Is Pan D. A Man Moe?

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3 Palestine
Really hope it’s Garp that saved Luffy, that would be awesome. A symbolic thing, of sorts, if Garp, who broke Rocks alongside the man who would the the Pirate King later, helps break the reformed Rocks alongside his grandson, who will go on to be King later. Dragon would also be cool, but highly doubtful.

We still pretending Jinbe isn’t in the Straw Hats? Thought that phase of the fanbase was over.
RS Sanji > Jinbe >= Base Sanji.
Shouldn't Redon have confirmed the other spoilers by now if they were actually true? Guess they're false. The boar saving Luffy was pretty boring anyway. It's Aokiji :finally:

But why is it not the end of the chapter then? :lusalty: :josad:


The Road To Harmony
Yamato and Kaido finally come face to face. We get hints at the type of relationship they’ve had. Kaido really does seem to be the albatross that loomed over Yamato growing up. His first instinct upon seeing Yamato is to tell them to call him father. Kaido might be like one of those unnecessarily strict parents who doesn’t care what their child wants, and wants their child to only exist as an extension of them. It may have been Kaido’s decision to refer to Yamato as a boy, and almost as if to work around that, Yamato had to become Oden, the one man they respect the most.

It would be similar to Sukiyaki and Oden’s early relationship, but more unhealthy. Sukiyaki and Oden at least came to some understanding, and Oden willingly chose to fulfill his responsibilities.

However, Yamato doesn’t have that luxury since Kaido isn’t as reasonable a parent.

Oh, Zeus is alive. Big surprise. Sanji vs Queen. Big surprise.

I am keeping my expectations of who saved Luffy low. The last teaser wasn’t that great a reveal, and it was obvious it wasn’t Oden.


Talent is something you make bloom.
I don't see how Queen pushes Sanji to high diff, he couldn't sense him when he was invisible.
Thought we'd finally get a high-extreme diff fight but it's another mid diff.
Actually.....if Queen is a cyborg, couldn't he have a Predator Thermal Vision of some kind? It would counter the invisibility.
Zoro made the strongest attack to Kaido . So What happened to Kaido. could you say ? just answer. after 5 minutes , kaido beated luffy again easily. But when we asked zoro lovers, kaido was almost to die.d save cheaply. you are source of funny for this page. .dd.d
Kaido got fucking wound that only oden and almost dead zoro capable :steef: damn that akayasa 9 together couldnt do a shit
Nerfed Zoro give more damage than coc Luffy. U can see Kaidou's reaction on their attack. He was shaking from pain after he took nerfed Zoro's attack. But he didn't when he took Luffy's attack. :cheers:
how can thiss attack become nerfed. additinoally, kaido has taken hit with his will. more extra point, ı dıd not compare luffy damage my question is very clear. What happened to Kaido ? anything , he keep going where he left.
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