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Yikes is Zoro's only role in this fight to cut fire. Everyone landing hits, and my dude only exists to stop flame attacks.

Anyways Im excited to see more from Kidd and Law. Especially Kidd beause a lot of people underestimate him a lot. Plus Im really surprised Oda gave another full chap of SN vs Yonko. Last chapter seemed like a perfect cliffhanger place.
I get you, you are crying because your fav character did nothing but cause trouble to Luffy for the entirety of the last arc, kicked him to the point where he was KOed while he was not resisting. And in the next arc when you thought he would redeem himself he instead of helping Luffy get lured out by prostitutes and caught in a low effort trap, all that while the character you hate most is saving Luffy from Kaido's atacks at every chapter.

Must suck to be a Sanji wanker indeed, but hey, maybe we would stop rubbing in your faces how much of a loser he is if you stoped being such a bitch everytime Zoro does something.


Heavy Metal
It is one thing to say new attacks of Luffy but what is there to say "new attack" to Kid or Killer?...this is the first time we are seeing full length battles from Kid and Killer and so whatever attack that they show will be "new" only isn't it?
We got some attacks of Kid and Killer before. Sure not their whole arsenal, cause they arent the main crew in the manga, but we saw some and the chapter seems obviously build around the fighters unpacking their next step of attack level. While it is mostly new attacks, showing Law using Gamma Knife now, explains to the reader that they all used now stronger attacks then before, even tho they are new or at least new for us as reader. .
What do you mean? nobody on that roof is afraid of Big Mom, so she couldn't take shit from them. She also doesn't have enough homies right now, since Carrot and Nami destroyed the fuck out them, so she only has those main 3.
You really think that her soul power only limited to creating homies and fear power? Man there many thing that soul fruit can do its just big mom or oda are being avoid to use it coz of haxx...
It basically stores/takes/drains haki

ZORO didn't remind Kaido of Oden
Enma made kaido feel Oden.

Oda keeps hyping Enma more than hyping Zoro.
while he hypes luffy to be like Oden.
Tengu said that the reason Enma feels familiar to Zoro is, because it was created by the same man that created Wado. Blacksmiths leave a part of their soul in the blade. Just as the previous user. Enma was Oden's sword all his life. So yes, it stores part of Oden's soul.

Enma draining Haki doesn't mean it stores Haki. Let alone for 20 years.
:endthis:MVP zoro right?

His role in this fight has been "cut the fire"
Repeating/performing Kinnemon skills

Which doesn't feel oroginal tho

He didnt also attack any Yonko this chapter

What's the use of cutting boro breath when Luffy/Oden can tank it? Lol

Oda should make Zoro attacj more like how Killer has done evn.
Oda is keeping Zoro in reserve because when the Grandmaster unleashes his power the arc will end.:zosmug:
Kaido is an enormous dragon, of course GK can't destroy his inner organs completely.
I don't think it's going to deal way more damage than one of Luffy's attack with advanced CoA
Gamma Knife would also be way too small to harm most of Doffy's organ's; it's a small knife after all. But Gamma Knife spreads in your interior and carves up all the organs. Would be enough to destroy Kaido' heart to kill him.
@ShinmenTakezo Gamma Knife must have missed. He tanks Gamma Knifes but goes down from Luffy's Haki that is just a light weight version of internal damage? Obviously, Gamma Knife does tremendously more damage than Paradise Totsuka. It carves up all your organs.

@sanjikun won't like that, lol.
If Oda wants to keep it consistent, yes. Or Kaidou using Haki, i would accept that as well.
Or if Kaidou somehow has a way to protect insides as well. He did not expect Luffy to have advCoA, so it´s reasonable he did not use it then (though gtechnically, why would he expect Law to accomplish it...).
Any other reason, or the attack simply landing but doing nothing, Oda has described GK falsely.
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