"Big Mom and Kaidou use a massive combined attack, they swing their weapons at the same time and send a massive wave at the Supernova which is too fast for any of them to dodge.
However, Zoro blocks the attack with his swords.
Zoro: "Get out of the way or we will all die!!"
Big Mom and Kaidou attack destroys part of the island. Law transports Zoro out in time so he survives but is heavily injured. Kid thanks Zoro for managing to slow down the attack even if he managed to do it for 1 second."
My god.......this is monumental. This man Zoro out here proving once again that he is indispensable in this fight. Hell, the others would have died if he didn't momentarily block that massive combined attack from two Yonko in their strongest forms.
This feat is absolutely insane.

The fact that Law was worried enough to shambled him out of the way and Kidd even thanked him proves how important and epic this feat was and also how much of a fucking beast he is.
He never tought about running away from or trying to dodge the attack he just stood there and tried to stop it in its tracks........an attack that he himself warned the others it'll kill them. And mind you, he tried to withstand that attack all the way he never had the slightest intention of dodging in the last second or something but instead it had to be Law the one who got him out of the way. I truly am speechless at this point.
This man really does live his life following a strict personal philosophy centered around
justice, honor and heroism.
Nothing but the deepest respect towards Zoro.