What move did Sanji use to beat the prostitute up?

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The "job description" to become Pirate King at the time Punk Hazard happened was "reach the last island and find the One Piece". No where it said: beat the Yonkos. Then out of nowhere we have Luffy telling Law "I was already planning to take down the Emperors. I just don't want to fight Shanks first".
Not really....that was not described.....otherwise no point in 2 years training and all that stuff....Luffy planning to take down emperors still in the "job description"....it is not as if Luffy went actively into yonko territory and fought them directly...it all happened one after the other....and it is necessary to fight emperors as they possess poneglyphs which is still required for pirate king.....

Oda does Luffy a favor by making the Yonko "evil". But imagine if WB was alive. Was Luffy really just gonna find WB and beat him? Some "nice old man that Ace likes"? That's stupid as fuck and only serves to give boners to 12 year olds that want fight fight fight fight.
Sorry but only Kaido was portrayed "evil".....BigMom atleast protecting her territory at the cost of small life span......infact if you look, it is strawhats that are antagonists in WCI arc with ruining the BigMom territory....Luffy is selfish and kind at the same time....he cares about his friends and people but at the same time he does anything for his goal.....he even willing to release impel down prisoners just for his brother Ace...he even went as hard as he can against his grandpafor that....

Anyways, I am planning to make a thread about it in detail....will tag you once I am ready...
If there going all out, they’d have no ability left to access anyway

What? They used awakening before they got to there last legs. So points still canonical wrong lol.

Moving on to ur weird point, it’s extremely hard to understand. What are u even saying? Base Kid/Law are fighting all out. Hopefully this is the disconnect. But even so That doesn’t change or negate them having a completely separate mode. In which they are at the peak of there abilities. So no matter how many way ur write it, the shit will never make sense. Kid/Law didn’t not go all out on the roof.

an stop quoting me if ur not going to reply to what actually said. It’s getting annoying... for the second time would u claim currently luffy fighting all out, despite having not used G4 yet with ACoC???
Law explained this himself: he used his awakening when he is on his last leg because he is not used to it and it makes him lose the battle.

Therefore he was not holding anything on the roof, he was giving anything he has. The fact that he did not use his awakening on the roof is a proof that he was holding back but a proof that Je actually has a brain and know how to use his power.

What you are basically saying is that because Zoro did not use « Ni Gorilla » (which is an mode that enhance his arm strength) on the roof we was not going all out. Zoro has a separate mode but no one will argue that because he did not used it, he was fighting all out. Or do you think that Zoro was not giving is all to block Hakai? :saden:

Luffy is fighting all out and we saw him use G4 and AdvCoC.
Thinking that Luffy is not fighting all out now after losing two times in a row against Kaido is asinine.
The sweet commanders have abilities that are good at stalling. Zoro'd take far longer to beat Katakuri than King even if King is twice as strong as him.
It's because SCs are actually skilled not like calamities who lack skills
Just swing or do whatever in order to win

If kata was a staller...he wouldnt beat or match g4
Cracker wouldn't stalemate G4 with mère stalling

Calamities are just not strong.
They were meant to be second rate commanders to SCs while BM is meant to be below Kaido slightly.
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That would be a win-win for everyone.:steef:

The only thing that could surpass that would be a compelling Kaido back story with Joy Boy and the Void Century details. Make it happen, Oda!
with all the little hints we got from kaido over the chapters, we better get some proper backstory and finally some actual details about the void century & joy boy (& the one piece):finally:

pls oda :josad:
Honestly man.
FI was stupid.
But Punk Hazard....I fucking hate Punk Hazard.
This development here, if it keeps like this, will at least make it completely erase Punk Hazard from my mind, like Zoro erasing Kokoro from his.
PH sucks!
I like FI ...at first sanji nosebleed gags were funny until it for Overused.
Grandrobot centric wano arc fell flat. Only ignorant people think grandrobot is the reason money gets generated. Ignorance is bliss.
Then you clearly don't get the fact that Grandmasters fanbase in 34%+ of the total world fanbase.

Without Condom and Grandmaster this story would be trash, they both account for about 70% of the fanbase, while people like nosebleed don't even amount to 10%, do you get it now? without condom and grandmaster no one would be bothering with One Piece
Lanjitards said the same thing before his handouts, you're just a bunch of desperate mongos, Zoro >>>>>> Lanji, all the SN are much stronger than Lueen unlike Lanji who isn't and never will be one of the top 5 rookies.:funky:
Ehm no, you are wrong, period. I already explaned everything. Everything that you can do is continue trolling, case you know that got L. You was calling that Sanji will use Okama techniques? Baah you was scared to bet, thanks to that you keep yours avy for now. If you get at least more courage I'm open for bet.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Not really....that was not described.....otherwise no point in 2 years training and all that stuff....Luffy planning to take down emperors still in the "job description"....it is not as if Luffy went actively into yonko territory and fought them directly...it all happened one after the other....and it is necessary to fight emperors as they possess poneglyphs which is still required for pirate king.....

Sorry but only Kaido was portrayed "evil".....BigMom atleast protecting her territory at the cost of small life span......infact if you look, it is strawhats that are antagonists in WCI arc with ruining the BigMom territory....Luffy is selfish and kind at the same time....he cares about his friends and people but at the same time he does anything for his goal.....he even willing to release impel down prisoners just for his brother Ace...he even went as hard as he can against his grandpafor that....

Anyways, I am planning to make a thread about it in detail....will tag you once I am ready...
BIg Mom was introduced threatening to destroy FI because Luffy ate the fucking sweets. Dafuq you talking about?
How come she was "not evil"?
Him saying he will "definitely beat Kaido" after getting washed twice and getting "free healing" while Kaido goes through a fucking gauntlet, is just stupid.
Oh.....you can look at this way....Luffy still didn't lose confidence on him even after losing twice to the same person....what free healing...?.....it is not as if he has broken bones or something....he didn't heal, he recovered his stamina, even in some chapter (1026 or 1027), it was mentioned.....though you are partially right but Oda can't have Luffy defeat Kaido the WSC in a 1 vs 1 without losing that many times...I don't understand how this is any different from Luffy vs Crocodile or Luffy vs Enel (where he fell down many times on the clouds)...
BIg Mom was introduced threatening to destroy FI because Luffy ate the fucking sweets. Dafuq you talking about?
How come she was "not evil"?
That is still not evil...if you consider Doflamingo, then you can understand what "evil" means.....it is business trade between FI and Bigmom...FI broke the agreement....simple as that....she is not "kind" doesn't equate to "evilness"......
Man Sanji goes from running around Onigashima with no aim, to him running through his emotions with no aim to him running through his power ups with no aim… Like is this the stuff Sanji fans like about him? All the randomness? I guess… I mean I disliked all the randomness with him since the introduction of Germa but Sanji fans be eating that shit up
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