@GangPoe so you were saying?

A LOT of people are missing what Oda is trying to setup and showcase here. The themes of lost innocence, having to grow up prematurely and "be a man, be an adult" even though you're still a child. That happens a LOT IRL, around the world and especially in times of poverty, war, crime and such.
I don't understand why people are so outwardly resilient, so outspoken against this concept/idea. If Momonosuke does get aged up here which I believe he will be, he's going to lose his childhood almost permanently. He's already been sent through time by 20 years, had to watch his parents go to their brutal murders, not even just deaths but murders, was seperated from his sister by 20 years who got left behind and had to survive, live and cope without him for 20 years too, almost alone in the country that was taken over and ruined by the evil tyrants who killed their parents.
Momonosuke is SUFFERING! Its the same with Tama and Toko, people blatantly hate them but why? They are living in completely hellish circumstances, they're just innocent children and they are all SUFFERING BRUTALLY! Momonosuke was beaten up, held hostage multiple times, almost executed, humiliated/degraded and so on.
Are y'all really that devoid of empathy that you can't empathsie with these children suffering so much? And before any of you dare say, "they're just children, stop taking it so seriously", y'all are all the ones who argue about Zoro and Sanji ad infinitum even when it's barely relevant (as it has been a lot of the time lately too), you complain and stan characters and their writing, you criticise and praise, so why the double standard then?
This is absolutely tragic writing if you ironically have the maturity to notice, understand and appreciate it. I was forced to grow up prematurely and I constantly get flak from far more immature people, most who were older than me ironically. That's maybe why I'm taking this so personally and seriously too ofc, but still?
There are people who legitimate want Momo to suffer and especially die, what is wrong with you? It's sick, absolutely sick.
Ok, I'm done sperging out/ranting now, I'm particularly angry today due to personal circumstances too so that's not helping either ofc.