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Zoro's accomplishments this chapter:
  • He intercepted and successfully neutralised two of Kaido's named attacks (Boro Breath and Great Wind).
    • The interception of Boro Breath saved Luffy.
      • Luffy was able to withstand a subsequent Boro Breath, so unless he was off guard, Zoro's intervention may have been unnecessary.
    • Great Wind may have been the same attack that took Kiku's arm (it consisted of several invisible Wind Blades). Successfully neutralising such an attack not only displayed impressive attack speed, but also protected his allies from getting maimed or otherwise grievously wounded.
  • He cut Kaido with Hiryuu Kaen.
    • Said attack triggered Kaido's Oden PTSD, and so was likely impactful.

With the latest information @T.D.A provided, I'm very satisfied with Zoro's performance in this chapter. He was able to effectively defend his captain and allies on two separate occasions, and was able to mount a successful(?) offensive against Kaido. Given that Zoro was able to successfully trigger Oden PTSD this chapter, the chances of Kaido recognising Zoro as a monster samurai on par with Oden in the upcoming chapters are greatly rising.


I think this is ultimately more than I expected from Zoro at this stage. From the summary so far, it seems that after Luffy (assuming his attacks did the supermajority of damage once more), Zoro is the second biggest performer here.

Zoro is playing a very strong defensive game but has also been effective on the offense.

@Haoshoku, @ZenZu I need you for the Basket Ball analogies.
Dont know about more than expected, but no-brainer he is above everyone but Luffy, which we did expect, iirc there was a thread like that.
So Zoro is more a support than Law in this fight, unexpected, and ofc Zorobois twisted it all and make it seem impressive (when Killer is doing the same but he only does not have Kinemon's technique), it should be nice to live in your own fantasy world lol.

Kaido's AP in dragon form is crap, his dragon form is crap. If he can't use those clouds in a combat, his fruit seems pretty trash for now.
Well ofc that can be part of zoan awakening but it doesn't mean that this stuff is the only thing about his awakening, or not?
I think that Kaido's Dragon abilities are already more than enough. Enormous durability and recovery, flight, various elemental attacks, flight, lifting islands with Dragon clouds. That in hybrid is devastating. Awakening on top of that would be crazy.
Sure, and due to the specific material - which makes those robots extremely durable in front of radiation exposure - these robots can withstand some amount of said radiation.
I think durability is not necessarily what matters to protect you from radiation, but how the chemical/atomic composition. There are heavy metals that protect you. But also there is special clothing you wear, which protects you from radiation.

That suit certainly isn't as hard as Kaido's scales, lol. I think Gamma Knife should ignore Kaido's scales and rip his organs apart, unless he is immune to radiation.
And I mean, although it is fiction, we're talking about top tiers who are able to tank earthquake punches point blank on their face, with the energy of a few gigatons.
Moreover, Kaido is known to have the best durability from all the top tiers of One Piece. So if Akainu can withstand such an enormous force with moderate injuries, Kaido should be even less fazed tbh.
So their biological body is hardly comparable to "normal humans". That's why they are freak of natures as well.
Sure. I mean Oda probably will come up with some silly excuse. If at all. If Top Tiers can withstand Gamma Knife, at least give us a logically consistent explanation I guess.
He also atacked Kaido, did you miss that part?

He is not just defending himself, he is also protecting Luffy from atacks.
I’m saying he isn’t carrying anyone the others are attacking. That’s not what carrying means. Law is doing his own thing along with killer and Kidd. They don’t need help and are just attacking. How is zoro carrying them?
So Zoro is more a support than Law in this fight, unexpected, and ofc Zorobois twisted it all and make it seem impressive (when Killer is doing the same but he only does not have Kinemon's technique), it should be nice to live in your own fantasy world lol.

Kaido's AP in dragon form is crap, his dragon form is crap. If he can't use those clouds in a combat, his fruit seems pretty trash for now.
"Protecting Luffy while atacking Kaido is nothing impressive"

-Zorohatter, 2021
So Zoro is more a support than Law in this fight, unexpected, and ofc Zorobois twisted it all and make it seem impressive (when Killer is doing the same but he only does not have Kinemon's technique), it should be nice to live in your own fantasy world lol.

Kaido's AP in dragon form is crap, his dragon form is crap. If he can't use those clouds in a combat, his fruit seems pretty trash for now.
Exactly everyone is doing there own thing. I don’t see why people are trying to hype zoro so damn much when everyone is attacking.they are saying zoro is carrying when he isn’t doing shit but deflecting lmao if that was law they would be saying something else


Aren't you the one who claimed that Kinemon can defeat Marco? So wouldn't that mean Zoro is above High tiers

You keep getting things wrong
:okay:find me a post where I said kinnemon can beat Marco
My thread i made was literally to showcase how this fandom sucks where I was saying if u base it on feats and skills...kinnemon can beat Marco then
Coz you guys love using Marco feats to say he is top tier above others.

Says the dude who wanks Ganma knife to boost doffy... been wrong yourself

Spare me the nonsense... zoro is under Kin’emon’s shadow so far.
Admit it and live on. He is yet to surpass Any retainer in terms of feats against kaido
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