As usual, the Goat is here to spread the gospel of chapter analysis and review.
The cover page......
I mean I get that Denjiro is called "Napping Kyoshiro" but did anybody ask for that?
"Mythical Dog Dog fruit, Model: Makami"
Kaido: It was a mistake to let a Oden wannabe like you to eat it!
Yamato's Ice Breath vs Kaido's Fire Breath? Yin and Yang symbol as well?
For anybody that say Kaido is not going serious against Yamato......
Black Maria can do illusions.......
She got a Smile weapon that can hit and set things on fire, webs, knuckle brass melee, and now she got illusion magic?

And she haven't even use her Zoan devil fruit power and hybrid form yet.

She might be the most versatile character in the series yet.
But I'm wondering why she put bandages on her boobs even though she's not really injured? Well, I think I know why. Shame.....
Black Maria saying Sanji sell Robin out...... Bruh what?
"Laughing stock"
"Black Leg has the second highest bounty in the crew"
So she doesn't know that Jinbei join the crew?
Brook praises Sanji and let Robin to have her own 1v1 fight.

I couldn't be more of a happier man considering her last 1v1 fight was back in Skypiea.
Robin to Black Maria: "You don't understand Sanji at all, he's one of the wings of the Pirate King!!"
Lmao, Oda to Sanji haters this chapter be like
Robin was like: Sanji praised me so I will praised him back.
Robin, you go girl!
By the way, am I the only one that sees Robin's nips?
The Sanji haters must have shut up by now. Next up will be Sanji unlocking Conqueror's Haki and they might knock into Oda's house for real.
Luffy doing his own things as usual.
Caribou is back!!!!!!
Caribou bros, we're eating good.
I know crying is his thing but ya gotta relax.....
And thank you Luffy for making him shut up.
And Momo will drive Luffy up to Onigashima....
Momo the Taxi.
Overall, pretty decent chapter.
"Zoro and Sanji are Luffy's two most precious wings."
As a Zoro and Sanji fan myself, I'm glad to see this.
And color pages in case anybody didn't post them......