What has awakened that the Gorosei are talking about?

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The physical force is driving the clash behind the barrier. Having high base strength is very important.

Imagine two cars with an inflatable highly durable pressurised baloons in the front of it, going at 30mph clashing against each other
then imagine one gets 500kg loaded but have the speed/acceleration stay the same,
or one drives at 100mph,
or one gets more torque in the engine

Also Creating a bigger arm creates a bigger adv CoC barrier.
True it would make a bigger barrier however it also expends more haki since it's more area to cover
if AdvCoC does in fact increase the tanking capacity to such a high level, then i'm truly glad zoro can use AdvCoC as well.
all AdvCoC users benefit from massive increase in durability + one shot AP which automatically puts them above the rest in a 1v1 fight.
You had doubts? Invisible haki < hardening < barrier/penetration/more advanced < CoC coating.
Because gear 3 cover more area so that even if kaido dodges he would still get a hit off of him? You do know that haki doesn't increase when using gears right?
Yes gears would increase his base stats like speed power etc however none of those things would increase his advanced coC punches since they dont PHYSICALLY touch. The only thing I see gears obviously is his speed so he would be able to get more punches in
G4 Bound man increase CoA so why not CoC?
I'm a little confused as to why Kaido has stronger Haki than Luffy. It can't be CoA, because Luffy has internal destruction, so that implies his CoC is stronger. So does sky splitting mean their strength is not equal?

Katakuri vs. Luffy remains the only pure CoC clash we've seen up to date.
Luffy's adv CoC is probably still somewhat "sloppy" compared to someone who has had it for decades, he didn't instantly get equalized with Kat in terms of pure FS.
if you ignore all poor writing, planning and development and accept something like this just because your favorite character has it too, you've already failed as a reader... and you should ignore all the writing and just see the little fight pictures.
Oda will get away with any of Luffy's AdvCoC levels since he's the CoC specialist, also the JoyBoyNikaPK lol. I agree with you Oda's mistake is Kaidou 1shotting Luffy, but im gonna add " without proper consquence in the Raid". If he oneshot Luffy back then why wasnt he oneshotting anyone left and right in Onigashima? No one else other than Luffy get the consequence of Kaidou being too powerful imo.
From the full summary, it doesn't sound like the Gorosei are being reported to about the shadow on the Sea. It sounds like it's a conversation between two government agents.

I highly doubt they are referencing Zunisha when they are talking about the Devil Fruit. It has to be Law or Kid, because it seems like they are reacting to learning that a fruit awakened.
From the full summary, it doesn't sound like the Gorosei are being reported to about the shadow on the Sea. It sounds like it's a conversation between two government agents.

I highly doubt they are referencing Zunisha when they are talking about the Devil Fruit. It has to be Law or Kid, because it seems like they are reacting to learning that a fruit awakened.
Luffy is being thrown around but I don't think Oda is going to reveal his awakening from some random people talking about it.
People defending a Mashima level writing with this king's haki, just because their favorite character has this power....

I'm never surprised
Luffy's first loss against Drunk Kaido, was overblown, because being Drunk is actually a boost, and because Luffy didn't know Kaido's abilities and was in a bad mental state.

That isn't really much different between base Luffy getting BTFO'd by Lucci no diff, to fighting him somewhat on par in base before dominating him in g2, or many such cases.

Mashima just makes up new shit as he goes along with no worldbuilding.
Well, normally organizations have 5-6 “veteran” type people and 3-4 “commander” type people.

It’s seems kinda obvious that the Marine Admirals are the WG’s commander equivalent which is why everyone is so certain that Zoro/Sanji admiral fights will happen.

Since only like 3 Vice Admirals aren’t trash I feel like the Gorosei might fulfill the Vet role. Robin vs a Gorosei could have a really good story to it.
The way I see it is that EB5 and Sabo will have 2 fights each but the other straw hats won’t.

I think CP0 and SSG will take the place of the “Veterans”
He had to go stop Kaido as that was his only chance for the raid to occur, are you seriously claiming fighting on Onigashima after several knockouts is neutral or advantageous to Luffy rather than competing in some hypothetical neutral ground both fresh, with their current abilities.

You complain and whine about Kaido, a nearly invincible dragonic freak whose wounds instantly close and has been hyped as unkillable, being slashed (when he himself said that the slashes weren't deep enough to do serious damage) by scabbards.

Then you ignore Luffy getting knocked out by freak abilities like Apoo, wasting strength against Ulti, having his LIMITED human stamina wasted(that both Zoro and Sanji specifically commented was being wasted getting depleted before Kaido)

Yes it did help Marco and Yamato, Yamato fought Kaido and is still standing, without inside influence or break, Marco fought two YCs at his own level at once and is not sleeping or resting, neither of them are as freakish as a YONKO in their base, and Kaido has a better fruit and better mastery of his fruit. Kaido's wounds instantly close and heal by themselves and you want to compare them to Luffy.
1. Kaido is still unkillable until luffy puts him down. Dont get your point there
2. Again its regardtion to claim that luffy was as nerfed as kaido since luffy had help fighting fodder up until that point. Also if luffy was as nerfed as you claim (which is bs) that would point at that it's his won fault since he did not bring the prerequisite forces needed before engaging a yonko crew. That would be on luffy not kaido

3. It helped marco and yet marco ended up exhausted and fatigued and needed rest.

4. Yamato oni genetics combined with her zoan fruit helped her and even then it didn stop her from becoming fatigued herself

5. Did Jack's zoan fruit help him from fatigue? No. Kaido told him to an ancient zoan to rest up since he was fatigued

So I dont get your point
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