Unlikely. Carrot is one Mink with a green cape. Meaning that she is the only musketeer with "a guardian hearth", that should mean that she was the only musketeer trained by a guardian.
You are right, genius my be a stretch but it's a logical appreciation when ther VIvre card says that "The mastery of Sulong to such a young age is unusual"
Tho I didn't said that Sulong was multiplying her base ability.
Tho I didn't said that Sulong was multiplying her base ability.
Yes she was. by being put against Zoro first. Oda narratively made a point about her strenght. Plus, remember what the light of the moon is. It's just the sun reflection on the moon. There might be more to the Sulong transformation that just that.
Why not ? Being able to use Sulong at the age of 15 is also unlikely. So having Haki for Carrot wouldn't be a stretch.
Because Carrot's Sulong design might be directly inspired by Goku's Saiyan 3 form. The Sulong being also inspired by the Ozaru transformation, giving Carrot a form of Kamehameha would be more that fitting. (and mega cool lol)
Also remember, we are talking here of the case if Carrot was a future strawhat. In that matter, she is bound to surpass the capacities of Inu and Neko in term of originality.
Also this would not be such a stretch as Carrot's Electrical Luna begin also like a Kamehameha at first
I wouldn't say poorly but I agree yeah
Also remember, we are talking here of the case if Carrot was a future strawhat. In that matter, she is bound to surpass the capacities of Inu and Neko in term of originality.
Also this would not be such a stretch as Carrot's Electrical Luna begin also like a Kamehameha at first

I wouldn't say poorly but I agree yeah
Poorly in variety of use.