I know you think Sasaki and WsW are done, but do you find it odd that Oda isn’t showing their bodies laying on the ground unconscious? Oda pretty much always does that. The only exception I can think of is Machvise
Like I can go to Arlong Park

last page of Zoro vs Hachi

last page of Sanji vs Kuroobi
and by your logic these fights weren’t done, cause we don’t see any bodies or whited out eyes or whatever, but then the next chapter we get this showing they are indeed finished

Or on Skypiea these being the last pages of Chopper vs Gedatsu and Zoro vs Ohm

But I don’t think it’s especially relevant going over past arcs, it happened one way in this fight, another way in another.
What matters is the flow of this arc, how the fights have went here, and that all points to them being over. I’m not seeing much reason to think that we’re getting all these chapters in a row of villains getting defeated, only for Oda to go “Surprise! Back to the starting line we go, now for another ten chapters in a row featuring the exact same fights that looked to have been over and done!”
It doesn’t make sense.
Page One got finished because Big Mom annihilated him
Kanjuro had his appropriate defeat with curtain fall speech
with Ulti it went I need stronger lightning -> Big Mom fucks her up -> Nami gets stronger lightning in the form of Zeus who says that one more hit will do it
Then Bao Haung announced the defeat of those two
Jinbei proved himself completely superior to WW in the end
All the Sasaki fight‘s dialogue pointed to it being over and done with
All the arguments against the fights being over just seem really nitpicky to me, and imply there’s a certain perfect formula for ending fights that is never deviated from in any way, which isn’t true.