What are these loop holes.
At one hand oda tells us strong haki negates Devil fruit. On the other hand Luffy get turns into a child.

He is consistently inconsistent. He's doing a lot of improv and thus abusing plot convenience and it shows more so now than it ever did.
Haki was supposed to fix and stabilise one piece not make it worse.
But haki is nowhere near as bad as certain DFs especially post TS and recently too.
Oda is just doing whatever he likes amd convenient for him and the narrative. He even said he doesn't care what we think lately, just writing for fun/his own entertainment or value or whatever.
Why didn't Law show haki usage before? It this how he fucked up Vergo too then? His haki growth must have been amazing post Vergo, Doffy and then Yonkos too.
I've always felt Doffy almost killing I'm should have made him awaken his DF too and I'm glad he has too now, however and whenever it happened too.
Trying to make sense of and add logic to this deliberately nonsensical and inconsistent series is a nightmare though.
There was a post on Piratefolk wondering how Bonney speed blitzed, kicked and apparently hurt post awakening Sun God Nika Pirate Jesus Joyboy Yonko Luffy and they joked she had really sharp shoes or just used haki or something else I forgot lol.
She had to touch people to transform them and thus why she didnt get to age up or de-age Bullet too, not even due to his haki being too strong instead either, like Law saying Kaido and BM had too strong haki for him to use Shambles on them lol...
If she can age or de-age you without touching you, that is too fucking broken indeed. Boas and Sugars fruits were far too broken, even Big Moms too but Boas having almost permanent petrification (can only be reversed by her if she's still alive apparently) is too fucking broken, especially if she's not awakened too.
I love DFs but this is fucking absurdity in the worst way. Haki feels like it's better written and more grounded and stable now, although Shanks haki moment was a little ridiculous but still fair as he's a Yonko and the haki god/hakiman ofc lmao.