Who will be the next Strawhat

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We already have Chopper to be the crew's pet.
Yes, but Carrot is more cute, and a grown up female.
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Seriously, what do people prefer? Carrot, who is the cutest bunny girl, or Yamato?

In terms of looks, Yamato looks fine in the manga, but in the anime she looks and sounds bad, whereas everything about Carrot is very cute and likeable.
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Have we really reached a time in which it's considered strange to like a character because she is specially cute??? Wtf
Your response is very very weird.
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Yes, but Carrot is more cute, and a grown up female.
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Seriously, what do people prefer? Carrot, who is the cutest bunny girl, or Yamato?

In terms of looks, Yamato looks fine in the manga, but in the anime she looks and sounds bad, whereas everything about Carrot is very cute and likeable.
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Have we really reached a time in which it's considered strange to like a character because she is specially cute??? Wtf
Your response is very very weird.
Carrot is 15, she’s not even a grown up. Sexualizing a 15 year old girl tells something about most of her die hard fans. She’s cute, well yeah but she’s bland as the plant name which is used for her name. There’s nothing to offer instead of being cute, at least Chopper is way more useful as he is the doctor of the crew
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Carrot is 15, she’s not even a grown up. Sexualizing a 15 year old girl tells something about most of her die hard fans. She’s cute, well yeah but she’s bland as the plant name which is used for her name
In comparison to Chopper she is clearly a grown up. Chopper clearly looks like a kid, while Carrot could very well be 18, with exactly the same design and personality, if Oda had chosen that to be her age.
And you're projecting your own nasty personality if you think that praising the fact that a female character is cute has anything to do with desiring her in a sexual way.
I meant to say that Carrot is different from Chopper, first because she is a female, so even if she were another pet it would at least be a pet of a different gender, and second because she has a grown up body, making her not look like a pet to begin with.
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In comparison to Chopper she is clearly a grown up.
And you're projecting your own nasty personality if you think that praising the fact that a female character is cute has anything to do with desiring her in a sexual way.
I meant to say that Carrot is different from Chopper, first because she is a female, so even if she were another pet it would at least be a pet of a different gender, and second because she has a grown up body, making her not look like a pet to begin with.
Chopper is 17, Carrot is 15. It’s really not hard to comprehend which one is the more “grown up” one. Pretty much you’re the one who’s projecting your own nasty personality to consider a 15 year old girl as a grown up, especially with the way you see her body shape. A 15 year old human girl still can have big boobs but still underaged.
Bepo is called as pet and he doesn't look like one...
I can understand how people can see Bepo as the mascot character in Law's crew, since he's the only one with an abnormal appearance looking like a bear, besides somehow looking like it's someone inside a costume, making it significantly different in comparison to Carrot's case.

Chopper would still be the only mascot character in the crew even if Carrot were to join, because Chopper is the small and less human-like one.
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So the only thing left for Carrot is to talk about how cute is? fleetwat
>Implying that cuteness/beauty is not by far what matters the most in the case of female characters

It's obvious that both male and female characters are more or less likeable depending a lot on how interesting their design is.
So it's clearly a mistake to disregard the all-powerful cuteness of a bunny girl as if it were irrelevant or just a detail that shouldn't even be brought up as a reason to like her as a character as a whole.
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