Who's the better troll?

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@Red Admiral @Seraphoenix @comrade

I think this chapter more or less confirms Shanks is the strongest emperor

Admirals aren't afraid to face Kaido or Big Mom or even both at the same time or even people who defeated Kaido and Big Mom all at the same time

Akainu had no fear of Old Whitebeard, he made Blackbeard and his entire crew shit themselves

Akainu was scared to fight Shanks
Green Bull is scared to fight Shanks
AdmiraLs literally shit their pants at the thought of Kaido & BM forming an alliance
Hilarious seing Kinyagi being the one getting shat on when it's my meltdown that is getting spread on social media :risitavirus:

Tbh, I think it’s just cuz I renamed myself. It’s a bigger offense than melting down.
Tis definitely the name change. Not a single Linlin fan snuck "Admiral" into their name even after their character got knocked over by Franky's motorcycle or tossed like a bowling ball by Robin.


𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
From redon:

By the way, there is a detail in the chapter that will bring controversy to certain people. If someone guesses it, I'll confirm it.
Kid sneaked out of the party to steal the Poneglyph but Shanks already did it and dipped.
it's hilarious to me how people unironically think that Kid will have relevancy after Wano

He will disappear after Wano and will be only shown reading newspaper just like Crocodile until the series ends
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