Who did more damage to Linlin?

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Kitetsu Wanker
calm down my friend, you don't need to take your frustrations out on the characters... prepare the next bottle of copium for later when the images come out.
As I said, you are unable to see that all this is making Zoro look better and better. :milaugh:
Again, wait for the full panels before coming to conclusions.
Ok, I am waiting...
Yeah, that must suck, huh?
Indeed it does if you expected a good fight. If you expected shit show, it probably doesnt.
The explosion is the same explosion which happened in Big Mom. The longer Law stretches the sword, the more powerful the shockwave.
Perhaps the reason he is stretching it is it becomes stronger, no indication of it though...
I am pretty sure the explosion on the ground is the major flex, not inside meme or inside Onigashima where the sword went through.
This is just like katakuri vs Luffy
Lol no matter what BM couldn't win

:suresure: plot plot

Kidd and law were almost done but keeps standing up even after being trashed and looing hopelessly

Anyway, Kidd broke her arm with Punk di Cordo and Law broke her ribs with shockwille

Linlin used CoC on her body as she healed herself with her df powers. Black Lightning coming out.

Kidd dodged Linlin fused attack and blitzed her with assign then stuck her

:steef:but then BM is a just a monster!
can flip around a tower with herself while being magnetised
This woman is so strong and powerful.
And people think Fujitora gravity will be a problem lol

:josad: law got salty

Law could stull perform his ultimate move even while being hit and almost KOed
That attack is epic
Once again Linlin shows she's a true beast by tanking that.

Kidd :beckmoji:
His finisher >= Law's, it ends Linlin
Next chapter there would be a devastating explosion around wano and onigashima

BM has fallen sadly.
You see I will state a fact such as "The only character Big Meme K.O'd in 220 chapters of screentime is PAGE ONE"
And you will reply with fantasy headcanon "Sanji lowdiffs an Admiral"

You're creditless and you're coping, seek help.

Your Lonko got beaten by two nerfed and injured side characters
My Admiral killed the World's strongest pirate and shat over all his commanders right afterwards
Blackbeard killed WB not Kakainu


Zoro Worshipper
So let's get this straight.

Law damaged her ribs internally while kidd damaged her arm

Law made mention of kidd using attacks after his own wears her down lol

Now zoro took hakai and withstood around the same amount of time bigmom withstood their attacks and got broken bones. While zoro has to take a combined attack from that same bigmom with another yonko in order for his bones to he broken. And with those same broken bones scarred another yonko leaving law speechless? You do know all of this hypes zoro and king even more right?

Infact let's play a game if what I have said did not happen I challenge anyone to prove me otherwise
If Meme took Hakai straight on for just a second there are odds she would have been put to sleep lol.
what you're saying doesn't make any sense in your opinion the red hawk that kaido dodged is more powerful than the monstrous attack that law to inflict on big mom?

for the moment law has the most powerful attack that have seen in one piece.
Yes and no. Again it couldnt couldnt be the most powerful if it couldnt even know out the very same yonko that sustained damage prior to his attack especially added with the fact that he hit her internally. To imply laws attack was the strongest is to also imply big mom has the best endurance/durability feat
what you're saying doesn't make any sense in your opinion the red hawk that kaido dodged is more powerful than the monstrous attack that law to inflict on big mom?

for the moment law has the most powerful attack that have seen in one piece.

I still think WB has the most powerful attacks we seen so far .
Like he could sink islands or even turn them over which just crazy in the whole .
Like sengoku said he could destroy the world depending on what he want to do .
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