How will the Supernovas fare against Hybrid Kaido?

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KGG didn't make Kaido bleed tho.
We aren't talking about Red Roc.

Also, do you really think Luffy comes out of Wano tougher and stronger than either Big Mom or Kaido? :seriously:
And Zoro has connection to Wano since the first arc. But realistically since Thriller Bark, which is a solid parallel to Wano.
You used blood as a metric to put tatsumaki up on par with gattling, but because gattling is clearly>>> red roc that also caused Kaido to bleed this logic doesn't track.

Well considering how boundman was dominant compared to Dragon Kaido we'll see. He needs to beat BB and the WG next, so no reason why he can't be situationally stronger than Kaido in certain areas, while having worse stamina and durability.
And Luffy has a connection to be the pirate king since the beginning of OP which both yonko want to do as their primary goal.
Context makes it pretty clear even if the translator made a mistake. And it's not just the English translator, so many of trusted fan translators as well as the official translators of the other languages agreed that she's telling him to dodge the attack.
Context doesn't make it pretty clear at all because Kaido may still have many resources to handle it, just like other characters throughout the story. Of course she's telling him to dodge the attack because that's what the Japanese text says, but the English version alone lacks actual context that allows us to confidently infere that Big Mom wants Kaido to literally dodge instead of protect, counter or whatever. Which is why the translator should have used "Kaido, dodge!", just like the Spanish one did, for example.
The agenda is nuts in this thread. How is Zoro carrying a Haki depleted Luffy any different from when Sanji had to do the same in WCI?? You lot shit on Sanji only for Zoro to get praised for doing the same for his captain. Make it make sense.
Sanji said he had a plan to pick him up and protect him from BM pirates ... yet he needed his brothers' help to get out of the island
What can you do man, agenda's exist, and a lot of Zoro-fans can't explain how Enma works, which causes the problem.
This manga is geared toward 12-15 year olds. I don't see what's the difficulty understanding such a simple Sword "Gift"
That is because Oda hasn't actually provided a concrete explanation and an explanation of the whole black blades forging.

So it wouldn't be surprising to me if in the near future Oda explains it and it is completely different from what I'm saying and even is more to the point of what others are claiming like absorption etc.

However, the information we have working with now does not imply as such. All we know is the sword exudes the user's Ryou...we know nothing about absorbing or otherwise so someone making that statement as fact is unsupported.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Worst of all is the Overwhelming inconsistency regarding who gets Haki and who doesn't
How the fuck Can a loser like Bellamy get Haki when guys like Kyros don't

Why the fuck didn't Alabasta's Zoan warriors learn haki just in case Crocodile betray them(or buy Seastone bullets from Wano)

How can Pekoms learn Haki if he's Portrayed as having learning disabilities regarding his Sulong form. If Haki is easier than Sulong then why doesn't Carrot have it

It's mindboggling to even think about the lack of logic about haki, it gets worse when you remember that Amazon and Skypiea fodder can learn it too but the Majority of Big Mom's children and Doflamingo's executives don't
Also remember Pekoms saying to Caribou that he was a scrub if he thought just being a Logia would help him in the NW, indicating that most of the strong people there know AT LEAST the basic CoA. AT. FUCKING. LEAST.
Yes it is a black blade. It being a black blade gave it unparalleled hardness which would be a property/characteristic / whatever word you want to use there.
It is the same for Sandai which was sharper than all of Zoro's swords.

Enma can't either without Haki.. that's the point. Claiming the sword absorbs haki is unfounded and invalid because it is directly contradicted by manga.
It's not unfounded. Do you think it's some sort of weird coincidence that a Black Blade looks almost exactly like a Sword imbued with Armament Haki?

Shusui is renowned for it's Hardness, Koka literally means "Hardening".

Black Blades are forged through battles.

Continuously pouring ones Haki into/hardening a blade during battles, until it eventually becomes permanently black makes complete sense.

But I'd love to hear your take on how one goes about forging a black blade that doesn't involve Koka being absorbed by the blade.
I still fail to see the argument behind Kaido lacking a hybrid form because he has a model of the fish family.

Regarding Drake, let's remember that some people discussed that ancient zoans wouldn't have hybrids either. Which, again, I still fail to see the reason for. Once Drake's was revealed, only mythical models were considered to have two forms only or partial transformations like Marco —which, in actuality, has been shown as something that common models can do too.
For me it's due to how would he look and wasn't sure what additional boost he will get over full form.
Full form has shown some unimaginable abilities , we can now expect the same from hybrid. Hope that it's not only about speed and reflexes
Okay a general question for you guys.

While Zoros Ittoryu Slash had unrealistic hype to the point where Oda can't even afford to have that slash touch Kaido this early on, and produced by far the biggest DC feat in Wano.

Zoro's Tatsumaki is at least exceptional among other roof top attacks bar Red Roc because first it temporarily knocked Kaido down and secondly it is the only move besides Red Roc to get any kinda real reaction from Kaido and Big Mom. Kaido turned hybrid after that attack

I think Hiryu Kisen >>> Red Roc ~ Tatsumaki ~ Kong Gatling Gun >>>> All other attacks



You can't win
As for the Oden's Haki, Kaido saying Odens Haki does not exactly mean he has the same Haki, but more the same level of haki, as Zoro is starting to adapt to the sword that only Oden was able to wield.
Looks like there are other translation about the Oden statement suggesting that Zoro is actually reaching Oden's level of haki.

In which case, it'd be very impressive. That would mean that Zoro has advanced haki now(just like Luffy) :finally:

With the differences in translation though, i'm very curious in the way the viz will translate it :memehm:
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