Who is the man with the burn mark?

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  1. Buggy
  2. Crocodile maybe with his old baroque works gang
  3. Mihawk maybe with his monkey 🗿
  4. Weevil? Why not + he hates bb
  5. Doflamingo? Depends if they went to impel down maybe saving bentham in the process
  6. Moria? Wouldn't surprise me if he said no to teach might be with perona. Would be badass if it motivates him to get stronger again
  7. Hancock? Idk
If they all team up together itd equal out to 7 previous shichibukai
  1. Kuma definitely no because he was saved by the revs but they could potentially have some pacifista
  2. Jinbe obviously not
  3. Teach obviously not
  4. Law obviously not
At least the explanation for Mihawk being a Warlord was just so that he can roam freely without caring about marines bothering him :josad:
For mIhawk's you gyz sure are very pessimistic

Employing Mihawk itself is a feat.. Mihawk ain't no regular to Joe depend on Buggy.. I'm pretty sure Buggy made a Deal with him and Mihawk was just found it to be a very pragmatic deal for himself
its either he was against Marines or with em.. there is no neutrality for him in this case.. which is why he may have taken up on buggy's deal.
Why did he flee his island huh? He got chased out and evicted by random marines. That's your hero? The Knee Bender. That's MIhawk's real epithet. If it isn't to the WG, it's to a literal clown. I've got to give admirals some credit. Even they wouldn't prostrate themselves like beggars seeking protection. Weak and fraudulent. MIhawk is being exposed for the cowardly, subordinate clown he's always been.
Or how about the fact that he casually left after wrecking the marines to be even more in public eye?


One thing we literally do know for a fact is that Mihawk does actively enjoy bullying fodder though. It's one of the few character traits he has
Nope, he doesn't

he was completely bored, i just re-read Baratie, go back and see his lines again

even when going after Krieg, he was still bored, he was trying to find someone interesting

he only ever had fun when he found someone he saw some value in, and that was Zoro
Lamest spoilers ever. Apart from buggy spoilers and Katakuri cover page, rest of the spoilers are lame. Oda.wasted 3 chapters on pointless admiral vs samurai wank instead of lore piece. Do we even get to know what inform was there on both poneglyphs shp stole from Bigmom and Kaidou?

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
I actually forgot that Carrot is 15 years old, I felt indifferent before avout her being a leader, but now I actually do mind lol, she aint even anything like Momo.
Lol exactly. She never even lead once in the manga and never had the slightest implication of being a leader. In Carrot introduction, Wanda was the one giving the orders and dropping expedition. On the why to WCI, it was Pedro making the decisions and in Wano, it was everyone but Carrot.


Lead them to paradise.
Mere lookout on a pirate ship

Queen of a whole country
And i dont get it, isn’t she like 15 yo? And doesn’t she have superiors like Pedros peers? How about that old monkey dude? Why is a 15 yo who’s weaker than older soldier minks randomly made to be the leader of the minks with no foreshadowing? Fanservice? Probably.
Crocodile is the best villain in the series until now imo...can't he have powerups to he point of being equal to an Admiral at least?
Imo, since they don't have too many heavy hitters, they should be:

Crocodile - YC1
Weevil - Pseudo Top Tier (based on Kizaru's hype)
Mihawk - Top Tier (have to have one to be able to fight other Yonko)

And Buggy's impel dowm recruits make up the manpower
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