Hopefully we get other matchups with King than against Marco.
Personally I just dislike it because it shifts the consistency with what is already going on with virtually every other main Beast Pirate member
- Like we know Sanji and maybe Yamato fight 2 of the 3 calamities at this point, like how Franky fought a CP9 member before joining. This is essentially what Sanji has to do, since there is no space for him below.
- 5 of the 6 F6 are being fought additionally by 6 Strawhats, with Chopper inclusion in question but I think not for long.
- Then you have Kaido and Big Mom, whom are being fought by WG pirates who will eventually have an extreme diff fight.
- Then you have....Marco.
Its like let's fill all of these fights with high level battles, then include Marco to fight 1 of the 9 present beast pirates just because. The consistency just destroys itself by that point. Marco vs King isn't the same as Sanji vs King or Queen, which is a true underdog fight because Sanji will have to struggle entirely to win.
Marco literally heals himself, effectively wiping any sort of tension the battle may have unless they get the jump on him. Not only this, hes not a WG pirate, and isn't supposed to be central to their victory as narration has implied this is a new gen fight, not the old.
Now, whether people want to sit here and say Brook will free Jinbe so that we have Jinbe/Sanji/Yamato ready for the calamities, or that Zoro will be forced to fight King instead to consistently portray how Sanji/Zoro are portrayed, or just that Marco is fighting King with each other is up to them. Tired of having that argument anyway cause it leads to nothing when we dont know yet.