Him doing nothing, reaching the roof thanks to an almost immortal phoenix and being fated to be slaughtered by the emperors duo and to have his Sandai Kitetsu shattered in a thousand shards? This if he doesn't end up fighting Kack with Killer
You're so salty jackie

The only thing happened is zoro facing kaido and Big mom with Luffy for the 1000th chapter lol! Oda have chosen his two best characters to face Emperors :) And better not criticize help because what you think is gonna happen for sanji against women ? he is probably gonna get a help in order to escape

Law Kidd Killer being there is normal because it's gonna be the one and only moment for them to really shine. Zoro has still another Yonkou lvl to face EOS but still Oda choose him to be here. Time to wake up sanji fans, Luffy and Zoro just entered in the new chapter of their ambitions.
But it was good to have debate with you, my dear peasants