How will the Supernovas fare against Hybrid Kaido?

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why joining Teach should give him power up?

he is OLDER THAN MIHAWK !!!! he is not on the right age for growing stronger and didn't had a hard fight as far as we know

tbh ... I don't like Rain or count him that strong ... so maybe I'm underrating him ... idk
Age isn't everything. Uroge and BB both made gains in their 40s too. Hell what about Brook lol?
He also presumably had to learn to cut diamond Jozu.
And yeah Kaido is #1... That is obvious by what we're seeing. There's no one else that can take so many attacks. I'm not even sure if BM can take all those attacks.
That is why i don't get why people judging luffy or anyone attacks vs kaido to other charcters .
It make no sense since no other character would be taking attacks like that .


Welcome to the House of Hope
Well, anyways it seems like the alliance is done for now. Kaido's hybrid form is gonna annihilate them. And Let's not forget that BM is there too. Luffy and the others will definitely take a big loss here.
Just mean that the 5 on the roof may not be enough.
Actually considering the possibility now of 4 more people joining.
9 shadows....
I find it hard to swallow, because I still think there are WAY too many strong enemies below. Unless Jinbei fodderizes Whoswho, Sanji simply escapes Black Maria, Marco ACTUALLY SOLOS KING AND QUEEN, I still dont see it happening.
But I also dont see the 5 winning if Kaido is, indeed, the strongest man in the world.
Gonna need A LOT of convincing for this scenario to play out. :kayneshrug:
Luffy has not mastered his G4 fully. G4 has a huge flaw(time limit). I'm not so sure if he can pull off G5 within this arc. As per Oda's troll in SBS, Luffy may come up with G5 this arc to defeat world's strongest creature!!

I wonder if he will awaken his DF this arc. Awakening might be the only way to totally negate the G4 timelimit
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