-Badass Queen Zoan panels this week. He was spitting some savage facts to the Gifters and Waiters too. I had a thread planned on Wano's loyalty theme. Oden and the Scabbards. Queen and his subordinates. Luffy and the Strawhats. Many interesting parallels.
- Getting an inclination this is foreshadowing a super awakened form that's special to Kaido's fruit
-This is your day
@PeperLevi, the lil man did great this chapter. Making Queen bleed is a legit feat. Moreover, this is the second Queen plague Chopper neutralized. First, mummy in Udon and now Ice Oni. Chopper living rent free in Queen's giant noggin
-Good to see Drake having some baka moments
-It's apparent Onimaru assumed Oden's appearance. Can't wait for y'all 398236 word essays on how Oden survived tho. Make sure to tag me, I'm a masochist. Worst break week cliffhanger ever