I think Oda simply wrote himself into a corner. He needs the Worst Generation(at least Luffy, Kid, and Law) to be able to hang with the Yonkou at this point because of where the STORY is. But at the same time there's literally no way heading into this arc that Luffy, Law, Kid and Zoro, should be able to hang with Kaido and Big Mom because of how powerful Oda made the Yonkou.
Like seriously, heading into this arc, I wasn't even convinced that Luffy could beat King, Queen or even Jack, yet somehow through powerup after undeserved powerup everyone progressed to such a level that Zoro and Sanji are beating King and Queen, and Luffy's playing jump rope with Kaido. It's becoming clear that Oda is using Awakening(And Enma, and the symptoms of Sanji's body) to bring the Worst Generation to where they need to be in the story moving forward, which is fine since I like the story of One Piece. But from a power-scaling standpoint One Piece is pretty much a joke at this point. Since there are no training arcs in One Piece every time a character gets stronger it ALWAYS comes out of nowhere.
If Oda spent 500 chapters saying Character A is very powerful and Character B is nowhere near as powerful, and Oda needs Character B to beat Character A in 50 chapters for the sake of the story, he'll just give Character B powerup after powerup after powerup to make sure that happens. That's probably the worst thing about Oda's writing because he didn't have to make Character A that strong in the first place. Its also worse because instead of One Piece fans calling him out on that (like they do LITERALLY every other series) they instead act as if everything he does is good writing.