Character Discussion Oda Respects Rob Lucci A LOT

you don't know what is low diff
- Not managing to land a single blow
- Temporarily downed in 3-4 hits

The only reason I even say low diff instead of no diff, is because Lucci showed physical power compared to G5 Luffy (in non buff form) and advanced armament haki comparable to G5 Luffy. And because ultimately he was fine, and up in a couple of minutes.

But there is no denying that Luffy totally dominated that fight

- Not managing to land a single blow
- Temporarily downed in 3-4 hits

The only reason I even say low diff instead of no diff, is because Lucci showed physical power (in non buff form) and advanced armament haki comparable to G5 Luffy. And because ultimately he was fine, and up in a couple of minutes.

But there is no denying that Luffy totally dominated that fight

I could also just say lucci low diffed luffy since he won the encounter, got control of seraphim and was 100% fine afterward while luffy run away.
I've always placed Lucci higher than most. But I'm gonna let everyone in on a little secret, because I see this being thrown around all over the place.


There is no such thing as a "Yonko level fighter" to them. Someone please tell me, how many Yonko's as Lucci fought? Zero. He has zero basis of comparison to be referring to the level of Luffy's strength, when he made the comment of not recognizing Luffy as a Yonko.

All Lucci meant, was that he did not recognize Luffy as someone deserving of the respect and reputation as one of the Four Emperor's of the Sea, which is what "Yonko" stand for.

If Lucci thought he stood a chance at beating Luffy, he would have taken advantage of the fact that the serpahim's were attacking everyone, and gone after Luffy the second he removed the handcuffs. Did he do that? No.... What did he do instead? He waited until Kizaru showed up, and is now fighting against one of Luffy's underlings.

The biggest flex of this entire thing is when Luffy told his crew that if they remove the handcuffs, Lucci wouldn't do shit, because he'd put him in his place if he tried. Then what happened? They removed the handcuffs and Lucci didn't do shit, even though Luffy disrespected the hell out of him right to his face. Told him I'm gonna take these cuffs off, and you won't do anything about it, and he didn't.
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Pica -- Got overshadowed by Pizarro's better fruit.
King -- Got shit on by Ryokugyu.
Shiryu -- Managed to stab Garp but end up getting slammed near death.
But Pizarro seems to be a huge target, for now Pica's fruit seems to have less of a drawback or at least I'd rather pick Pica's fruit. And King was wounded.
About Shiryu idk man it was always expected that in combat Garp would annihilate him.
Lucci is around where I expected him to be. We knew Who's Who had balls enough to go after Queen. And we knew 13 years ago Lucci => Who's Who. One developed, the other stayed in prison.

We also knew Lucci was paired up with Sabo in the movies and could understand from Reverie that he was strong. By conclusion Lucci would at the very least be around YC1-YC1.5.

And while we are at it I'll stick my neck out and say there are others that could make come backs at "unexpected" levels. I fully expect Sabo to be => admirals. I also expect Doflamingo to be ≈ Admiral, perhaps could beat some and lose to some high/extreme diff. Crocodile just ever so slightly below the level of Doflamingo, perfectly capable of holding of an Admiral. Magellan definitely Admiral level. Enel would still be a glass cannon I'd say, his output absolutely ridiculous up with the best in the series and he could even have CoA this time but still lacks the heart of a fighter.
If we being honest, Rob Lucci's perfomance in Egghead is beyond everyone's expectations. You might already expect high from him, but you are still surprised how Oda actually treats him in this arc.

- Who would have thought that in Egghead, Rob Lucci fought Gear 5 Nika - aka the man who defeated Kaido. And not getting low diffed? Fanboys would have proudly believed "Nika neg diffs Rob Lucci one shot Bellamy style!!"

Turned out Lucci performed just fine. He wasn't impressed and even after witnessing G5 directly, the conclusion he gets is:

- Who would have thought, that Sentomaru, the man proclaimed having tightest defense, was actually get one shotted by Lucci? While Sentomaru himself admitted he wasn't distracted and still got one shotted?

Nika was there all along too, and he couldn't do shit to protect him. Earlier Luffy first saw Lucci destroyed Atlas, that pushed his berserk button and Luffy immediately turned into G5. Yet again, Lucci still managed to destroy one more of Luffy's comrade, and Luffy in his peak form couldn't do shit about it.

- Who would have thought, that the clash between Nika the man who defeated Kaido vs Rob Lucci "the mere opponent from pre TS" ended with Luffy leaving dying Sentomaru on floor behind, and let Lucci gained control of the Seraphims?

This is Luffy's condition 3 minutes after the clash:

This is Lucci's condition 3 minutes after the clash:

Anyone non biased can tell who won the overall war: the running trash who turned into old man, or the recovering guy who ended up gaining control of the Seraphims?

- When Lucci said this

People really memeing on him. Calling Lucci delusional, "he thought he was him" etc for thinking he is on same level with Kizaru.

Except, who would have thought that it's actually the truth? Lucci is on similar / comparable level to Admiral Kizaru.
"But but Lucci's AP is weak!", answer this: who one shotted healthy Sentomaru? Who couldn't one shot bandaged Sentomaru?

- People were memeing Lucci once again "B-but but he got three shotted by Gear 5" :suresure:
If you call Lucci got three shotted, then Admiral Kizaru actually got one shotted. Again, who would have thought?

Between 2 pictures above, if you are not biased, you can tell, Lucci was in better condition post 3 attacks from Gear 5 than Kizaru after just 1 attack.

- And then we have Lucci's abnormal growth during the timeskip.
He actually managed to do what even prodigy like Luffy couldn't achieve during timeskip: awakening his DF.
He learned what even the most veteran Yonkos like Kaido and Big Mom couldn't achieve in their entire career.

And he awakened his DF without any known mentor. No Master Rayleigh, no Master Mihawk, no Master Ivankov, no Master Garp etc. No trash plot neither like the trash Nika.

- Actually not really a new thing that Oda respects Lucci this much. If we are being careful, Oda already respected this guy way back since Water 7 arc.
Like we know, usually Oda will use Sanji to hype the enemies.
How to make Vergo look strong? Make him dominate Sanji.
How to make Doflamingo look strong? Make him dominate Sanji.
How to make Judge look strong? Make him dominate Sanji. Etc.
And lastly, how to make Gorosei Saturn look strong? Make him dominate Sanji.

But, how to make Lucci look strong?
Make him dominate both Luffy and Zoro together. Not just the usual Sanji. Oda sacrificed both Luffy and Zoro together just to hype this guy.
I meant, Oda actually sacrifice bigger fishes to hype Lucci than to hype fucking Gorosei Saturn himself.
And worse it wasn't about "can't touch logia" scenario like Crocodile, Enel, and Aokiji. Lucci actually dominated both Luffy and Zoro in their own game. Just like Vergo dominated Sanji in his own game, except well it's just Sanji as usual in Vergo scenario.

So yeah, it's safe to say that Lucci is among 1 of the most respected character by Oda.

@JoNdule @ZenZu @Ryuarashi @Hades @Celestial D. Dragon @nik87 @comrade @Nidai_Kitetsu @sanjikun @Blackbeard @ConquistadoR @Sentinel @PeperLevi etc.
Do you want to know, why he respects him that much? Because Lucci is going to be the 11th member of the SHPs. He is currently not on the WG's side, even if that seems otherwise. His DF-name also fits the number theory of Oda perfectly (2+9 pronunced = Neko).
And there are so innumerable more hints towards that character that you could suffocate in it.

Now in chapter 1100 it will be interesting to see, what Oda will come up with, plotwise. Because, this is the chapter, which, in my opinion will very well refer to the last and 11th Straw hat pirate.

Zoro's and Lucci's fight will not last that long and it will see no winner either, trust me on this.


Kitetsu Wanker
Yes, Oda treats Lucci well.
Too bad Kaku was spend on handling 2 Seraphim at the same time.
He would have been even more impressive than Lucci with his Yontoryu that was never shown post-TS.

I dont think he is comparable to Kizaru though, even if he is atm looking arguably better, in at least defensive stats.
The cat will either run away from Zoro or get trashed and then Kizaru will make Zoro struggle a lot.
Kizaru is getting a round 2 against Zoro where he will actually show what he can do instead of not using a single named attack vs Luffy.

Fanboys would have proudly believed "Nika neg diffs Rob Lucci one shot Bellamy style!!"
Would have? They already did exactly that, lol. :milaugh:
I agree. No reasonable person will deny this.

Lucci has been an absolute beast in this arc, and his growth in power over the time skip period shares very few paralells save perhaps Luffy and Trafalgar Law.

Lucci is admiral level. It should not be a shame to say it, he has a far better showing to be in that tier than Fujitora or Greenbull.

Lucci may not have a big flashy AoE attack like Aokiji freezing the ocean or Akainu magma spam, but his single target damage could very easily surpass theirs - if not surpassing it yet, then in time with more room to grow.