Who will be the next Strawhat

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Great points made. Yamato has more interesting personal conflict for readers to explore, rather than just for “surprise” factor. Her personal conflict also can be carried for further plot. Her being an oni and also a Straw Hat, makes Straw Hats really as force to be reckoned with.

And again, we’re about to reach the endgame now. Oda doesn’t have that much time for character developments again, that’s why he’s focused so much on Yamato.
Her being an Oni also goes well with the devil motif thats been highlighted with the SHs. Robin dealt with embracing her title as a devil child this arc. Sanji came to terms with being a monster and named his new attack after a fire demon. Zoro recently called himself the King of Hell. Now Yamato is going to accept being an Oni, even if she's misunderstood in the process like Oden was.
as one of the most reasonable Carrot fans, I’m really curious what are your thoughts about these 3 main points to be a Straw Hat:
1. Every single Straw Hat was a co-protagonist who needed the help of the current Straw Hats to finish their personal conflict
2. Every single Straw Hat has their own main villain of the arc, whom in the end got defeated by Luffy with the help of Straw Hats; as the main villain’s underlings got defeated by current Straw Hats / the potential Straw Hat
3. Every single Straw Hat has terrible past which makes them more like a family

let’s admit with the fact that Carrot fulfills none of the points above. Care to elaborate from your POV why Carrot is the only one special to be a Straw Hat without fulfilling any of main points above? Because no Carrot fans can explain so far with proper evidence & facts, but headcanons.
Alright, had a fresh night's sleep so now I'll take a proper crack at this question. I think the issue that I was having yesterday is that I was trying too hard to find a way to stretch your first two points over Wano in some way. I can explain how she fulfills all 3 in Whole Cake Island, but she does not fit into the first two in Wano at all, which I'll get more into later. So instead of trying to force a negative into a positive, I'll instead acknowledge the negative and bring up how she might make up for this later.

I would say that Carrot just misses fulfilling the first two in Whole Cake Island due to its unique structure. Most other arcs have Luffy beating the big bad, saving the island and its people with the help of his crewmates knocking out the upper tiers in the villain's group. The potential crewmate officially joins when the dust starts to settle. However in WCI this does not happen, Luffy doesn't beat Big Mom and save WCI's citizens, no one in the arc has a major 1v1 other than Luffy, and the arc ends with the crew trying to flee from the BMI pirates.

Then the story goes into the Reverie arc straight away, which then instantly leads to the Wano Arc... :usoprice:
Whole Cake Island ends at 902, Reverie starts at 903 and ends at 908, Wano starts at 909.

If WCI was a standard arc then Carrot would fulfill all 3 requirements easily:

1. Personal Conflict with Big Mom and the BMI Pirates and how they kidnapped one of her saviors that saved her people, who just so happened to be a Straw Hat.
2. Since BIg Mom is the mastermind behind the kidnapping then she would be Carrot's main villain that Luffy would takedown, with her and the other members taking out the upper tiers of the BMI pirates. During the after-party she joins and no one bats and eye

The third one is one I think she still consistently has today and that's with the death of Pedro. I'm in the camp that Carrot is an example of a real-time tragedy. Arguably, the whole scene of Pedro sacrificing himself while Carrot tearfully and powerlessly watches could very easily be compared to the flashbacks of other Straw Hats. You mentioned how the terrible past makes them more like family and I would agree. I would argue that through the tragedy of Pedro's death Carrot receives a heartfelt scene with Sanji which leads into the family moment that you mentioned. You'll see both pages that I'm talking about linked below. That moment where she's cheering for food with the rest of the crew helps to tie a neat bow on the end of the WCI arc.

I swear to god though if Pedro is still kicking then that'll be some real shit, wouldn't it... :whitepress:

Anyway, since the first two didn't actually happen then that means Carrot still needs to finish these requirements off in the current story.

The issue is that now Big Mom might be beaten by someone other than Luffy and the Straw Hats, not only that but the BMI pirates are currently out of the picture. There's a chance that Oda might goof them out of the arc entirely instead of them being Carrot's personal conflict by trying to kill her saviors again.

So the only real chance of Carrot completely tying the loop on WCI is that Big Mom and the BMI pirates escape Wano and become the villains of another arc. But let's be honest, absolutely NO ONE would be a fan of it as I think we're all ready for some new villains in the story.

And the elephant in the room here is that Carrot does not fulfill these first two requirements in a satisfying way in Wano. I'm pretty sure that she has not shown outward emotional investment towards Kaido and the Beast Pirates. And while the rest of the crew have been fighting the Beast Pirates, Carrot's only fight was with Perospero which she lost.

This is actually pretty crazy if you think about it... :crazwhat: even now she's been focused on WCI related plot points with Perospero.

So to put in words what this means, I would say that with the narrative side and the friendship side of being a nakama Carrot is much weaker on the narrative side compared to other Straw Hats. The other members that took more than 1 arc to join (Nami, Robin, Franky, and Jinbe) had strong Straw Hat vibes in each arc. Unless Carrot's situation changes then she won't have that luxury considering her current status in Wano.

However, I do think that Carrot can potentially make up for her weaker narrative side with her stronger friendship side. I think there's a legit argument that Carrot is a true close friend to the Straw Hats, which could potentially make up for her shortcomings in Wano

But again her current situation would need to change first before that can be properly explored...:josad:
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Carrot's situation is just like how Paulie was when people argued for him. Same problem with the lack of a clear dream and backstory. The main argument for his poor treatment and lack of relevance in the plot was that he already had a good relationship with the SHs and people just had to wait for the ending. Franky was apparently too obvious and the constant spotlight meant nothing. Sounds pretty familiar.

Sanji found the All Blue in Viola, I wish she joined instead
Just imagine, end of Wano a ship arrives.
On it, we have Koby, The Dog from the shop, Jango, Gin, The octopus Guy, Smoker, Crocus, Dori and Brogi, Vivi, Bison man from Drum, Pell, Toto [...] and Yamato welcomes them at the shore. Of course Viola is there, along with Rebecca and Kiros.
Luffy comes and welcome them as Nakama.
What a surprise would that be.

Oh, and of course Carrot wouldn't be invited to join.

p.s. on a serious note, i really appreciate that somebody is making good arguments like @Pot Goblin
CLEARLY Carrot-Sama is going to go Super Sulong 3 (Complete with long golden hair and shaved eyebrows). Neg diff YamaO, instantly killing her. Causing the Straw Hat crew to fall at their knees and weep for not having her join earlier.


Or she can get a wholesome redeeming moment and politely join the crew alongside Yamato if Oda wills it.

Correct me if I'm wrong but, All strawhats prior to joining the strawhats have fought the arcs main Big Bad one way or another or had direct confrontations.
Zoro - Morgan
Nami - BUggy and Arlong
Usopp - Kuro
Sanji - Krieg
Chopper - Wapol
Robin - Literally part of baroque works and literally sacrifices herself for the crew in water 7
Franky - the whole cp9 specially chapapa
Brook - discovers the salt thing and fights Ryuma
Jimbe - Fought along Ace, fought in marineford and impel down, fishman island, confronted big mom for Luffy..
Yamato - Fought Kaido 1vs1, saved Momo
Zoro - Morgan
Nami - BUggy and Arlong
Usopp - Kuro
Sanji - Krieg
Chopper - Wapol
Robin - Literally part of baroque works and literally sacrifices herself for the crew in water 7
Franky - the whole cp9 specially chapapa
Brook - discovers the salt thing and fights Ryuma
Jimbe - Fought along Ace, fought in marineford and impel down, fishman island, confronted big mom for Luffy..
Yamato - Fought Kaido 1vs1, saved Momo
Yeah, I was doing that before, but I re worded it and didn't provid the list.
CLEARLY Carrot-Sama is going to go Super Sulong 3 (Complete with long golden hair and shaved eyebrows). Neg diff YamaO, instantly killing her. Causing the Straw Hat crew to fall at their knees and weep for not having her join earlier.


Or she can get a wholesome redeeming moment and politely join the crew alongside Yamato if Oda wills it.

"This is the sulong for those who have surpassed the stuatus of sulong", she would say.
"Or as the legend calls it.. Joy Sulong. Which only the legendary Joy Boy can use."
What a tweest.:finally:
Carrot's situation is just like how Paulie was when people argued for him. Same problem with the lack of a clear dream and backstory. The main argument for his poor treatment and lack of relevance in the plot was that he already had a good relationship with the SHs and people just had to wait for the ending. Franky was apparently too obvious and the constant spotlight meant nothing. Sounds pretty familiar.
Again wrong. What you call "backstories" are just the setup of

- The Needs
- The desire
- The moral pillar

.. set in the past. Paulie had NONE of that where Carrot has everything. Paulie and Carrot are therefore not comparable. Even with the interaction Carrot's interactions with the strawhats are on an whole another level than ANY character in the series including VIvi.
Again wrong. What you call "backstories" are just the setup of

- The Needs
- The desire
- The moral pillar

.. set in the past. Paulie had NONE of that where Carrot has everything. Paulie and Carrot are therefore not comparable. Even with the interaction Carrot's interactions with the strawhats are on an whole another level than ANY character in the series including VIvi.
See that's where you're wrong. But can't expect a dimwit like yourself to understand. Just because you claim Carrot's interactions are on another level doesn't make it actual fact. You saying that just makes it worse, You are like the only person who thinks that out of majority of the reader base.

See that's where you're wrong. But can't expect a dimwit like yourself to understand. Just because you claim Carrot's interactions are on another level doesn't make it actual fact. You saying that just makes it worse, You are like the only person who thinks that out of majority of the reader base.
People tends to confond character arc and character interactions. Vivi had a better character arc, period. That's not something i'm saying here. I'm saying that the interaction between the crew and the character (at least for half the crew) are puished WAYYYY farther than the one with Vivi. This is not something debatable. You can see that by the way Carrot interacted with the different member of the whole cake crew. Carrot and Chopper's relationship for example, is the clear example of that.

Of course, for the other part of the crew, this doesn't apply
People tends to confond character arc and character interactions. Vivi had a better character arc, period. That's not something i'm saying here. I'm saying that the interaction between the crew and the character (at least for half the crew) are puished WAYYYY farther than the one with Vivi. This is not something debatable. You can see that by the way Carrot interacted with the different member of the whole cake crew. Carrot and Chopper's relationship for example, is the clear example of that.

Of course, for the other part of the crew, this doesn't apply
So, you are saying that the interaction between Carrot in whole cake island, where there was HALF of the crew and it was all splitted around, are more intensethat the ones Vivi between Whisky Peak and the end of Alabasta.
I now realise you are trolling, but just to play along and believing in the 1% that you are not, can you at least show me ONE panel that has a similar magnitude of importance as this for Carrot? Where the WHOLE CREW TELLS VIVI THAT SHE IS ONE OF THEM, literally.
Again wrong. What you call "backstories" are just the setup of

- The Needs
- The desire
- The moral pillar

.. set in the past. Paulie had NONE of that where Carrot has everything. Paulie and Carrot are therefore not comparable.
Paulie had a mentor that nearly died, his former best friend was the main villain of the arc, and he shared an emotional talk with Luffy about why Iceberg meant so much to him. That's leagues more than what Carrot got so you're right about it not being comparable. I'm just making one for the sake of discussion.
Even with the interaction Carrot's interactions with the strawhats are on an whole another level than ANY character in the series including VIvi.
This sentence right here is exactly why no one takes your points seriously. The whole crew was in tears about Vivi not leaving with them and you're saying Carrot is even remotely close to that?
So, you are saying that the interaction between Carrot in whole cake island, where there was HALF of the crew and it was all splitted around, are more intensethat the ones Vivi between Whisky Peak and the end of Alabasta.
I now realise you are trolling, but just to play along and believing in the 1% that you are not, can you at least show me ONE panel that has a similar magnitude of importance as this for Carrot? Where the WHOLE CREW TELLS VIVI THAT SHE IS ONE OF THEM, literally.
This scene is indeed a good point. But it only solidifies one thing:

"- You are our friend for life"
"- I will never forget you"

But here you are talking about the final interaction, the very end. What I'm talking about is the degree of interaction between the character DURING their moment together, not at the end. And on that note they are similar and I'd even say stronger in some instance (Carrot / Chopper)

So of course we have to remind us that this applies only to half of the crew, but if we had to get a similar development for Carrot and Vivi it would be the same.

Because you have to look very carefuly: This scene doesn't come from nowhere, it's the pay off of a very specific built up starting one or two chapters before that.

For this scene to work, we needed 3 things: 1. the strawhats needed to ask Vivi to join them and 2.Vivi had to reflect on that 3.The multiple scene of the cross were needed. Without every of those things, this scene would have feel bland.

So.. If this scene were to happen for Carrot, the same build up would be needed. That's why you can't really take the scene into account.

I'll give you that yeah.. Vivi's degree of friendship might be a tier higher than the one Carrot has with the strawhats.. but when you look at it, Vivi's degree of friendship is also a tier higher than some strawhats! (Brook / Franky / Jinbe ). This type of scene would be unimaginable with those three characters. Vivi indeed really touched the strawhat .. BUT all the strawhats had better interaction with eachothers than VIvi ever had.. and that's my point:

I'm not saying that Vivi is a better friend for the strawhat than Carrot is, only that Carrot had more quality time with them.
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Paulie had a mentor that nearly died, his former best friend was the main villain of the arc, and he shared an emotional talk with Luffy about why Iceberg meant so much to him. That's leagues more than what Carrot got so you're right about it not being comparable. I'm just making one for the sake of discussion.

This sentence right here is exactly why no one takes your points seriously. The whole crew was in tears about Vivi not leaving with them and you're saying Carrot is even remotely close to that?

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
This scene is indeed a good point. But it only solidifies one thing:

"- You are our friend for life"
"- I will never forget you"

But here you are talking about the final interaction, the very end. What I'm talking about is the degree of interaction between the character DURING their moment together, not at the end. And on that note they are similar and I'd even say stronger in some instance (Carrot / Chopper)

So of course we have to remind us that this applies only to half of the crew, but if we had to get a similar development for Carrot and Vivi it would be the same.

Because you have to look very carefuly: This scene doesn't come from nowhere, it's the pay off of a very specific built up starting one or two chapters before that.

For this scene to work, we needed 3 things: 1. the strawhats needed to ask Vivi to join them and 2.Vivi had to reflect on that 3.The multiple scene of the cross were needed. Without every of those things, this scene would have feel bland.

So.. If this scene were to happen for Carrot, the same build up would be needed. That's why you can't really take the scene into account.

I'll give you that yeah.. Vivi's degree of friendship might be a tier higher than the one Carrot has with the strawhats.. but when you look at it, Vivi's degree of friendship is also a tier higher than some strawhats! (Brook / Franky / Jinbe ). This type of scene would be unimaginable with those three characters. Vivi indeed really touched the strawhat .. BUT all the strawhats had better interaction with eachothers than VIvi ever had.. and that's my point:

I'm not saying that Vivi is a better friend for the strawhat than Carrot is, only that Carrot had more quality time with them.
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Vivi literally spent 4 arcs with the SHs and bonded so much that even the author considered making her an official SH. But somehow Carrot has a better relationship with the crew despite barely being aorund half of them.
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