All this people complaining about Lance / Redon and the mods sound so stupid to me
you either sound like a childish and spoiled brat that wants everything to be the way and at the time you want
you sound like an addicted that has an empty and boring fucking life to the point you can't find anything better to do with your time than spend an entire week on this forum waiting for spoilers, getting mad at someone else for getting spoilers before you and not sharing
what will change if we get spoilers today or tuesday? fucking nothing
one way or the other you're gonna be able to read the chapter just fine when it comes and see the story at the right time anyway, you're guaranteed to see it
but throwing this much of a tantrum and attacking other people's characters because you don't get what you want at the time you want for free? shut up lmao
go watch or read something else, go masturbate or something
jesus fucking christ
this entire drama just because you want to read a few lines of text a few days early from the day you are
guaranteed to read it anyway