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Everyone should know me enough that I like both Sanji and Zoro but let be honest at this point I can't defend him or find anything positiv anymore right now. Dude is stopped by gifters while Zoro part is to blooking and attacking two fucking Yonkous. The portrayal and the epic fight make it hard to find anything positiv about Sanji. Sanji fans are so much disappointed(read a lot) that they wish to have Sanji at the top too. They don't even want King anymore... xD
Respect for every Sanji fan who Endurance these chapters of One piece.
Wasn't the best moment for Oda to troll Sanji ngl...


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
This chapter is good but why is everyone attacking but Zoro. I really hope Oda is not letting him stand around and play support like Sakura. He just made Zoro save Luffy from Boro breath only to make Luffy tank the same attack few seconds later.
Zoro neutralised Kaido's Great Wind and counterattacked with Hiryuu Kaen:
Additional details:

Zoro used Enma against Kaido's "Great Wind"
After Zoro cuts Boro Breath, he attacks Kaido with a flame attack called Flying Dragon: Fire Blaze. (might be the one he used vs Ryuma in Thriller Bark). FYI @Lance_Dragonite
Said attack triggered Kaido's Oden PTSD:
- Kaidou senses Oden in Zoro's sword.

Why Zoro can't damage Kaido?
So Zoro's attack did nothing again :gokulaugh:

doesnt say if it did damage tho ....
Where are you getting Zoro failing to damage Kaido from?

We're not told whether Zoro's Hiryuu Kaen was successful, but given that the attack triggered Kaido's Oden PTSD, I would guess it's likely it did some damage to him.

Enma has Oden's haki :D
Can we all agree that Enma is a PU now? As if it wasn’t obvious before :suresure:
Kaido sensing Oden within Enma is further confirmation that it has its own set of power separate from Zoro. In other words, additional confirmation that it’s a power up.
I already answered this:
@PizzaBread already answered you guys:

Kaido saw Oden's Ryuo in the Scabbards as well. Beyond that, he fought Oden using Enma. Every sword has its own unique aura, and if Enma is one of only two blades to give Kaido his lone scar, it's no surprise that Kaido would remember it.

Man, I don't understand the fuss over Kaido recalling the last wielder of Enma. People recall Shanks/Roger when they see Luffy's Strawhat all the time. I don't understand how people are suddenly trying to distort this into some kind of powerscaling statement.
  • Enma stored Oden's haki.
  • Enma has special secret powers.

Both of the above conclusions are unwarranted from Kaido remembering the previous wielder of Enma when he is attacked with the blade. The same way people being reminded of Shanks/Roger in Luffy is no powerscaling statement.

The level of jumping to conclusions and general insanity going on here is apalling. You don't need to torture a scene of Kaido recalling the last wielder of a weapon to push your agenda regarding Enma being a power up or Kaido hurting Zoro only due to Enma. I've said that I think Enma is a power up, but it's sure as hell not because Kaido was reminded of Oden when Zoro attacked him with Enma.

Different cases

Coz when he remembered Oden , he was attacked directly (his body was attacked dby retainers or luffy)

He didnt remember Oden but felt /sensed Oden in enma when Zoro cut boro breath)
Nope. Zoro cut Kaido with Hiryuu Kaen using Enma. That attack triggered Kaido's Oden PTSD. It's exactly like the Scabbards.

Kaido cried in pain from his own fire as reversed by Raizou.
They're not being honest and are just looking for any excuse to shit on Zoro.

He should've asked his mentor Kinemon to train him more lmao
Zoro copied the technique after seeing Kinemon do it. Kinemon didn't train Zoro.

He's dying this arc after doing the immortality thing.

Seriously, what use has he left?

He already had his arc, his lifelong enemy Doffy was defeated...

The only thing left is his DF.
Law wants to find out the true meaning of D.

What is the name of the flame technique Zoro used in this chapter?
Hiryuu Kaen.

Asurabros, Zorobros, Zorosisters ???

is it time ???
Ootsusuki next?

I love how there were a bunch of haters saying "only thing Zoro does is cut fire", and then just a few minutes later the additional info comes to light with our boy canceling wind slices, and throwing fire slices against Kaido. Who would've thought Zoro would get a long range fire attack before Sanji.
Hiryuu Kaen is a close range attack.
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