The fact that Killer could damage Kaido in a combo attack with Zoro when even Killer's captain(Kid) is shocked that a blunt attack could hurt Kaido suggest that it might be easier to damage Kaido with slicing attack than blunt attack
"The 3 captains are back on their feet and attack Kaidou together. Kaidou tells Big Mom to wait since he wants to see their power in full."
He took the attacks on purpose
His fanboys claimed Killer wasn't nerfed (whether enough to change the fight doesn't matter- he was)
He was grouped with fellow subordinate as I and all sensible people knew was going to happen, fanboys believe in ZKK.
He admits Enma is a power up.
Where are you getting Law > Killer or Zoro from? Unless I'm mistaken, all Law did offensively this chapter was to drop rocks on Kaidou?
Law did not actually hurt Kaido?
He still saved Luffy's life though. He's one of the best support characters, but so far he hasn't acted as a damage dealer.
Zoro said the result would have been the same even if Killer had his blades.
It's probably best to wait for the Viz before making strong conclusions from that line. This may simply be the case that Zoro can't fully use the sword yet:
Zoro was not able to properly wield Shusui's power when he first received it.
Sandai Kitetsu cut more than Zoro wanted to cut shortly after receiving it.
Enma may not be a "power up" in the sense that you guys seem to be implying.
The above said, I do agree that Enma Zoro is significantly stronger than Pre Enma Zoro; I've never contested that.
The fact that Killer could damage Kaido in a combo attack with Zoro when even Killer's captain(Kid) is shocked that a blunt attack could hurt Kaido suggest that it might be easier to damage Kaido with slicing attack than blunt attack
The fact that Killer could damage Kaido in a combo attack with Zoro when even Killer's captain(Kid) is shocked that a blunt attack could hurt Kaido suggest that it might be easier to damage Kaido with slicing attack than blunt attack
Zoro needed a team attack with Killer to even BARELY harm Kaido. By the sound of it, it sounds like Luffy’s Red Rock did more damage than their attacks combined
Eh.. all Admirals have Ryou so why not?
Tho we Base Kaido being able to match Fs they are looking worse and worse
Kaido beats all of them without even using his df probably
Just because killer said it doesn't mean it's true. Sounds like a losers excuse. Zoro didn't have his weapons either and he still beat killer in one attack
Yes, tell that to yourself before you go to sleep , you might feel better.... the fact is luffy law and kid >>>>>> zoro and killer.... you told us we are sanji fans. When in reality we are just logic fans, this is how oda wrote
The fact that Killer could damage Kaido in a combo attack with Zoro when even Killer's captain(Kid) is shocked that a blunt attack could hurt Kaido suggest that it might be easier to damage Kaido with slicing attack than blunt attack
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