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But that's the thing, we know certain things about them that will never change. We know that Oda established them as such,

I already know that Sanji would do what he did in this situation. I know that he'd do it 1000 times, over and over again if forced in this spot. We know this since hundres of chapters.

I don't like what Oda's doing because it's a waste to use his limited story content, for which he said he needs to cut down on fights and other stuff because he wants to finish One Piece in x number of years, to basically rewrite an old plot point into a new arc.

This does nothing to change my opinion of Sanji. He's acting as we all knew he would. Does more to change my opinion of Oda's ability to make proper use of this limited story space, when i see him beating a dead horse.
I can agree that it's shit, i wasn't defend it that it was good.

My defense is that people try to separate Sanji and Oda, in a way that what Sanji is doing is not actually Sanji the character. It is, that's my argument. People need to stop defending their character by saying that's not even the character, that is just Oda, when we all know that's who Sanji is and what he does.

At the same time, whenever Sanji does something cool now, i'm going to say "That's not Sanji, that's just Oda". Can you see how that makes no sense? and we know Sanji can do cool shit, he does it many times, just like his gags, because Oda chose to. It's Sanji either way.

People try make it seem like Sanji is only Sanji when he is doing cool shit, and when he is doing bad shit it's not his fault, it's Oda.
I really hope Sanji unlocks some kind of CoC to deal with these women.
Yeah that would be epic. Somewhat similar to how Boa Hancock infatuates everyone around her even women with a combination of her beauty and CoC. But with Sanji it'll be only affective for women after they feel his love or something with CoC like with Viola and they became uncapable of fighting him LoL.
-King isnt as strong as Kata

i agree, but its not like Kata can mid diff King, it'd still be an extreme diff fight in favor of Kata (or at least a high difff if you lowball King), every Yonkou crew is seen to be pretty much equal, that's why the balance is still kept

- Doffy wasnt extreme

yes it was lol, i dont know what manga were you reaading, but it's clearly shown Luffy was taking heavy recovery after he defeated Doffy. And yes G4 pummeled Doffy, but it has time limit

- Cracker got one shot

yes, it was thanks to Nami lol, Luffy could only damaged Cracker with G4, at least it is what has been shown in the manga. Though i agree luffy could still defeat cracker on his own, but it'd still take an extreme diff fight

Anyway, the point is Luffy had tools to improve, doesnt matter if you consider it extreme or not, the point still stand, luffy improved through that

- Luffy is now pseudo emperor level, his commanders need to be pseudo commander level.

this is flawed logic, any real reason to backup that claim? Luffy is sttill nowhere near Emperror powerlevel wise

-That's like saying how did the man who beat Mr 2 jump past Blueno level straight to dominating Jyabura

No, you're using different analogy.
1. Sanji developed DJ
2. Sanji improved after defeating Mr 2
Luffy had recovery/stamina issues but performance wise he dominated both, having stalling capacity that is a great counter to Luffy's weakness doesn't necessarily mean they are the same strength level.

Luffy made Big Mom's bug out in shock and Kaido freaked out with his growth rate hallucinated yonkos and stronger behind him.

Wait and see until the end of the arc. If he was "nowhere near" he wouldn't be able to pummel Kaido around and put him down for a few pages, performance wise he was superior to Kaido Dragon mode and had to be timed out to lose.
Would you say he was "nowhere near" Doflamingo as a result of round 1 where he was timed out of G4 in similar situations?
So who will fight CP0? Do they just come and watch the war and say goodbye?
CP-0 probably has nothing to do with the arc in terms of conflict. Its not like they were in DR or WCI. They've been slowly set up to be a larger, looming threat for the WG.

Honestly I think they are set up to be the real enemy for the RA, not the Strawhats. We already had an arc fighting Cipher Pol, we probably aren't getting another
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