What proof do you have Marco is going all out.
Named attacks (powerful ones)
He himself complaining for being exhausted

apparently sending base King flying
Or kicking base Queen down
Makes your AP > G3 ...
I disnt know base king or base Queen are durable that much. They have normal bodies in base....that's why it's easier to hurt them .
Marco couldn't even take Queen out of his zoam form or push him back.
But G3 sending Zoan kaido down , g3 red roc making Base kaido rethink life after sending him down on the floor
Means "G3 is not above Marco's AP"
Neko toss Zoan Jack down and force him out of zoan form in one blow
"neko isn't that great"
Let us praise Marco for sending base king flying, needs 2 moves to make him bleed a little while G3 can do the same to zoan /base kaido
oh yeah, Mammoth jack > brancho Queen in size.
G3 > Base Neko >= Marco named kicks!
Unless you're saying Zoan Queen is stronger, tankier and bigger than Zoan kaido
Or base king/Queen are stronger than base kaido.