Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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Talent is something you make bloom.
i meant ashura being coc move, new translation says ashura doesnt have same effects that other coc attacks have
@BangMi said that someone told him Ashura has black lightning effects like Ulti headbutt against Luffy or Yamato own attack on Ulti.
But it is not CoC.
Was it, Bangmi?
Shit is hard to track at this point. lmao
Q : Is Law ok after getting hit?
A : Law is conscious in the end, the attack didn't hit him it seems that attacks with CoC do damage before they make contact.

Zoro the first Sn Down/Out

Luffy & Law vs Kaido hype
Earlier spoiler seems to indicate Luffy tells either Zoro or Law/Zoro to go downstairs and let everyone know what is going on. It sounds like Luffy is going to fight him solo (I think)
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