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Sasuke>Naruto most definitely, why so many people dislike Sasuke? Im noticing a trend of people disliking complex characters.
It's not the complexity that matters, it's the character and their actions among other things...
I love Lelouch, he's complex. I'd say.
I like Touma, and Accelerator is pretty cool too, not super complex but enough.

Formerly Seth

Oh no the guy was strong before (good haki, martial arts etc). But with the Mera his level jumped. He couldn't have played with Fuji without the Mera.
He could. Fujitora couldn't beat him. He would need to focus on Sabo to beat him and he couldn't allow himself to do so.

Even Sabo told him to stop fucking around. Sabo knew how strong Fujitora was and still didn't even bother to stall him.

With or without Mera doesn't matter he would still try to stall him.
How is it that Naruto went from low Jonin level to Kage level in a space of a week but spent two years with Jiraiya and all he had to show for it was a bigger Rasengan???:bamathink:
Cause author and some fans keep doing the same freaking mistake of "It's too soon for him to be this strong"

Same stupid mistakes Oda is doing with Luffy about the 2 years timeskip with rayleigh and 11 hours with Katakuri and 2 weeks for Kaido with hyogoro

Makes ZERO SENSE.... But that's what happens.. the idea of "it's too soon" is always a bad idea with that shit
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