luffy asked to join and accepted but still is not a permanent crewmember. One more reason why tama=nakama. Frankly, I'm willing to be proven wrong because if this happened it would really be a surprise. And no, Vivi farewell scene is her denying the request to join unfortunately and not like Jinbe.

Putting all this there's very few characters that fit the bill:

>Hancock/S-Snake: Hancock fails because of lack of relationship with the crew and how powerful she is. S-Snake looked like a good compromisse until she was captured in the bubble instead of being left outside to interact with the crew after she freed them. If she was meant to join, the group could have some fun moments with her.

>Lucci: no dream, no interest in interacting with the crew and is actually a antagonist (but without a redeeming flashback or misunderstanding like franky). No reasonable chance of joining.

>Kaku: I mention Kaku just because compared with Lucci he is way more amicable and would have more chances to join (comparable with Lucci). While a cool character he does not have a dream or a good rapport with the crew.

>Bon Clay: stuck in Impel down. However if he somehow appear in the final war he will stay with the crew simple because he's awesome. Sadly this will mean even less Franky scenes but it's a sacrifice that I'm willing to face. However if Flamingo escapes Impel Down for some reason he will not be forgotten and many people will cry manly tears with the reunion.

>Vivi: The issue with Vivi is simple that her position in the world and role in the story does not mix very well with the SH. She works incredible well as a ally but not as a permanent member. And this is even ignoring her lack of dream and role in the ship.

>Tama: There's plenty of reasons why Tama=Nakama, but I already mentioned before in other posts. The only thing to mention is that she was hinted almost 400 chapters before she actually appeared, hinting of her importance in the arc, and actually fitting the bill of a character linked to part 1.

And that's it. Good night folks.
I'm sorry, but that's not an explanation that makes him look like any less of a mass murderer. Even if it was true that their weakness put their country in danger, which it isn't because that was the country's entire military, he still murdered 500 unarmed innocents who were on his side. If that doesn't make him evil, then Akainu is pure as snow.
I would not go as far as to say that he did it, because liked to kill people, but becaue in his opinion, he had to. It makes him utmost cold and calculated. And this is a good enough reason for me to put him into the `redeemable´ category, even if that is a little too optimistic for some people.
I don’t really understand how your mind works, man.

On the latest chapter, Lucci just went back on his word by attacking Vegapunk with an obvious intention to kill, even though he promised that he would kill Luffy first before anyone else, including the Vegapunks.

And no, “he killed 500 people because he think he had to” is not a good reason to put him in the redeemable type at all.

You are way too biased, to the point that I believe you are just trolling about Lucci for nakama train - -
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I think we’re down one more main member to make it 10 but do think there could be a bunch of other members after

I’m 100% down for the last main member being vivi. She like the rest of them appeared pre timeskip, she’s already an honorary strawhat like the wano gang but she did it first, appears in the strawhat and animal color spreads, and can’t go back to alabasta

Her role could be using her position as queen of alabasta to legitimize the strawhats even more. Helping other kingdoms realize the the strawhats are there true hope not the celestial dragons. Basically her being the diplomat
Lucci is far too obedient to the World Government to consider becoming a pirate. Especially Luffy, a pirate destined to become the arch-nemesis of the World Government, and the same who caused him his greatest failure.

Luffy and Zoro were even disgusted at the idea to fight with him (and Kaku) at their side. If he joins, there must be a really REALLY good reason then.
I think we’re down one more main member to make it 10 but do think there could be a bunch of other members after

I’m 100% down for the last main member being vivi. She like the rest of them appeared pre timeskip, she’s already an honorary strawhat like the wano gang but she did it first, appears in the strawhat and animal color spreads, and can’t go back to alabasta

Her role could be using her position as queen of alabasta to legitimize the strawhats even more. Helping other kingdoms realize the the strawhats are there true hope not the celestial dragons. Basically her being the diplomat
The strawhats don't need help being legitimized, especially from someone like Vivi. They are already a yonko crew, and after this saga they'll be the pirate king crew. Vivi is a comparatively unimportant person, since a single country has nowhere near the strength, influence, or fame of someone like Gold Roger.