Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1063 Spoilers Discussion

Who is the strongest of these 3(Zoro,Law and Kid)?

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When the likes of Doffy bully Law, imagine what King or Marco can do.
There is no such thing as Zoro agenda here, Zoro clowned all the WG peers on rooftop by showing they are 3rd rate fighters compared to him. :goyea:

Remember what Law said when stunned by Zoro's performance - H-how can he still fight after taking that attack that broke his bones?! :goyea:
You almost got me with the doffy bait

You are a certified master ~Nik san
huh? Dumbass how’s changing the terrain suggest, he can take on the commanders fool? The objective to win.

See u in 2 weeks Ztard should be fun either way
You said all commanders are ass to Law !
So what he can't spank some ass and fuck them if they are so weak ? So you are just an idiot who speak big but doesn't know shit lol.
As if BB and others aren't DF users who fight also on the sea. Can't Law just teleport the df guys who are ass to him in term of strength and haki into the sea and let them die ? :suresure:

See u, but don't hide yourself ! Because your guy gonna fight in 1 v 1 after so long without any plot armor and sneak attacks (my bad it's his fighting style right) against a non-nerfed opponent lmao.
I've just realized something

1) The cover story seems to take place during the Onigashima Raid as it started during the Luffy/Kaido battle

2) In chapter 1056 (which take places around 2 weeks after the raid) Kid says they are going to look for the man with the burn scar

3) Kid probably read in the newspapers that Kuzan attacked WCI and kidnapped Pudding and he is going to look for Kuzan because Pudding can read the poneglyphs he received

4) That would also mean Kuzan's connection to BB isn't known to the world


Kitetsu Wanker
Congratulations, Zoro is a bigger punching bag than Law.

Hell Jack probably has more endurance than both.
Jealousy for Zoro's performance is normal, Law was jealous too.
Cope and seethe. :goyea:

You almost got me with the doffy bait

You are a certified master ~Nik san
I wish it was a bait...
When the likes of Smoker bested Law in CQC, playing with big boys, in 1vs1, is too much for Law.

“Captain I don’t trust Kuzan”
“Give him time like Shiryu”

is something you say about someone you’ve been working with for 2 years.
who knows how much time you need to proof to be worthy in the BB crew, years aint far fetched, so he still could have taken place into Marco war.
We got confirmation that Aokiji was a member during Dressrosa (we dont know exactly when he joined), his fight against Akainu took also 2 years prior to punk hazard arc, so the guy left the navi at less 2 years ago.
During Zoo, Robin explain about BBvs Marco war (she said that happen 1years prior to Zoo) so there is a possibility that he was there:kayneshrug:

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I've just realized something

1) The cover story seems to take place during the Onigashima Raid as it started during the Luffy/Kaido battle

2) In chapter 1056 (which take places around 2 weeks after the raid) Kid says they are going to look for the man with the burn scar

3) Kid probably read in the newspapers that Kuzan attacked WCI and kidnapped Pudding and he is going to look for Kuzan because Pudding can read the poneglyphs he received

4) That would also mean Kuzan's connection to BB isn't known to the world
In punk hazard the G5 marines/Smoker and doffy only knew rumours about kuzan so yea it isn't that well known
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