Who will be the next Strawhat

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She already agreed to stick with Tama after the effect wears off, Oda wouldn't have wrote that in there if she was just going to abandon her. :kayneshrug:
:kriwhat: Please refer back to

If Oda really wanted Speed to stay as Tama's mother figure, he wouldn't have introduced a time limit to Tama's ability or made Tama instinctively go for Nami while Speed watched with a shocked face in the same chapter. He probably wouldn't have them not exchange a single line of dialog since then, while having Tama saying she wants to be like Nami. Oda already said in an SBS that he created Speed as a big sister character.
If he was serious about giving Tama parents to stay in Wano he had much better options in Hitetsu or O-Tsuru. You know, characters that aren't brainwashed and have already fed and took care of her previously. Instead, he has been ignoring those relationships and paired Tama with Speed, a brainwashed beast pirate that has already failed to take care of Tama and almost got her killed in Act 1.

Mr. Reloaded

Certified Dragon Gooner
He introduced a time limit and then had speed decide to stay after the limit of her own will. At least C4N and Penis are denying things that are just obvious. You're literally looking at the page where Tama asks Speed to be her mother and saying "no, that didn't happen".

Does @Sigran101 have to tutor your butt again or...? Or literally anybody for that matter?
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Those inspirations you provided are overstretched though, especially the Zou one... The parallel doesn't matter but since you asked for it, they're both prodigies...

Unfortunately thread banned in the wrong time...

And it worked just like with the animals... Nothing suggests that the effects would be different for the SMILE users...
- What inspirations are you referring? Be specific

- I'll address zou here. The country is split between 2 kings and Belgium is very similar. Belgium is split between french/dutch culture. Big Mom territory seem to be french inspired entirely. Big mom real name is traditionally french, the desserts, the hierarchy, she even have a weapon called Neapolitan. So while Zou has french elements, it is closer to Belgium.

- D'Artagnan became friends with musketeers after dueling with the sword. Carrot has shown to be out of element using a sword and have no real relationship with them. Name more elements that parallel D'Artagnan that carrot has shown.
She was a fire bird who purpose was to be awake in the hours the kings weren't awake. Now that the minks no longer abide by strict sleeping schedules, her job as the fire bird is obsolete. the role has significantly less speciality.
The only thing thats changed is the time she wakes up, just because the Dukes have resolved their grudge doesn't mean Carrot is not a soldier of her country
If anything she's need even more now since she's one of very few that works withing both the Musketeers and Guatdians

And its called a Ruler's Aide not fire bird
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